Sentences with phrase «needs additional nutrients»

Even after the kittens are born, the nursing cat still needs additional nutrients if she's to remain healthy and strong and assist with the kittens» growth.
But, your baby needs additional nutrients from food, especially iron, protein, and zinc.
She told me that she supplemented in the hospital and for the first few days «until her milk came in» because she was told that the baby needed additional nutrients.

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To eliminate the need to make an additional choice in the morning, I usually opt for a protein smoothie that I know is tasty, packed with nutrients, calorie - controlled and filling.
Your business will need this information to determine the nutrient content for the calorie disclosures and additional nutrition information.
Plants were maintained on this solution until flowering (≈ 3.5 mo after planting) in a greenhouse in Houston, TX; the nutrient solution was topped off, as needed, with a refill solution containing the same nutrients as above, but without additional MES buffer or K2SiO4.
If you will look at the nutrient charts for our formula recipes (see below) you will see that there is actually more iron in the homemade formulas than there is in breast milk, so there is no need whatsoever to add additional sources of iron up to the age of six months.
Your child needs additional foods that contain vital nutrients such as iron, protein, and zinc.
Whether you would like to get back to a healthy weight or are wondering what additional nutrients are needed after having a baby and for nursing, I'm here to help.
They are also a great chance to get in more of the nutrients and additional calories you and baby both need.
Nutritional interventions for the HIV - infected mother may improve her health and quality of life, provide additional nutrients to support pregnancy and lactation, and meet the increased energy needs resulting from the HIV infection.
The task force also suggested that, «Additional analysis of detailed nutrient pollution contributions from multiple sectors, including point sources and non-agricultural contributions needs to be undertaken.»
If nutrients are suggested, we will use NRT (Nutritional Response Testing is a form of applied kinesiology) to assess the need for additional supplements and / or herbs as part of nutrient therapy aiding your body's healing power for positive recovery.
From that point forward, a slow transition of baby onto nutrient dense solid foods will supply the additional iron needed for baby's continued development.
For things to work optimally here in Phase 2, you need the amino acids taurine and cysteine as well as additional nutrients (glycine, choline, and inositol).
Rich, loamy soil provides the proper nutrients, though additional fertilizer is often needed to maintain regular growth.
Calcium and vitamin D are such additional essential nutrients needed, especially for women who tend to have fragile bones.
While other nutrients also may be helpful, it is important to remember our individuality and discuss the specific additional nutrients you might need with your nutritionally - oriented health care practitioner.
This formula not only addresses these additional needs in a comprehensive way, but it also reflects recent research by including key nutrients in forms that optimize absorption while being gentle to the digestive tract.
You should only need one server per day for complete nutritional support, however those with additional nutrient requirements due to activity or illness may benefit from taking two.
Often, a craving is a body's way of saying it needs a specific nutrient, such as more protein or additional liquids to quench a thirst, rather than a particular food, she said.
Yoghurt offers additional nutrients such as vitamins and proteins, providing your furkids with the energy they need.
Performance or Active — if you have a hunting dog, police dog or other working dog, they will have additional nutrient needs such as added protein, fat and antioxidants which will help them maintain their work load and proper body conditioning.
Birds love a good snack too, and many birds need treats to give them variety or additional nutrients in their diet.
If you feed her a pet food that's «all» or «100 %» poultry, beef or some other meat, you'll also need to provide different foods with additional vitamins, minerals and other nutrients.
For dogs who need an extra nutrient boost and additional calories, Tomlyn's high calorie gel provides an easy way to make sure your pup is getting the nutrition they need.
If your puppy — puppies need a lot of additional nutrients.
For example in times of stress or disease additional nutrients above and beyond those needed for health will be required.
Puppies and seniors need certain additional nutrients, especially in breeds susceptible to some health conditions such as heart or liver diseases.
Some dogs may need a higher protein content and others may need additional vitamins or minerals to be in optimum health, but all dogs need the same key nutrients to survive.
Many senior dog manufacturers also increase the number and quantity of special vitamins, along with additional types of antioxidants and nutrients for older dogs vs. vitamin needs for younger dogs or puppies.
For example, if your pooch is already consuming a balanced diet that has enough of the essential nutrients his body needs to thrive and you supplement with additional nutrients, you may end up overdoing it and causing more harm than good.
Ranting aside, the inclusion of organ meats will amplify the additional nutrients your puppy needs as he grows.
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