Sentences with word «needleworker»

Also, to have photos for the completion of large expanses of crocheted or knitted fabric would be redundant to the point of annoying for skilled needleworkers.
Instructions for these crafts rely on symbols, abbreviations, and text, and experienced needleworkers are used to seeing them.
The Birth Project was stitched by 150 women needleworkers who joined artist Judy Chicago over the five year period of its production to complete approximately 85 textiles for a series of «exhibition units.»
The owners mother, a doctor, was a consummate needleworker.
Nevertheless, some of the finest brocade, velvet, embroidery, silk, cloth - of - gold, cloth - of - silver, linen, damask, satin, appliqué and jewelry and the finest skills of weavers, painters and needleworkers have gone into the making of vestments.
As I scroll through Pinterest, I'm amazed at the creativity of so many crafters, needleworkers, and artists.
Her most famous work, The Dinner Party (1979), was an enormous collaboration with hundreds of volunteers including ceramicists, china painters and needleworkers.
Chicago worked with needleworkers, providing underpaintings, cartoons, drawings, mock - ups, color specifications, and written directions for the transformation of her images and every needleworker received public credit for her work.
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