Sentences with phrase «need suitable clothing»

Not exact matches

These pants are night - worthy yet suitable for day wear as your favorite clothing item, no diaper separate cover needed.
I do take regular painting trips to Ireland, and have needed clothing suitable for highly variable weather, and a few «nice outfits» for «better dinners out» (not the local pub).
Given my need to focus on clothing purchases, only purchase if a clear gap has been identified, such as a navy low heeled shoe suitable for my work travel.
Maybe you spend a little too much on clothing and you really don't need to have the latest fashion item, when suitable clothing is still hanging in your closet unused.
All you need to bring is your waiver form, proper clothing suitable for work in the parks, and your enthusiasm. includes a variety of luxury consumer goods suitable for a range of needs including home and office, entertainment, personal clothing and accessories.
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