Sentences with phrase «need more happiness»

Those sinking in sugar need more happiness and laughter.
The world most definitely needs more happiness, and it is always so interesting to learn all of the different things that bring happiness to others.

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This means tech leaders need to be adamant about finding data - driven ways to assess employee engagement and happiness so they can pay more attention to high - potential yet restless employees.
The following statistic alone should make all employers more interested in boosting bliss: Truly cheerful employees spend about 80 % of their time at work doing what they're there to do (even happy people need an Instagram break); the least content spend only 40 % of their day on job - related activities, according to a survey by workplace happiness consultant and author Jessica Pryce - Jones.
And Locke and Rousseau do agree, after all, that the consequence of satisfying one human need is to create another and more difficult need to satisfy, and so people become increasingly rational and industrious in their increasingly Historical pursuits of happiness.
We need not go so far as to say with the author whom I lately quoted that any persistent enthusiasm is, as such, religion, nor need we call mere laughter a religious exercise; but we must admit that any persistent enjoyment may produce the sort of religion which consists in a grateful admiration of the gift of so happy an existence; and we must also acknowledge that the more complex ways of experiencing religion are new manners of producing happiness, wonderful inner paths to a supernatural kind of happiness, when the first gift of natural existence is unhappy, as it so often proves itself to be.
In just three short weeks I have reached a point when I have NOT needed to use ANY supplements or pain killers and am experiencing more movements that still make me want to cry, only this time it is with relief and happiness.
and yes after 50 we are ambivalent to the brainwashing that happiness comes in the form of a male or a soulmate... to the superficial men who claim they settled because a woman has more curves than they prefer...... I assure you it is s h e who settled and you do nt deserve a mother Goddess... what you need is a blow up doll or an escort service to fulfill your fantasy woman ideals.
If all he needs is one truck to have fun, it is ridiculous to think that his brother having more robs him of his chance for happiness.
I notice that when I try to arrange our house to suit my children's needs we all go through the day with more ease and happiness.
They were asked to give their feelings about what was more difficult working or being a parent; whether the needs of a child should always be paramount, whether parental happiness was dependent upon children and so on.
«The husband needs from the woman softness instead of hardness, so happiness instead of anger, being more compliant and less dictatorial.
In my quest to make the NICU a bit more bearable for parents, I need to share with you a key ingredient to NICU happiness...
Now, more than ever, we desperately need to put meaning back in our lives, to reconnect with feelings of ease and happiness instead of constant stress, confusion and dissatisfaction.
Here are a few more questions: Were you led to believe that ignoring your own needs and taking care of others» needs would lead to happiness and fulfillment?
Free spirits know that happiness is more important than coloring inside the lines, and we need more unconventional people to challenge society's norms.
Now, more than ever, we desperately need to put meaning back in our lives, to reconnect with feelings of ease and happiness instead of constant...
Also, please remember those who are old, lonely or not as fortunate as you are so open your heart and in this time of the year bring happiness to others who need attention and good deed now more than ever.
Though it is true that no single should define their happiness by their relationship status, it is completely okay to want, not need, a relationship for the right reasons — to add more value to your life and to maximize your existing happiness with who you are and where you're heading in life.
Remember, what you need is just fun and happiness as over 50 and go for that nothing more.
We believe in beauty in nature, that we need to #dropthemumguilt & love our children more than the latest trends, in your home being perfect the way you want it, family, love, spending time with each other, blending old with new, doing it yourself, sustainability, health and happiness.
If you have questions of your own or need more Design your life to include more money, health and happiness with less stuff, space and energy.
It's full of the Simple Secrets you need to learn to dance the along the fine line between better health and more happiness.
I imagine that without intending to necessarily, but just satisfying their own needs to see more of the world, my parents paved the way for me to associate travel with happiness and discovery.
I look back now on the adamant happiness with which the first Jacob book needed to be presented, and I'm even more impressed with Bransford than before for pulling off that project in such circumstances.
I think the book industry (and not just Amazon) needs to spend a lot more time and energy trying to deliver reader happiness.
So long as you have enough money to cover your basic needs, most retirees find that having more money has little effect on happiness.
The better we know you and the more we understand your pet's needs, the more personalized and effective a health care plan we can develop and implement, bettering the chances of helping your pet enjoy many years of health and happiness.
Exercise, mental stimulation, grooming needs, flea and tick prevention / repellents, training, veterinary care, toys and more all play a huge part in our animals health and happiness. Susan's «I'm Covered» Story: The freedom to change jobs or start a business One Woman Shop: Digital Nomad Profile: Susan Shain of Travel Junkette PointsAway: PointsAway Q&A with Travel Junkette Romancing the Planet: Interview — Susan Shain of; What Happiness Means to You The Professional Hobo: A Week - In - The - Life of Susan, Travel Junkette, in Nicaragua UChic: Need More Adventure in Your Life?
Sure, a Business Class seat would be more comfortable than any Economy Class seat I book (even if it's a Virgin Atlantic Business Class seat) but, as I don't need to sleep, having a Business Class seat isn't crucial to my happiness.
In order to get your money they need you to be happy and wanting more, so partly they care for your happiness, but not for the same reasons you do.
Just become more disciplined and avoid it for personal use — you don't need the dopamine hit when someone likes your latest Instagram post; you can live without that happiness boost until downtime.
Fortunately for my antipodes this meant trying on my radical views: we need to extract no more than the carrying capacity of the earth (its solar flux, plus material reserves), invest in efficiency (not more generation), value happiness enabled through personal connections and experiences, not purchases, and still hold a goal of bringing health and basic support to the entire planet.
Written by Australian lawyer Clarissa Rayward, Happy Lawyer, Happy Life will give you the tools you need to make the best of your career in the law and, perhaps more importantly, find happiness in your life.
It's full of the Simple Secrets you need to learn to dance the along the fine line between better health and more happiness.
We believe in beauty in nature, that we need to #dropthemumguilt & love our children more than the latest trends, in your home being perfect the way you want it, family, love, spending time with each other, blending old with new, doing it yourself, sustainability, health and happiness.
Fight Less Love More makes the considerable task of improving your relationship astonishingly simple, and gives couples the tools they need to create their own happiness
Some need help healing old wounds and creating more peace and happiness in their lives.
It's full of the Simple Secrets you need to learn to dance the along the fine line between better health and more happiness.
We believe in beauty in nature, that we need to #dropthemumguilt & love our children more than the latest trends, in your home being perfect the way you want it, family, love, spending time with each other, blending old with new, doing it yourself, sustainability, health and happiness.
Tapping in to your personal needs, understanding your partner's needs, and learning to compromise can lead to more harmony, balance, and happiness in a relationship.
Parents are obliged to provide food, clothing, shelter, education, and healthcare for their children; these things are needs that are the foundation upon which success is built, but there is one more essential part of the foundation: happiness.
Whether you could benefit from periodic sessions with Laurie Grengs about minor issues that are holding you back from maximizing your happiness, or if you are in more chronic or acute difficulty and need a qualified therapist to help you with depression, social anxiety, low self - esteem, anger management, family counseling issues, or myriad other psychological issues, Laurie Grengs will offer you the many benefits of her professional training.
Which is more important, finding a way to make our marriage work or finding our individual personal happiness and getting our individual personal needs met?
Learn more about seven key needs we all have, and how these needs impact satisfaction and happiness in a marriage or love relationship.
Im going to get to work on it, it's such a fun way to find happiness and spread love, which is what this world needs more of.
In today's world, we all need to be surrounded by more Happiness and Whimsy!
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