Sentences with phrase «negative attribution»

These findings are worrisome, since research has shown that children of mothers with depressive symptoms are at a higher risk for poor psychosocial development, such as low self - esteem, negative attribution styles, heightened emotionality, and negative affect.
«(The) most common research finding (is) that the first negative attribution people start marking when the relations...
«(The) most common research finding (is) that the first negative attribution people start marking when the relationship becomes less happy is «my partner is selfish»... They then start to see their partner's momentary distance and irritability as a sign of a lasting negative trait.
For a monthly process that happens internally, it seems a little curious that we as women don't know as much about our menstrual cycles, but not surprising based on the negative attribution society gives our periods.
This is particularly important as more emotional parents are more likely to be impulsive, and are more likely to make negative attributions about their children's behavior and use corporal punishment believing it is justified and normal in this case.
Due to the negative attributions, hostility and the unwarranted feelings of estrangement, parental alienation is deemed as a «clinical phenomenon» that gravely affects the wellbeing of a child.
5) The Stress Reactive Rumination Scale (SRRS; Robinson & Alloy, 2003) assesses three cognitive tendencies in response to major life stressors: the tendency to focus on the negative attributions and inferences that characterises the negative inferential style (9 items; α = 0.90); the tendency to focus on hopeless cognitions (5 items; α = 0.94); and the tendency to focus on active coping strategies and problem - solving solutions (7 items; α = 0.83).
Decreasing negative attributions surrounding intimacy may improve overall relationship satisfaction, according to research published in the «Journal of Marital and Family Therapy.»
She's also more likely to make negative attributions (i.e., more likely to blame Bill) compared to Sookie, which hinders forgiveness.
Negative attributions about the child, problems in the parent - child relationship, and maladaptive parenting strategies.
Extending this research to the workplace, we believe that overdependent employees will tend to focus more on social information that reinforces the negative attributions of others.
Specifically, their inherent tendency to make negative attributions will result in lower perceptions of their supervisors» ability to perform his / her job.
The intervener should help the parent identify both positive and negative attributions they may have about each need on the circle.
bolstering adaptive coping strategies and re-evaluating negative attributions about the illness and the future.
In addition, adolescents who make negative attributions about expected friend reactions to their diabetes care efforts are more likely to anticipate adherence difficulties.
As hypothesized, a significant indirect relationship between Negative Attributions of others» reactions and Diabetes Stress was found through the mediating variable of Anticipated Adherence Difficulties.
Across both friend and other peer models, negative attributions of others» reactions and anticipated adherence difficulties had significant indirect effects on metabolic control through associations with diabetes - related stress.
Thus, negative attributions of friend reactions and adherence efforts are not related to metabolic control directly, but rather through diabetes - related stress, which has been found to have a direct association with metabolic control (Aikens, Wallander, Bell, & Cole, 1992; Farrell, Hains, Davies, Smith, & Parton, 2004; Hains et al., 2006).
NAFR, Negative Attributions of Friend Reactions; NAPR, Negative Attributions of Peer Reactions; AADF, Anticipated Adherence Difficulties - Friends; AADP, Anticipated Adherence Difficulties - Peers.
Hypothesized relationships between Negative Attributions, Anticipated Adherence Difficulties, Diabetes Stress, Metabolic Control, and Friend Support.
Bivariate Relationships between Negative Attributions of Friend Reactions and Peer Reactions, Anticipated Adherence Difficulties, Friend Support, Diabetes Stress, Metabolic Control, and Age
This study was designed to (a) clarify the relationships among negative attributions of friend reactions and peer reactions, anticipated adherence difficulties, friend support, diabetes stress, and metabolic control; and (b) develop questionnaires with sufficient psychometric properties to test this aforementioned model.
Conclusions Adolescents who make negative attributions about reactions of friends and / or non friend peers are likely to find adherence difficult in social situations and have increased stress, with the latter associated with metabolic control.
This study was designed to clarify the relationships among negative attributions of friend reactions and general peer reactions, anticipated adherence difficulties, friend support, diabetes stress, and metabolic control.
More specifically, Negative Attributions of Friend Reactions (NAFR) and Negative Attributions of Peer Reactions (NAPR) had significant positive relationships with diabetes - related stress, Anticipated Adherence Difficulties - Friends (AADF), and Anticipated Adherence Difficulties - Peers (AADP) and no direct relationship with metabolic control.
Objective To examine the relationships among negative attributions of friend and peer reactions to diabetes management in social situations, anticipated adherence difficulties, friend support, diabetes stress, and metabolic control.
Structural equation modeling revealed that parents» negative attributions mediated positive relations between their depressive symptoms and frequency of physical punishment for both fathers and mothers.
In keeping with past research (Hains et al., 2006), negative attributions of friend reactions had a direct effect on anticipated adherence difficulties, which had a direct effect on diabetes stress, which in turn had a direct effect on metabolic control.
Insecure women were less accurate in identifying emotions in children, and were more prone to negative attributions, and to be amused or neutral in the face of the child's distress (Leerkes and Siepak, 2006).
Children of depressed mothers may develop negative attributions or attitudes about interpersonal relationships that could affect their actual interactions with peers (Garber and Martin 2002).

Not exact matches

I guess what I want to say is that we should try to be mindful of the fact that it's far too easy to make negative internal attributions about comments on the internet.
For instance, a more hostile attribution bias, combined with high emotional intensity, predicted more negative child - friend interaction.
Using reanalysis moisture budgets and drawing on the attribution work of others (e.g. Hendon et al. [2013]-RRB-, Fasullo et al. [2013] demonstrate that the 2011 La Niña was also distinct from others in the altimeter era in that it coincided with a strong negative phase of the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) and positive phase of the Southern Annular Mode (SAM)(Fig. 3c).
Nevertheless as an environmentalist (trying to avoid false negatives) as opposed to a scientist (trying to avoid false positives), I see nothing wrong in his attribution of Katrina to GW — it could POSSIBILY have been enhanced by GW and it fits the expected pattern of more intense storms due to GW.
Where things get a little mysterious is in the attribution of the warming subsurface to a change in the NA gyre circulation, which is attributed to a switch in the NAO (North Atlantic Oscillation) from a positive to a negative phase.
What I do know for sure is that with a negative PDO, a weak solar cycle and an AMO that will be heading south soon; we shouldn't have long to wait to get a resonably accurate attribution of natural and anthropogenic causes.
Causal, responsibility and blame attributions for positive and negative symptom behaviours were examined in 70 caregivers of persons with schizophrenia.
The three types of attributions for positive and negative symptom behaviours were assessed by self - report questionnaires.
In this study, authors Kirby, Baucom and Peterman found that negative intimacy attributions — such as blaming intimacy issues on your partner — along with more negative communication styles decreased the amount of marital satisfaction experienced among a sample of 84 couples, four additional men and 12 additional women.
Individuals with high self - esteem made more stable and global internal attributions for positive events than for negative events, leading to the reinforcement of their positive self - image.
Subjects low in self - esteem, however, were more likely to associate negative events to stable and global internal attributions, and positive events to external factors and luck (Campbell et al., 1991).
Attribution for negative life events and depression: The role of perceived control.
High negative reactivity could diminish capacity to attend social cues, leading to misinterpretation and incorrect processing of social information (e.g. Hostile attribution bias; [101]-RRB-, with the risk for psychopathology such as externalizing disorders [102].
Analyses showed a significant indirect effect for dysfunctional parental attributions in favor of the group receiving the behavioral program, and significant effects of the behavioral program on positive and negative parenting and parental self - efficacy, compared to the nondirective intervention.
Indeed, if Schönbrodt and Asendorpf (2011) have correlated behavioral measures, such as interactional actions (positive vs. negative), emotional attribution, and physical distance with attachment and emotional scales, Kane et al. (2012) have correlated ad hoc measures about stress appraisal, emotional security, and perceived responsiveness of self, while Symons et al. (2015) utilized measures about caregiver attitudes, secure scale, and trait anxiety questionnaires.
Intervention in late childhood provides an opportunity to act before prevalence rates of these disorders increase in adolescence in conjunction with the enhanced cognitive abilities that may result in pessimistic attributions, negative beliefs, and more obvious peer perceptions of social incompetence (Seroczynski et al., 1997).
When they are distorted and distressing, however, they distract parents from the task at hand as well as leading to negative emotions and attributions that ultimately impair effective parenting.
Consistent with findings in familial research, staff attributions may play a key role in driving critical responses, and it may be possible to reduce staff high EE by modifying negative appraisals.
In addition, the study found associations between staff and patient reports of negative feelings toward one another and staff members» attributions of problems being within the patient's control.
The results revealed that (1) for females and males, higher levels of depressive symptoms correlated with a more depressive attributional style; (2) females and males who met diagnostic criteria for a current depressive disorder evidenced more depres - sogenic attributions than psychiatric controls, and never and past depressed adolescents; (3) although no sex differences in terms of attributional patterns for positive events, negative events, or for positive and negative events combined emerged, sex differences were revealed on a number of dimensional scores; (4) across the Children's Attributional Style Questionnaire (CASQ) subscale and dimensional scores, the relation between attributions and current self - reported depressive symptoms was stronger for females than males; and (5) no Sex × Diagnostic Group Status interaction effects emerged for CASQ subscale or dimensional scores.
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