Sentences with phrase «need organized religion»

I don't need organized religion to guide me.
It's just that you don't need organized religion to believe in these principles.
We don't need an organized religion, just God.
After all, a person can worship in privacy, but he / she needs organized religion to be told whom to hate.

Not exact matches

As for the argument that we should look to our churches... the BILLIONS spent by organized religion to build exorbitant places of worship (Jesus preached in open fields and I'm confident that God hears MY prayers in the privacy of my home) and the building of health clinics in third world countries would help a lot — but they are not inclined to help those in need HERE!
I don't believe in organized religion, and I don't need to.
Also, I love the cartoons in general — they are a much - needed loving criticism of institutionalized / organized religion.
You tell us non-believers we are haters, well the truth be told if your looking for haters you need not look any further than organized religion.
Kimster a large majority of help to those in need comes from ORGANIZED religion.
Americans don't need a bible (or other text) lesson, but they could use a history lesson on just how some organized religions came to be, and how they took hold.
America is progressing forwards, and hopefully will soon join China and Europe in having a spiritual populace with no need for organized religion, which is a relic of a darker past.
So what you're saying is organized religion changes reality to fit its needs.
The reason atheists need to organize is precisely because of the involvement of religion in politics!
Regardless of what any of the Founding Fathers believed about organized religion, they felt that our rights were «God» given, in the sense that they proceeded from Natural Law and existed a-priori, with no need of proof or precedent.
We, as atheists, are not an organized religion and we need to stop acting like it.
«2 Somehow we must continually revitalize the educational establishment, organized religion, and community agencies so that they respond to changing human needs — becoming (in John Gardner's words) «self - renewing institutions.»
Someone needs to inform this fellow that his church is apart of organized religion or Christendom.
Justin Bieber is emblematic of a larger culture of Americans who think that we don't need worship, organized religion, or church.
On one hand, organized religion needs to find expression in practical social services and should encourage the development of these parachurch activities.
I don't personally believe in organized religion, but this is what religion is meant to do - to comfort those in times of need.
Thankfully, I had to be around a lot of arrogant religous fools (like you) when I was young and that provided all the evidence I need... organized religion is the greatest scam ever perpetrated on mankind and is the root of most evil.
I gave up on organized religion a long time ago because True Faith does not include the need for someone else to tell me how to have a spiritual relationship with the Divine in all of us....
We need to either ban all weapons or ban all organized religions to have any semblance of peace.
It means that there will always be a need within organized religions, and in spite of organized religions, for the heretical and the heterodox, always a need for people like me to close their remarks and listen carefully to what others have to say.
This is an important trend, and we need more and not less experimentation on these matters of the ministry, for we are well into the opening phase of the breakdown of organized religion in American life, well beyond the time when ecumenical dialogues or denominational mergers can be expected to arrest the breakdown.
If Christianity isn't a religion, why do we need organized, religious meetings?
i think someone seriously needs to organize an atheist political movement... if these discussions on religion on the internets are any indicator, i feel its time to bring it out in the open.
I give thanks to all those that are escaping the chains of organized religions, you do not need a temple, church, priest, imam, deity, etc. of any kind to enjoy the wonders of our earth and universe.
We need a category called «seekers, for those like me who reject mainstream organized religion but continue to «seek» understanding.
For those of you who may not know I was born and raised in a muslim family while, I no longer feel the need to belong to an organized religion, I have always respected and stood up for all faiths including Islam.
For all practical purposes, «carbon» fills a religious need for the same folks who ridicule organized religion.
The orthodox organized religion of global warming and its disastrous consequences for our freedom of speech, freedom of mobility and our right to remain outside of the system, needs to be questioned on the foundational basis that the phenomenon is solar - system wide and it is mainly caused by the natural evolution of the sun and not human activity.
These are the same people that organize home owners associations, or religions, they just have a sick need to try and control others rights to live their lives the way they want to.
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