Sentences with phrase «negative impact on performance»

Students of color and low - income students benefit, while white students don't see negative impacts on their performance.
- Companies that receive a red top for pre-emption rights issues see a large negative impact on performance, with an annual decrease of 3 percentage points of industry - adjusted ROA.
Research has shown that sleep deprivation can have a significantly negative impact on performance and recovery.
The trouble with leaving the warmup out in the cold is that it can have a big negative impact on performance, limit movement quality throughout each session, and increase the chance of injury.
As for the discount brokerage study, if you read it closely, you'll see that even though men traded more than women and their more frenetic trading had a greater negative impact on their performance, the authors don't say that men ultimately ended up with lower returns than women.
Denuvo DRM has been often criticized by gamers, chiefly for its purported negative impact on performance in several PC releases.
However, as we have seen, forced or stack ranking has a negative impact on performance.
Loose or ill - fitting straps could cause a driver to move around in the car under the huge G - forces generated by the car, and any distractions are obviously going to have a negative impact on performance.
While nerves are normal, they can often have a negative impact on performance, and for many they simply can take the fun out of competing.
Furthermore, poor ankle dorsiflexion can lead to a negative impact on performance.
A UCL survey at the London 2012 Olympic Games found that 18 % of athletes said that their oral health had a negative impact on their performance and 46.5 % had not been to the dentist in the past year.
This suggests that using humor or having a laugh can inhibit anxiety and reduce its negative impact on your performance.
Because of higher activity levels, there have been extra, unmet nutritional demands on athletes which not only has a negative impact on their performance, but it also places their health at risk.
It's important that athletes realize that dietary fat is essential for many functions of the body and decreasing its absorption might have a negative impact on performance.
Lack of sleep can also affect your mood and increase hormonal stress, which will have a negative impact on performance.
«Horrifyingly, 65 per cent of respondents said they «strongly agreed» that cut backs have already had a negative impact on the performance of their school.
Sixty - five per cent said they strongly agreed that the reductions they have had to make have resulted in a negative impact on the performance of the school.
Sixty - five per cent said that they strongly agreed that the reductions they have had to make have had a negative impact on the performance of the school.
Almost uniformly, researchers find that school choice does not have a negative impact on the performance of nearby district schools.
Everything is kept protected from the elements as well, courtesy of its IP68 rating from dust and water resistance, which means that the device can be submerged in up to 1.5 meters of water for as long as 30 minutes without a negative impact on performance and usability.
The fund invests globally, so changes in foreign exchange rates could have a negative impact on performance
«Expense ratios, transaction costs, and load fees all have a direct, negative impact on performance
High temperatures have a negative impact on performance.
The Italian watchdog said Apple had failed to inform customers that the updates might have a negative impact on the performance of their phones, suggesting the company might have infringed four separate articles of the national consumers» code.In a first among the recent wave of battery probes, Samsung is also suspected of orchestrating «a general commercial policy taking advantage of the lack of certain components to curb
However, Apple says it will push an update in early 2018 to let users know if the decaying battery might have a negative impact on the performance.
For instance, the firm says «bitcoin is a new technological innovation with a very limited operating history, and the price of bitcoin on the bitcoin exchange market is highly volatile, which could have a negative impact on the performance of Bitcoin Futures Contracts and the performance of the Funds.»
Everything is kept protected from the elements as well, courtesy of its IP68 rating from dust and water resistance, which means that the device can be submerged in up to 1.5 meters of water for as long as 30 minutes without a negative impact on performance and usability.
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