Sentences with phrase «need for words»

And all you really need for word of mouth marketing is a book worthy of sharing, and a way to get it into the hands of the people who will spread the word.
Gather all the sound cards needed for those word families (refer to the word list).
You can build a resume from scratch using word processing software, such as Microsoft Word or Corel WordPerfect, or use a template prepackaged with the software to make a professional resume with a minimal need for word processing skills.
What we have seen and experienced during this year's hunting and gathering is so radical that we are in desperate need for words other than minivan, sport - utility, and even pickup truck to categorize the innovative vehicles coming downstream.
Educators have long seen a need for portable devices that have enough power to accommodate students» needs for word processing and research on the Internet's World Wide Web, yet which are available at prices much lower than those of current portable computers.
They saw the need for the Word of Yahweh in their nation, and they declared the unvarnished truth.
You see, sometimes in life, there are moments when there really are no need for words.
I have been told child number 2 doesn't learn to speak as soon as the first, simple reason being there are more people around to answer to the grunts and points that they give, there is no need for words.
For that one little moment we are quiet together, no need for words or song.
You've met someone like this, haven't you — the smug, holier - than - thou types who create the need for words like «eco-guilt?»
If you multiply the differences in meaning within word classes, with the need for every word class, you find a magnificent Zipfian distribution.
As long as you are happy in the sugar daddy and sugar baby relationship there shouldn't be any need for their words to mean anything.
Freeman's face tells the story, there's no need for words.
Since then, I feel less and less the need for words to accompany the process of my work, and more engaged with how the unconscious functions without them.
Reflecting upon his works» intense sense of objecthood, Burri explained that «I have no need for words when I try to express my ideas about my painting.
She explains: «Without the need for words, Where The World Ends describes physical and mental boundaries as well as their abolition.
On 14 April 2016, US presidential candidate Bernie Sanders spoke out about the need for a Word War Two - scale climate mobilisation to resounding cheers during the New York debate with Hillary Clinton, broadcasted live to the American people on CNN.
'' Right - click to download the audio file (MP3) On 14 April 2016, US presidential candidate Bernie Sanders spoke out about the need for a Word War Two - scale climate mobilisation to resounding cheers during the New York debate with Hillary Clinton, broadcasted live to the American people on CNN.
Exploring what feels too difficult to put into «sensible words» is made possible by providing other means of communicating, beyond the need for words and rationalisations.
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