Sentences with phrase «need of a paradigm shift»

She is passionate about raising awareness for the need of a paradigm shift...

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Urbaniak says historically, many of women's needs, desires and ideas have remained hidden and unspoken, so that people could feel «less troublesome and more approved of,» but she argues that paradigm is one in need of a big shift.
When I say we need to shift our mental paradigm back to that Culture of Enough, I'm talking about doing the math on what you actually
When I say we need to shift our mental paradigm back to that Culture of Enough, I'm talking about doing the math on what you actually need to be happy.
Jonathan Bernstein, the president of Bernstein Crisis Management, said Uber needed a total «paradigm shift» soon or it would end up on the wrong side of Silicon Valley's own Hobbesian jungle.
Not to confuse the psychological issues with the separation of church and state, we obviously need to keep religious interference and favoritism to a minimum in government, while shifting the societal paradigm to discourage fervent religiosity while fostering evolved secular morals and ethics.
Don't get me wrong, lots of good has happened through crusade type events but maybe the paradigm needs to shift if we are going to meet the challenges of our post-modern world.
To answer this we need to consider some other developments one, paradigm shift in theological thinking and two, a new understanding of the nature of pedagogy itself.
And, whether they label their art as «Christian» or not, artists need the support of the Christian community, not its derision when they dare to shift our paradigm regarding the aesthetics of art.
In addition, a minimalist religious naturalism with a pluralistic emphasis and a prophetic principle can provide a helpful sense of the plurality of values and a critical readiness to undergo paradigm shifts, both of which are needed in facing our ever - growing eco-crisis.
We turn also to the power of a religious naturalism that emphasizes both the continuing transcendence of challenging ideals and the relative transcendence of surpassing resources to give us the challenge and the empowerment to undergo the drastic paradigm shifts which may be needed as we face our exponentially worsening ecological crisis.
Mr Quispe added, «a paradigm shift is needed in order to prioritize local markets, so that non-toxic, fresh, healthy and affordable food gets to where the majority of the world's hungry live - in rural areas.»
We need a paradigm shift of doctors willing to look at research by Dr Lustig, Harvard University's Dr Willet and emory university's sugar = heart disease study
«This paradigm shift needs to be evaluated further to help prevent overuse injuries in kids from the beginning of the season when most issues arise.»
When introducing her talk, Professor Jan Zielonka highlighted the fundamental issues: established parties have lost ground everywhere, while the new parties disagree on everything except their dislike of Europe; power has shifted from Brussels to Frankfurt and Berlin, yet Germany is unwilling to assume its hegemonic role in the continent; Europe's elite are totally out of touch with its citizens; and we need a new paradigm for Europe, including a theory of disintegration.
To halt and reverse the current rate of land degradation, there is an urgent need for a paradigm shift in land stewardship from «degrade - abandon - migrate» to «restore - sustain - protect».
Collinge admitted that more research needs to be done to fully understand how important a pathway the amyloid seeds might be in contributing to Alzheimer's, but that the latest results highlight «the growing paradigm shift in understanding that neurodegenerative disease [like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's] may be all about accumulation of [prion] seeds.»
A paradigm shift needs to occur in our treatment and training of runners from the inside out and 360 degrees surrounding the core.
If that sounds a bit too convenient, it's because the paradigm shift is a core part of FFXIII's battle system, and you'll need to make good use of it to beat your enemies strategically.
Though I am not yet sure what role I will play in shifting paradigms, I am heartened by the growing awareness of the need for trauma - sensitive schools and urgency for addressing inequities.
One of the major shifts in mindset and practice that needs to occur if we are to build agile, responsive, and high - performing workforces is the evolution from learn - then - work (the training paradigm) to learn - from - work (the performance paradigm).
Randomized testing and systems like the Nationalized Assessment of Educational Progress are part of a paradigm shift that may be necessary to really put our students» needs at the forefront.
Restorative justice represents «a paradigm shift in the way Americans conceptualize and administer punishment,» says author Maisha T. Winn, from a focus on crime to a focus on harm, including the needs of both those who were harmed and those who caused it.
Those who understand this paradigm shift can make every possible effort to cater to the custom needs of learners and make a difference in their lives.
What is needed, now more than ever, is a paradigm shift in what this country's leaders recognize as the skill - set of thinking and learning processes requisite for success in the 21st century.
It calls for a paradigm shift that is required in the law: the student (if appropriate), special and general education teachers, parents, a district representative, and representatives of other agencies necessary to best serve the student's needs are required to take part in the student's educational planning, with improved learning in the general education curriculum as a goal.
But more consolidation is still in front of them, and perhaps the radical paradigm - shifting initiatives need to wait until that job is really done.
If I'm damaged by my enemy and need to redo my strategy mid-battle, I can instantly use the Paradigm Shift system to load a different set of preset classes for my characters.
We do need a paradigm shift — that's the only thing Killian has right — but my model is the only one with a chance of working to achieve that goal.
What we need is a paradigm shift away from our current economic model of continuos economic growth.
Now we just need the rest of the country to make the paradigm shift of «shipping electrons instead of shipping coal» to boil water, produce electricity and keep our economy running.
Mary Christina Wood, Advancing the Sovereign Trust of Government to Safeguard the Environment for Present and Future Generations (Part I): Ecological Realism and the Need for a Paradigm Shift, 39 Envtl.
Does the discipline of economics not have a way of addressing the need for a radical shift in paradigm in response to a looming and, indeed, an unfolding crisis?
In combination with new approaches to grassroots advocacy and election campaigns, a complementary paradigm for climate advocacy is needed to shift our focus toward a broader portfolio of smaller scale policy actions and to the promotion of a more diverse array of technological options.
However, that is only part of the task; the GCF also aims to achieve a paradigm shift in climate finance, reduce fragmentation, scale - up overall finance to cover unmet needs, and integrate climate and development planning.
Business today is digital, which needs data to flow easily and almost anywhere, forcing a paradigm shift away from the traditional notion of borders toward a borderless world — at least as far as commerce is concerned.
The profession rejected this strictly «formalist» approach to teaching writing processes as inadequate preparation for independent legal writing and analysis.44 The shift away from models in legal writing instruction accompanied a shift to teaching students to write from the social perspective.45 The social perspective integrates into writing processes an understanding of the purposes for which a particular document is written, the identities of its audiences, and the needs of those audiences.46 Part of the New Rhetoric evaluates students» work, in part, by how well it fulfills the audiences» needs.47 The difficulty for the first - year law student in this paradigm for learning analysis and writing processes is that she does not know the audience for her first legal writing projects, and she has no basis for comprehending the audience's needs.
We forgot the basic rule of paradigm shifts: «those who have done best under the old, wrong, paradigms are the last to see the need to change» So, 5 - 6 years ago I gave up preaching our new model.
Talking with... Woody Mosten, Part 2 Woody and carl Michael talk about educating the public vs. teaching our colleagues about Collaborative Practice and the depths to which that public education can go, even toward preventing conflict; and Woody shares a bit about his own journey into Peacemaking, how the paradigm shift manifests, and about various expansions to meet clients needs while still remaining focused on peace, including incorporating litigation consultants and talk of potential outcomes in court.
In addition to more manageable and sustainable efforts by more people, we need to consider what kind of paradigm shift is needed.
[18] In other words, there needs to be a further paradigm shift towards more clinically - based legal training opportunities for students, placing practical knowledge on more of an equal footing with theoretical knowledge.
Mr. Martindale echoed the paradigm shifting nature of these changes, stating, «These (blockchain) changes are exponential, we need to re-evaluate everything at a deep level, if you can sign with a private key then no authority can take that (capability) away from you.»
The features of OmiseGO, however, are capable of making the much - needed paradigm shift.
In this post I'm going to describe the paradigm shift that needs to occur to solve the pathology of «parental alienation.»
The Morgan Disney report is clear in the need for this paradigm shift to be led by senior elements of the Indigenous affairs bureaucracy.
In those raw early days of discovery or disclosure, a partner needs support and understanding before she (or he) can make the paradigm shift to focusing on self instead of on the addict.
«Introducing a single Act would create a whole - of - system «paradigm shift,» resulting in a trauma - informed, therapeutic approach that prioritises the needs of children, young people and their families, and addresses over-incarcertaion of Indigenous youth.»
The intention of this short paper is to stimulate the family dispute resolution field to recognize the need for a cultural shift — a paradigm shift away from the court - centered system and into a more community - centred entry point with holistic programs.
In fact, for most participants in PAIRS classes, the paradigm shift that takes place as they come to recognize bonding as a biologically - based need and the logic of the emotion of love quite simply as the logic of pleasure and pain is likely the single most important discovery in the program.
This would require a paradigm shift in what CREA does as a national body, but it would be a change that would satisfy an ever evolving industry that needs the freedom of change to grow.
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