Sentences with phrase «needed is readily»

Not having to go from one site to the next, all that is needed is readily available.
All of the parts you'd need are readily available online from places like, which also includes catalytic converter (though I don't know Canadian regulations on purchase & replacement).
BlackBerry Appworld unlike every other mobile application market out there today is poorly stocked with just over 60,000 applications to date but for folks like me, 99 % of the apps we need are readily available there or via developer websites.
All the help you need is readily available.
Upon your death, all your family may need is the readily available cash to pay for funeral, burial, and estate taxes - immediate expenses that could be covered by final expense life insurance.
The Moorings location to the Golden Beach shopping precinct and Caloundra Central Business District means shopping and dining needs are readily accessible, or if you are into swimming, relaxing or fishing then one of Caloundra's many famous beaches are close at hand.
Upon your death, all your family may need is the readily available cash to pay for funeral, burial, and estate taxes - immediate expenses that could be covered by final expense life insurance.
In each case, the amount of assistance I needed was readily available.
People on a tight budget often can not justify spending money on a broker or agent fee, especially when all the information and tools they need are readily available online.
The information you need is readily available online, all you have to do is compare the different insurance quotes, and make a decision.

Not exact matches

The computing power needed to model the complex interaction of biological compounds for drug development was not yet readily available, but that was always in the back of Tehrani's mind.
I am always readily available to work in any department that needs a little help.
When radioactive material can so readily be obtained in the US, there is no need for bad actors to risk communicating and coordinating with foreign actors.
Greater stability Unlike Windows Vista, most hardware and software is readily compatible with Windows 7 and will work right out of the box, with no need to download and install additional drivers.
Quick blog post visuals, small content projects, and similar offerings may not always need professional designers when such great resources are so readily available.
Beyond those basics, you'll get approved more readily and with better terms if you give the banks precisely what they need to make a decision: tax returns and audited (if possible) financial statements (P&L, balance sheets and cash flow) for the year to date and the previous three years; monthly statements for the previous 12 months; a business plan explaining what you do, how you do it and why your company would be a good risk; a detailed projection showing how you will generate the funds to pay down the line; and a backup plan (collateral) to repay the bank if the projections don't pan out.
I don't know the total or if it's a lot or a little, but I think I'm able to more readily and directly help people who need it and not pay for the commercials and administration of all the duplication that exists across charities.
But the reality is that mentors aren't simply readily available to those who need them.
Maybe you're genuinely the first person to come up with the foundational principles of your business, or perhaps you found a need in the marketplace and believe you could fill it more readily than companies that already exist.
HR leaders who understand what they need to prove a strong talent recruitment function, and how it affects not just overall goals but also the bottom line, can more readily secure funding and approval from the C - suite — just what's needed to bring good talent strategy to life.
You'll never be able to do this fast enough by yourself; you need to make yourself part of a complete ecosystem where all the necessary tools and solutions are readily at hand.
If that's true, some consumers who feel they need the latest and greatest device may opt for the readily available Galaxy Note 8 rather than wait for the iPhone 8.
One way to accomplish this is by setting up a cash reserve, a pool of readily available funds that can help you meet emergency or highly urgent short - term needs.
Being flexible will enable you to accommodate the needs of the diverse workforce more readily.
«In terms of liquidity, not only do our largest firms now have the right kind and amount of liquidity calibrated to their funding needs and to their likely run risk in stressed conditions, but they also are required to know where it is at all times and to ensure it is positioned or readily accessible where it is most likely to be needed in resolution.»
The best mortgage companies typically offer competitive rates, are accessible online, have quick and adaptive communication methods, and are readily available when you need them.
You can readily move your Bitcoin to Ledger Nano S. To send Bitcoin from Coinbase to Ledger Nano S, first you'll need to setup a Bitcoin wallet on your Ledger Nano S. So, let's first setup Bitcoin wallet on our device.
Most people will readily agree the last thing we need is more versions of Bitcoin.
A whistleblower is accusing some key financial regulators of allowing sensitive broker information to become readily accessible, even as industry watchdogs emphasized the need for companies to protect client data.
Moreover, they readily acknowledge that proposed legislative and other changes, if needed, should be carried out within the corridors and courts of the church in a rational and fair manner.
Civility is always in short supply and one can readily agree that «we need to keep in mind the common humanity that we share with those with whom we disagree,» and that «we should never lose faith in the power of reason,» and that the Church should never be used «as a partisan political tool.»
If these parameters were needed to define a god, should he exist, would you not say that with all of the suffering and death and disease in the world, that the existence of god through the condition of our species would be more readily disproved than anything?
What we need to grasp is much more readily accessible to us in any standard introduction.
We need not be surprised, therefore, that the biblical words of death and resurrection occur quite readily to the pastor in thinking about the care of souls.
It may seem obvious to her that, in British Christianity, the abandonment of a belief in a personal God would be of little significance, while the loss of the Authorized Version of the Bible and Cranmer's Prayer Book marks a religious disaster of the first magnitude; or that if «our minds are... full of readily available religious imagery... there is no need to expel [it] simply because... we do not believe in God.»
Only where the other meets none of the Christian's needs and is naturally threatening or repulsive to him can agapé be readily sorted out and recognized.
All you knuckleheads who say evolution is not proven need to read the endless proof that is readily available anywhere outside a christian bookstore.
I've seen in my marriage the pain of abortion, in my family the pain of a child who lived a handful of hours, of being in need and not even fellow Christians will assist in the smallest of essentials while unbelievers readily will.
Our needs would be simple enough to be satisfied readily and on one's own, and there would be no need to laboriously invent one's way out of natural misery.
'' So today's would - be Lysistratas need to develop ways of stigmatizing young women who too readily say yes to sex, just as unions do to scabs and strikebreakers.
All this points to the critical need for counseling and pastoral care, and for support and enrichment groups to be readily available to young couples.
«Serious economic, social, and political issues in the Muslim world... need urgent remedying,» Safi Writes, and if «one is talking about a reformation that would address all of those levels, then I would suspect that most progressive Muslims would readily support that usage of the term.»
Richards puts it well when he writes: «The minister who readily assumes that the doctor, the psychiatrist, or the social worker have no need for him, or that they resent his presence, is too easily dissuaded from his «high calling,» or else he is allowing himself to rationalize an unpleasant responsibility.»
In addition, the retreat provides a safe environment with a trained counsellor and professional psychologist so that, should she need any immediate help, it can readily be provided.
Today Negroes are the most readily organized group among those who feel the need for change.
I got sick and too much effort was needed to offer me support — if I'd lived in Peru the story would have been entirely different — mission trips to Peru, it seems, are readily accomplished
At the moment admittedly there are still many gaps in our knowledge, but the closing of so many gaps in everyday experience has meant that it needs no great stretch of the imagination to see that the gaps could readily close to the point where there is no room left for any faith in that kind of God.
Because goh - goh only needs water, the cereal is ideal for times when milk is not readily available, such as camping or disaster relief responses.
«We want to develop consumer products that are readily needed and appreciated and get those to our customers at the least possible cost and the highest rate of speed possible,» Bowron says.
Thanks Ella — I think I need to invest... I live in Dubai so Medjool dates are readily available, fresh & delicious — I always use them!!
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