Sentences with phrase «need handholding»

You want a mix of both tech - savvy agents and some who need handholding.
Early adopters, such as Brown, say clients who are unfamiliar with e-signatures need some handholding to get started.
«People need that handholding; they want the dialogue.
The campaigns are weak, units constantly need handholding, and keeping track of your forces is quite a task.
We don't need the handholding that vanity presses offer.
They need handholding, advice, more classes, and fewer remedial courses.
If you need some handholding with your dating, we help singles create their Irresistible online dating profiles.
Experienced (read, large volume) ad buyers don't need handholding.
Jason, in his early 20s, needed handholding to fill out his financial - aid form.

Not exact matches

For example, the cluster worked with students still in graduate school, who needed a lot of handholding to turn their ideas into businesses — everything from learning how to pitch investors to building their first websites.
Custards and ice cream bases aren't hard to make — they just need a little handholding to keep the eggs in them from scrambling.
She also offers one - on - one vegan coaching to those who need more guidance and handholding.
If you need some extra handholding, I will work with you privately to create an irresistible online dating profile, complete with a catchy screen name so you can stand out in the crowded digital playing field.
The standard tutorial handholding is quick to take its leave, and you'll soon discover the need to explore uncharted territories to find new story missions, as they aren't all presented on a platter.
In other words, provide funding for teachers successful in using technology to either work full - time or part - time assisting other teachers who want to use technology, but need training handholding, or just an extra set of hands, ears, and eyes while students do a project.»
Whether you're sitting up front or in the backseat of the Wildcat ™ 4, the handhold is there where you need it.
So keep this in mind if these things are important to you and / or you're the kind of author who needs a little extra handholding.
It's unlikely (unless you're an experienced writer or editor yourself) that your book, which has not had the handholding of a traditional publishing house as it's developed, will need only one.
Sure, you usually have to have a USB cord and you might have to use the suckiest software developed by man (Adobe thingymajig), but once learned (and your library will gladly handhold anyone through the process — multiple times if need be), I just don't get how those steps equal 120 bucks.
If you want / need a lot of handholding, you may want to go with a human financial advisor, and pay a bit more.
I can understand if other games don't need the second circle pad; but pretty much any game will benefit from having a more comfortable handhold and bigger buttons».
A client who has never dealt with the legal system may need more handholding than a sophisticated one.
«Clever, responsive and good with clients who need a great deal of handholding», Anthony Misquitta of Keystone Law comes highly recommended, particularly in the IP commercialisation space.
If you need extra handholding, you'll be better off with an agent who only works with a small clientele at a time.
Someone with critical thinking skills can be trusted to make decisions on his or her own and does not need constant handholding.
By possessing this characteristic, they cut down on the handholding the employer needs to have with them.
Many teenagers right themselves after learning a few painful lessons, but most will need some special handholding during this sensitive development stage.
Love Touches: Hardwired, Divinely Inspired (Part 1 of 5) God, Humans and the Need for Connection Handholding vs Technology — The mental and emotional effects of human touches and excessive technology use on the brain.
These borrowers likely need the least handholding; and put more value in competitive rates and points.
Often clients need reassuring in the form of handholding.
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