Sentences with phrase «need immediate relief»

While flea shampoo for cats, cat flea and tick collars, cat flea sprays and wipes can kill fleas and ticks, your cat may need immediate relief.
For cases of infestations, or when pets are allergic to flea bites and need immediate relief, newer products using fipronil (marketed as Frontline ® or TopspotTM) or imidacloprid (marketed as Advantage ®) are safer and effective.
You can pick a low monthly payment if you need immediate relief.
Low doses of prescription medications, including antidepressants, can help relieve hot flashes in overweight women who need immediate relief, Dr. Nachtigall says, as can hormone therapy, which replaces estrogen and other hormones that decline during menopause.
For moms who aren't in excruciating pain and need immediate relief, DIY ways to ease nipple pain are often the simplest methods to alleviating discomfort.
Some people say that herbal medicines, exercise and dietary supplements may help alleviate symptoms, but many women need immediate relief in order to continue breastfeeding successfully.
It's a well - known fact that many cats aren't a fan of baths, but a flea bath is an important step if your cat needs immediate relief from a major flea infestation.
Consequently, clinicians often prescribe benzodiazepines when the patient needs immediate relief of symptoms such as flight phobia.

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The goal of the UNIDOS Disaster Relief and Recovery Program is to serve the immediate and long - term needs of families and communities in Puerto Rico.
Funds are disbursed to organizations and initiatives that are driving critical work on the frontlines to meet immediate relief needs and organizing for the building of an equitable Puerto Rico.
Several of GlobalGiving's local nonprofit partners are responding to survivors» immediate needs and have asked us to help fund their relief and recovery efforts on the ground.
Flying a planeload of supplies to Ja - pan without a concrete plan to unload them will likely mean that the supplies will not get to those that need them as soon as they could have, and will likely add more immediate stress to the relief effort.
Empire State Development President, CEO & Commissioner Howard Zemsky said, «With battered buildings and flooded neighborhoods up and down the Lake Ontario shoreline, it's clear that immediate relief is needed.
As I did, you're getting that immediate relief of some joint pain, so that's a good indication you've found something suitable to your needs.
Chances are you'll need to do this several times throughout the day for consistent relief, but the effects really are immediate and the cold compression is very effective.
NSBA urges Congress to take immediate action to mitigate the effects of the U.S. Department of Labor recently approved overtime regulations and immediately pass legislation that will provide much needed relief to local school boards members in meeting the new rule requirements.
You would need to wait long enough so that your average income over the past six months makes you eligible, but you might want to file on the very day you are eligible if you need immediate bankruptcy relief.
Golden Financial Services, a San Diego based debt relief company, is looking to fill an immediate need with the addition of a new Sales Executive Assistant.
While flea & tick prevention is the key to successfully controlling the health risks associated with infection, you may find the need for immediate relief.
LifeLine Crisis Relief: When an unexpected personal disaster affects a family, LifeLine Crisis Relief grants can provide financial assistance to help families provide for their pets» immediate needs.
Based on the immediate needs that have been identified through the relief organizations, Phillips Pet Food and Supplies will be donating Dream Crates wire crates to help in the safe transportation of rescued and stray companion animals.
All proceeds will go to the MariaFund, which provides immediate relief to Puerto Rican communities in need, and El Serrucho, an emergency grant program that supports artists and cultural workers on the island.
Ensure that there is wording to allow either party to move directly to court or arbitration, if there is a need for immediate legal relief.
He has a thorough knowledge of all aspects of procedure for judicial review, including where urgent and immediate relief is needed from the Court.
Restoring the pre-1998 legal status of student loans in bankruptcy, Congress can provide immediate student loan relief to borrowers who need it — with safeguards already in place to prevent abuse.
It was in response to this need for immediate relief that I developed The Imago Marriage Intensive Program that I have successfully used with hundreds of couples as a Marriage and Family Therapist.
The donations help provide immediate relief such as cots, blankets, family reunification and financial assistance for food, clothing and personal needs.
There's no need to put your house on the market or list it with an agent, and there is no fee or commission, just immediate relief.
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