Sentences with phrase «need such a big car»

Previously had a manual 520d but didn't need such a big car.

Not exact matches

They're wonderful for when baby is a newborn, and all the bells and whistles are fun, but mom gets exhausted carrying the large infant car seat onto the big bulky stroller; add in all the extras you need to take with you such as the diaper bag, purse and shopping bags and it feels like you're pushing around a dump truck!
As with many cars at auction these days, full documentation and awards from clubs or authenticators such as the National Corvette Restorers Society are needed to bring the biggest of the big bucks, but the money is there if the car is good.
I had originally gone to another dealership first and they had such a typical car salesman (who was telling me about how big his day was going to be and I needed to start their day off right) so I left and went to the next dealership in town.
If you need extra performance, dial up sport mode, which tightens up the suspension, and it sticks surprisingly well around a corner for such a big car.
And yet when we look around our shopping malls and neighborhoods we might think that the economy is buoyant, the fact is that most folks use credit to pay for daily needs, as well as lavish items such as sports cars and big homes.
The biggest hurdles can come from things such as your home, your car, and perhaps the needs or wants of your kids.
While it's true that many needs can be met by simply walking to the corner store or a nearby market, bigger tasks — such as getting material to hang shelves, getting everything on that large grocery list or completing your family's back - to - school shopping — often requires a car, time and patience.
While the series has other competitors such as Project CARS, Need for Speed, and more, Turn 10 appears to have made a big name for themselves in the gaming community, which they can hopefully keep as they move on to the next title.
Reduce unnecessary use of private cars — use cars that are no bigger than we need, move toward highly efficient cars such as hybrids, or use electric cars powered by green electricity.
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