Sentences with phrase «negative health»

The number of negative health effects associated with taking excess testosterone, testosterone your body doesn't need, is astronomical.
Is one sip of coffee going to mean a lifetime of negative health consequences for your toddler?
If marketed to the age of 36 months, they risk being bottle fed for this duration and seriously damaging oral development, normal growth and other negative health impacts.
Instead, you may be setting yourself up for caffeine addiction and dependency, increased appetite, high blood pressure, and many other negative health effects in the future.
Scientists warn that this level of activity may be associated with negative health effects in aquatic organisms, other animals and humans.
While all forms of simple sugars are broken down by your body into glucose, refined sugar is supplied in a way that causes negative health consequences when eaten to excess.
And if you're concerned about negative health effects of protein on kidney function, nearly all of these studies looked at animal sources of protein, not plant - based protein.
Avoid eating too much salt as excessive salt is known to cause dehydration and can even cause negative health implications on the body.
When this natural rhythm is disrupted, there are many negative health consequences.
While many humans can eat unhealthy amounts of salt for a few years without suffering negative health effects, our dogs are not so resilient.
However, a lot of new research over the past couple of years highlights some potential negative health consequences of spay / neuter.
Unlike too much coffee, energy drinks and sugary foods, back - bending yoga poses, when done correctly, boost energy without negative health effects.
Not only can this cause stress and anxiety, it can also lead to other negative health issues as well.
In our health topics section we will review various health - related topics to help insure not only the best treatment possible but also how to avoid negative health conditions in the first place.
Single or repeat exposures may have short and long term negative health implications for our feline and canine friends.
The results have been welcomed in the gene - therapy field, whose successes have occasionally been overshadowed by negative health impacts and even death.
This really does not address the question of why no government has banned them when they clearly have negative health benefits.
The penalties imposed — arrest, imprisonment, and family separation — create negative health and social consequences for women and society.
Our results suggest a relationship between adverse childhood exposures and negative health indicators by age 6 years.
This type of relaxation technique can be a positive supplement to other tools for the prevention of negative health reactions due to stress.
While this eczema treatment magically clears up the skin within a matter of days, it can drive the disease deeper into the body with more serious negative health repercussions over the long term.
Those doing life settlements aim at the policies where there have been negative health events since issue.
In addition, some individuals will not share negative health information so respondents may not have been aware of affected relatives.
Some food additives sound bad, but the ones below have no known negative health impacts at low levels.
Lastly, many products in groceries are filled with artificial ingredients, preservatives and chemicals that may pose negative health effects.
However, feeding your cat a tiny amount of cream cheese from time to time is not likely to have any lasting negative health effects.
Women under 15 % body fat are at risk of developing several negative health conditions.
But 20 — 50 % of this is fructose which can have very negative health effects such as weight gain, type 2 diabetes and heart disease (3).
And spay / neuter can be associated with an increased risk of certain negative health outcomes.
Not surprisingly, those who help others, even if they experience stress associated with that, show fewer negative health outcomes as a result.
However, many reported previous negative health - care experiences, or being afraid of what a doctor would say or do, as reasons for not getting care.
As your body becomes clean, negative health indications may disappear.
Increasing testosterone levels too high in the body can lead to numerous negative health reactions.
These hormones may hold negative health repercussions for humans.
Note that while coffee can be healthy, excessive use may result in some of the aforementioned negative health effects.
Similar negative health effects have been documented in canines from consuming too many artificial preservatives, and as such, you should try and avoid them wherever possible.
As a nutritionally empty food, one of bacon's most obvious negative health effects is its potential for resulting in weight gain.
It also provides an in - depth assessment of the 30 plants with the highest negative health and climate impacts.
It should be recognised, though, that the experience of having a child with negative health outcomes may in itself influence these maternal measures.
The one - hour difference has been previously reported to cause negative health impacts, such as increased instances of heart attacks, but little is known regarding its impact on fertility.
However, there are some major concerns about negative health effects.
And, most day traders suffer negative health consequences from their hyper active market moves.
Experts have found that pets experience negative health consequences any time they are above 15 % over their ideal weight.
Scientific scrutiny of fasting often reveals potential negative health effects.
Aluminum has been attributed to many negative health issues / conditions.
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