Sentences with phrase «need immediate access to funds»

If you don't need immediate access to your funds, you could benefit from building a CD ladder.
But more financial editors recommend title loans than most other types of loans for borrowers who need immediate access to funds.
A certificate account is an excellent insured investment opportunity for anyone looking to grow their savings and are a great choice if you do not need immediate access to your funds, are willing to invest for longer periods to obtain higher rates of return, and are looking for a risk - free way to invest.

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Because they provide quick funding and point - of - sale access for a variety of business needs, credit cards are a popular way for entrepreneurs to fund immediate business expenses.
This gave their business the immediate capital they needed now along with the ability to access funds in the future, as their business grew.
«If Biner finds that he needs to access his TFSA funds for more immediate goals — higher housing expenses, for kids» expenses if he has a family, a job change where he is no longer part of the DBPP — then at that time he should re-exmine his investments with these new goals in mind,» says Heath.
With this option you will have immediate access to funds and there is usually no repayment needed.
A line of credit provides immediate access to funds, as you need them.
If you have access to your funds with 14 days of needing them, and have a credit card to buffer the immediate cash problem, then the issue of easy access is moot, while managing a higher rate of interest in the «TFIA» (Investment Account vs Savings Account) will be much more effective than putting your extra money into a cash account that barely matches inflation.
For another, you may need to access your emergency fund in a hurry to cover a medical bill, keep you afloat while you look for a new job or pay for immediate car or home repairs.
«So companies that need to fund development or redevelopment or other growth opportunities have been doing so by accessing their lines of credit as an immediate source of capital,» says Marks.
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