Sentences with phrase «needed fuel for the brain»

Serve and enjoy immediately knowing you're providing much needed fuel for your brain.

Not exact matches

This breakfast is perfect for fueling your day because you truly need a big bowl of nourishment to keep your brain on track... or for me, I need it just to make sure I can get from rolling out of bed to that time in the mid-afternoon when I get to either take a shower or do a little yoga on my matt (ie baby is sleeping and not demanding the boob).
This Brain - Boosting Breakfast Trail Mix has all the nutrients your need to fuel up and feel energized for the day.
This labor - intensive process meant that humans needed lots of food not only to support their growing brains, but also to fuel their bodies for the task of hunting.
Under normal conditions, any ketones that your liver produces which are not needed as fuel or for brain function will simply be excreted harmlessly through your urine.
This «new glucose» is what the brain and other organs use for fuel when they need glucose.
You need them for all sorts of things like proper brain function, building muscle, and just plain fuel to live.
The purpose of carbohydrates is to provide energy, as they are the body's main source of fuel, needed for physical activity, brain function and operation of the organs.
Young girls need enough calories to fuel their brains and bodies for school, extracurricular activities and beyond.
Contrary to the popular belief that a constant intake of carbs are necessary for healthy brain and nervous system function, our body, via the liver, makes both glucose (gluconeogenesis) and ketone bodies (ketosis) in ample amounts (under the right conditions) to fuel most of the athlete's brain & nervous system needs under all but racing or long brick training conditions.
With my job, my mind doesn't have time to be slow, and Perfect Keto is a hit of brain fuel for when I need it the most.
Somebody once asked could I spare some change for gas I need to get myself away from this place I said yep what a concept I could use a little fuel myself And we could all use a little change Well the years start coming and they don't stop coming Fed to the rules and I hit the ground running Didn't make sense not to live for fun Your brain gets smart but your head gets dumb So much to do so much to see So what's wrong with taking the back streets You'll never know if you don't go You'll never shine if you don't glow
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