Sentences with phrase «need specific amounts»

Newborn babies and young infants need specific amounts of energy, protein, carbohydrates, fat, electrolytes, minerals, and vitamins.
In this way, business owners can get funding from $ 5,000 — $ 500,000 in as fast as one business day without needing a specific amount of real estate, inventory or other hard assets; and without needing to have their specific assets appraised and valued.
Always vary your Workouts Doing set after set with for more than an hour is usually a waste of time and effort but your body will only need a specific amount of exercise in order to stimulate growth, after that the results will diminish.
Unfortunately, Surgel needs a specific amount of sugar to set (more then I would like).
Do I need a specific amount of these supplements?
Considering that you need a specific amount of gold stars to get to the next level of maps, you most likely need to average 2 stars for each board played.
At times you need to gain two stars to unlock levels that needs a specific amount of stars.

Not exact matches

«People get anchored to a specific amount, but you need to review it and make corrections occasionally,» says Steve Lowrie of Lowrie Financial in Toronto.
With an overwhelming amount of data flooding into the organization each second, the company needed to find a way to identify and react to specific patterns — «like a certain number of dropped calls in a certain amount of time for a certain kind of customer» — that suggested a customer was about to bolt.
Hence in order to qualify, you will need to hold the minimum amount of Ether at that specific block.
Loans are great if you are looking to borrow one lump sum, but if you prefer to choose a specific amount when you need it, lines of credit may be a better option.
Your registered users or unregistered visitors will need to send you a set amount of cryptocoins for access to your website's specific pages & videos during a specific time.
I think mary jane needs to be legalized not necessarily because of the hypocrisy and that we should have the «freedom» as much as the windfall of cash from growing it, selling it and taxing it, the medicinal properties it can be used for, the huge amount of space available in prisons that would open up and house criminals doing really bad things instead beng caught with a pound of a specific plant.
«The benefits of probiotics are strain specific, which means formulators need to look at the clinical studies supporting the exact probiotic strain used to determine what benefits to claim, and ensure inclusion rates through the end of shelf life to support these amounts,» Bush says.
The Australian Beverages Council resolved to voluntarily adopt additional labelling commitments to assist consumers in selecting the appropriate beverage to suit their specific dietary needs and to help them calculate the total amount of energy that they are consuming
Your baby needs his milk or food to be within a very specific temperature range, and that means you need to warm it up a precise amount of time before your baby starts to feel hungry.
If you're going to be separated from your nursling and want to maintain your milk supply while you're gone, it's a good idea to express your milk so your body knows it still needs to make a specific amount.
Your pregnancy needs will require you to eat more calories of a specific amount per day than you currently eat.
Will the kids need to meet a specific goal, such as earning a certain amount of items for game play to end, or does the first person to cross the finish line win?
This is not necessarily the exact amount of water you yourself will need — the IOM points out, «Given the extreme variability in water needs that are not solely based on differences in metabolism, but also in environmental conditions and activity, there is not a single level of water intake that would ensure adequate hydration and optimal health for half of all apparently healthy persons in all environmental conditions... the AI [Adequate Intake] does not represent a requirement; it is an amount that should meet the needs of almost everyone in the specific life stage group under the conditions described.»
If you find yourself suffering from tight muscles in specific, hard to reach areas, then this style is probably the option you want since it's so simple to apply precisely the right amount of pressure exactly where you need it.
When portioned out in a specific amount, it can be easy to believe that your baby needs or should consume precisely that much.
However, you have to know your specific need to buy the right amount and avoid the waste.
Food service managers used order guides for specific foods and recipe ingredients and projected amounts needed based on the anticipated number of servings of each menu item.
Try not to set the expectation that you need to pump a specific amount during each pumping session.
The requirements are quantitative, decided by assessments on the amount of damage needed to specific targets to make the owners back away from a crisis.
A demonstration by COPEC and the Industrial and Commercial Workers Union (ICU) against the tax and other petroleum sector levies brought to the fore need to change the SPT from a percentage of the ex-depot price to a specific amount.
In testimony before a joint Assembly - Senate budget committee in Albany, Miner said cities need state help but did not request a specific amount of additional state aid.
But experts said on Wednesday that the amount was too huge and that the Buhari - led administration needed to tell Nigerians the specific infrastructural projects in exact locations across the country that the money would be used to finance.
To understand how cells respond to different doses of radiation, scientists need to direct precise amounts of energy to specific areas of the cell.
However, the further development this type of therapy requires a reliable source for the large amounts of homogenous functional patient - specific NK cells needed and this has led to the generation of NK cells from human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs)[3].
The specific medicines in each person's HIV drug regimen vary depending on individual needs, including the amount of virus in a person's blood, other health conditions a patient may have, or whether she is pregnant.
Also, different bodies take different amounts of time to adjust to a healthier diet, so you'll need some time to find out what works and what doesn't for you and your specific goals and needs.
The added dyes and BVO are not needed for the effectiveness of the test as there must be a specific amount of sugar and blood tested at a specific time.
To achieve this you will need to eat specific amounts of macronutrients (proteins, carbohydrates and fats) at specific times.
Zinc is needed in specific amounts and either extreme (too much or too little) can be harmful.
Humans need a wide array of minerals in specific amounts.
If you calculate how many macros you'll need for a specific day you'll be able to eat whatever you want in moderate amounts and still be able to reach your fitness goals.
He further explains that in order to recommend the exact amount of protein we also need to take into consideration the various specific demands of the workout, regardless of the athletes» size.
Depending on what your starting weight is and the amount of weight you need to lose, you can adjust these ideas according to your specific goals.
The plan does not specify specific amounts of fats or carbohydrates because the need for these macronutrients varies with the individual.
Of course, it's not enough that you know the specific amount of calories that you need to eat in a day and that you stick to it.
More research will be needed to determine if people with gluten sensitivity really can ingest small amounts of gluten without damage, or if a specific sub-group of gluten - sensitives will eventually go on to develop celiac disease.
Instead of working out a set amount every day, you increase the amount you workout every day, either in weights or reps.. This will give your body a strong signal that specific muscle groups need to grow.
«In cases where the person needs a specific strength of probiotic in order to achieve their desired outcome, taking a supplement allows for a more standardized and reliable way to get the right amount of probiotic,» Dr. Pedre says.
Depending on your height, weight, gender, level of activity, and your unique body, you need to eat a specific amount of calories to maintain your body weight (usually between 1500 - 2500).
Now, that leads us to interesting parallel — if we think we might adapted to the absence of C which almost any other living form on Earth uses in large quantities (including microworld to some extent), that means that we could adapt to varying amount of carbohydrates [since they are so similar], no matter how much body needs it at the specific moment in its genetic history.
A: Though we can't give you specific dietary advice related to pregnancy, which you would need to discuss with a dietitian who knew your personal history, your reasons for eating LCHF and your goals, and who could advise you with regard to specific foods, adequate nutrients, and total amount of energy, there are some general points that can be made.
Discussions of minerals, or any nutrients for that matter, must deal with ranges rather than specific amounts, since individual needs vary.
Beyond needing a small amount of very specific fats, our body is capable of synthesizing its own lipids (saturated fat, n9 fatty acids, and cholesterol, to name a few).
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