Sentences with phrase «need for rules»

As I said above, writers tend to have this fantastic need for rules.
«Whether it's an international transaction or a transaction coming in through mobile, in the short future those transactions can be done in a fully - automated way without the need for rules or the need for manual review.»
The Reagan tax reform simplified the code by eliminating the need for rules distinguishing ordinary and capital gains income, because these were taxed at the same rate, and by doing away with industry - specific shelter provisions.
The Church of the New Evangelization affirms the need for rules — for canon law — while understanding that too narrow a focus on the canonical boundaries of membership obscures both real problems of Catholic identity and their possible solutions.
Where is the treatment of the ethical imperative on Mexico's bishops to enlighten the Mexican Catholic elites on the need for rule of law, property rights, limited government, and the moral role of private capital in promoting a just society south of the border?
A multitude of creative agents implies the need for the rule of one.
A multiplicity of creative agents implies the need for the rule of one.
Furthermore, specific predictor scales, including those assessing «variety seeking», «self - discipline» and «need for rules» enhance prognosis.
The phylosphy of free running known as être et durer («to be and to last») is a wonderful concept and for me one of the most impressive aspects of parkour is the idea of relying on nothing more than your own body, skill and intelligence to get from point A to point B in the most artistic athletic and brave way possible and without the need for rules or spectators so that you become totally free.
Because his sanity is askew, there is no need for rules, and he has nothing to lose.
Starting with Danny Boyle's «The Beach,» based on his novel, and continuing through two more collaborations with Boyle, «28 Days Later» and «Sunshine» and the remake of «Judge Dredd,» Garland has demonstrated great interest in the organization of society, the tension between the need for rules and the abuse of authority, and the way that gender roles handed down over thousands of years can poison otherwise pure relationships.
The unpredictability of the market facilitates the need for this rule.
In short, the employer must demonstrate that «the need for the rule outweighs the harmful impact on employees» privacy rights».
How prepared are you to provide outside counsel with what is needed for the Rule 26 conference to discuss electronic data in an efficient and cost - effective manner?
Thus, an employer can impose a rule with disciplinary consequences, only if the need for the rule outweighs the harmful impact on the employees» privacy rights.
The letter raises questions about the proposed rule, specifically whether or not the EPA has developed a rule to identify «dangerous levels of lead» in public and commercial buildings, what the target population is that the rule is meant to protect, whether the need for the rule is supported by academic studies, and what steps the EPA has taken to get input from the GAO, Architect of the Capitol, and other federal departments on their renovation and remodeling activities.
Those who rationalize against the need for rules and regulations are typically the one's who need them the most, because they tend to believe they are above such things — as you've kindly reinforced for me — they tend to believe their own myth.
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