Sentences with phrase «negative effect on brain»

These foods have a negative effect on brain health and cognitive function.
It is proven that food colorings (artificial) like red 40 and yellow 5 had a negative effect on brain development in our children.
New evidence suggest there really is no negative effect on the brain from having a baby, in fact, one scientist suggests the complete opposite.
Even in TV shows and videos supposedly created for young babies, the rapid movements and pacing have been shown to have negative effects on their brain development.
The researchers measured the blood concentration of the amino acid homocysteine, high levels of which have been linked to negative effects on the brain, such as stroke.
The Canadian Paediatric Society and the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health have publicly stated that marijuana is not harmless and can have negative effects on the brain, especially young brains.
Mercury — studies show that mercury from pollution (coal burning plants are the biggest source of mercury pollution to air and water) and from fish that are high on the food chain such as tuna, shark, swordfish, tilefish, etc can possibly cause long term negative effects on your brain.
«The results suggest prolonged exposure to polluted air can have visible, negative effects on the brain, which can lead to a variety of health problems,» Fonken told The Telegraph.
Research overwhelmingly points to the benefits of supporting children and families at an early age to prevent maltreatment and its negative effects on brain development before they occur.

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Experiences from early youth, say, get shunted off into a byway of the brain and fester as uneasy memory traces, exerting only a negative prehensive effect on the regnant society.
Besides the obvious injury possibility, every hard collision can possibly add to a negative cumulative effect on their brain that they may have to deal with later in life.
There is no amount of punishment that will make the brain develop quicker, and in fact, some punishments have negative effects on the growing brain.
«BPA - free» means that the bottle was manufactured without the industrial chemical called bisphenol A. BPA has been connected to negative health effects on the brain, heart diseases, reproductive disorders and impotence for men.
Crossmodal plasticity in the case of blindness is a vital brain mechanism for compensating for visual deprivation, but the mechanism can have also negative effects on visual restoration, because it might interfere, to a certain extend, with the optimal resettlement of the regained sensory inputs.
But he suggests that the compound likely has negative effects on young, developing brains — and that there is an increased risk of motor vehicle crashes with marijuana, particularly when it's used in combination with alcohol.
A host of recent studies show that growing up in poverty can shape the wiring and even the physical dimensions of a young child's brain, with negative effects on language, learning, and attention.
Co-author Dr. Bennet Omalu, who originally described CTE as depicted in the movie Concussion featuring Will Smith, added, «What our current work is doing in addition to other imaging modalities builds the foundation between identifying the negative effects of head trauma on the brain while the patient is still alive so that we can intervene with better treatments.»
Their still - developing brains may make them even more vulnerable than adults to cannabis's negative effects on learning, memory, attention and problem solving.
To top it off, repeated exposure to THC can have a negative effect on areas of your brain that deal with forming memories, like the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex.
«The negative effects of estrogenic chemicals on the developing male include an expanding list of subtle changes to the developing brain, reproductive tract, and testis,» the authors wrote.
Given the established connection between gut health and the brain — a topic all its own — a low - fiber diet may have negative long - term effects on the brain.
The concern I have is for those who have used anything causing these negative side effects over a long periond can have leisions on their brains, and can this be reversed?
Scientists had long been aware of the negative effects of prolonged daylight on human brain chemistry.
Dr. Joel Pearson, a brain scientist at the University of New South Wales in Australia theorizes a different explanation for the therapeutic effect: Concentrating on coloring an image may facilitate the replacement of negative thoughts and images with pleasant ones.
Studies have shown that exposure to blue light at night can have a negative effect on sleeping patterns because it suppresses melatonin production in the brain.
Keep in mind that although video games may actually have good effects on the brain when played in moderation, video game addiction or compulsive video gaming can have negative effects.
'' Kathy Sierra on «happy people» and «emotional contagion» from Calibrated Vagueness Kathy Sierra has an interesting post about the effect being around happy or unhappy people has on a person: Angry / negative people can be bad for your brain.
There is no such thing as a «minor» brain injury because a lack of proper care could always lead to negative, long - term effects on your health.
«This case further affirms the prevailing medical wisdom that even a mild traumatic brain injury can dramatically change one's personality and decision making processes, often permanently and with far - reaching negative effects on one's quality of life and earning capacity,» he told HuffPost B.C.
Choosing a brain injury lawyer is important, because experienced ones can catch issues with your care before they have a negative effect on your life.
To investigate the effects of poverty on childhood brain development and to begin to inform the mediating mechanisms of these negative effects, we investigated associations between poverty and total white and total cortical gray matter volume, as well as hippocampus and amygdala volumes, in a sample of children ages 6 to 12 years followed up longitudinally since the preschool period.
Animals exposed to enriched environments high in stimulation have been shown to display increased hippocampal cell proliferation and neurogenesis compared with those reared in relative deprivation.7 Poverty represents a form of human deprivation that may parallel this animal model, raising the question of whether low levels of stimulation and relative psychosocial neglect associated with poverty have a similar negative effect on human brain development.
During a study to demonstrate the negative effects of sleep deprivation in children, Corkum found that, ``... We were able to demonstrate that they actually had difficulties with things like memory, paying attention, emotional regulation; they actually changed how they viewed pictures — they tended to see things in a less positive light... We're really concerned because this is a period when their brains are developing and skills are developing, and the impact that might have on the developing child could potentially be even more problematic as an adult.»
The mechanism by which adverse life events may affect ODD is still unclear, and may vary between types of event; potential explanations include (a) negative effects on maturation of cerebral brain structures in the child due to stress, (b) teaching individuals to use antisocial strategies to cope with stressful situations, and (c) causing an overactive sympathetic nervous system [7, 29].
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