Sentences with phrase «negative effects of poverty»

The negative effects of poverty on children also increase the chances of poor outcomes for youth and young adults, such as teen pregnancy and failure to graduate high school.
She is particularly focused on using innovative methods to explain the mechanisms behind program impacts, and on identifying strategies to ameliorate the negative effects of poverty on children's development.
While the negative effects of both poverty and family structure on child development are well established, there is less knowledge about their relative impact on children's cognitive functioning.
The report found that «a more positive school climate is related to improved academic achievement, beyond the expected level of achievement based on student and school socioeconomic status backgrounds,» and can mitigate the negative effects of poverty on academic achievement.
Research also demonstrates that diverse schools are better equipped than high - poverty schools to counteract the negative effects of poverty
The course also provides educators with schoolwide and classroom - level strategies for combating the negative effects of poverty in an academic setting.
Researchers Craig Howley, of Ohio University and the Appalachia Educational Laboratory, and Robert Bickel, of Marshall University, set out to find out whether smaller schools could reduce the negative effects of poverty on student achievement.
The separate studies credit small schools with reducing the negative effects of poverty on student achievement, reducing student violence, increasing parent involvement, and making students feel accountable for their behavior and grades.
With these findings, published in Springer's American Journal of Community Psychology, Sharon Kingston of Dickinson College in the US challenges the growing perception that marriage and other forms of interpersonal support can buffer the negative effects of poverty.
Our findings might thus underestimate the negative effect of poverty and disadvantage on cognitive functioning.

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Caroline Smrstik Gentner: What can schools or teachers do to help children thrive and overcome the negative effects of growing up in poverty or adversity?
There are so many things parents can do to help lessen the possibility of negative effects of divorce and if they do those things and kids don't have increased trauma due to active addiction, violence or poverty guess what?
Limiting the negative effects of fuel poverty is important to health, both mental and physical, and NEA recommends the following top 10 tips as a starting point:
The authors conclude that poverty has a direct negative effect on cognition, which tends to perpetuate the cycle of poverty.
A host of recent studies show that growing up in poverty can shape the wiring and even the physical dimensions of a young child's brain, with negative effects on language, learning, and attention.
Certainly any strategy that seeks to improve life chances and equalise opportunities for children without turning the tide against growing levels of child poverty is going to face an uphill struggle and place an even greater burden on services that seek to alleviate various negative effects of inadequate family resources.
«Policies should be directed to making large cities more livable» — for instance, enacting legislation or spending money to alleviate poverty and crime, the negative effects of growth.
As its name implies, the Head Start program was developed to enhance the experiences of children in low - income families prior to school entry, with the goal of alleviating the negative effects of growing up in poverty.
The «Funding Disparity Rank» (FDR) interacts with student poverty (measured by Free - Reduced Lunch (FRL)-RRB- rates to have a significant negative effect on school districts» Department of Public Instruction (DPI) issued report card scores, particularly in districts with higher rates of FRL.
A top - down union that fails to address broader problems rooted in class and racial inequality and whose capitulation on major issues (as identified in planks 1 - 4 of this document) has had a disproportionately negative effect on communities of color and those who live in poverty.
The negative effects are so great that they justify the investment of trillions of dollars and / or the diversion and disruption of industry, farming, transportation and commerce that gives us the quality of life we enjoy and that is elevating people like the Chinese from rural poverty.
Dr. Frederick Seitz, a legendary figure in the world of physics (recipient of the National Medal of Science, NASA's Distinguished Public Service Award, and other honors; a former president of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences and president emeritus of Rockefeller University), wrote a letter accompanying the petition in which he challenged the Kyoto treaty as «based upon flawed ideas,» and declared it «would have very negative effects upon the technology of nations throughout the world, especially those that are currently attempting to lift from poverty and provide opportunities to the over 4 billion people in technologically underdeveloped countries.»
The analyses also indicated that poverty predicted identity salience and AA that mediated their negative effects on physical and mental health of Palestinian adolescents.
The analyses also indicated that poverty predicted identity salience and AA that mediated their negative effects on physical and mental health of Palestinian adoles
To investigate the effects of poverty on childhood brain development and to begin to inform the mediating mechanisms of these negative effects, we investigated associations between poverty and total white and total cortical gray matter volume, as well as hippocampus and amygdala volumes, in a sample of children ages 6 to 12 years followed up longitudinally since the preschool period.
Animals exposed to enriched environments high in stimulation have been shown to display increased hippocampal cell proliferation and neurogenesis compared with those reared in relative deprivation.7 Poverty represents a form of human deprivation that may parallel this animal model, raising the question of whether low levels of stimulation and relative psychosocial neglect associated with poverty have a similar negative effect on human brain develPoverty represents a form of human deprivation that may parallel this animal model, raising the question of whether low levels of stimulation and relative psychosocial neglect associated with poverty have a similar negative effect on human brain develpoverty have a similar negative effect on human brain development.
We confirm the devastating negative effect of income poverty on children's early development, and show that family structure effects are spurious after controlling for child characteristics, poverty, parental education and mother's age.
For low - income families headed by single mothers, the associations between maternal employment and children's cognitive and social development tend to be neutral or positive, but much of this difference is a function of pre-existing differences between mothers who are or are not employed.2, 3,4,5 The effects of maternal employment on children's development also depend on the characteristics of employment — its quality, extent and timing — and on the child's age.2, 6,7 On the other hand, poverty has consistently negative associations with young children's development, but here, too, there is considerable controversy about the causal role of income per se, as opposed to other correlates of poverty.8, 9,10,11,12,13
A top - notch preschool can provide a powerful remedy for limiting the negative effects of childhood poverty and can support the early success of English learners.
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