Sentences with phrase «negative outcomes»

However, as is the case in adults, chronic stress will lead to a variety of negative outcomes for children including behavioral problems, school performance issues, and relationship problems.
This applies in particular to legal professionals, for fear of negative outcomes for themselves or their relationships with their children.
Finally, there is a popular belief that father absence is associated with negative outcomes in children.
Finally, there is a popular belief that father absence is associated with negative outcomes in children.
Negative outcomes on the conduct - problem frequency score were also significantly reduced in both control and intervention groups at six - month follow - up.
The fact that maternal long - term health was associated with avoiding negative outcomes reinforces this message.
This will let you see if your baby is going to have an allergic reaction or some other negative outcome from trying each new food item.
There were no significant differences in baseline characteristics between the groups nor differences in negative outcomes such as harm to the fetus.
Poor literacy skills often lead to a host of negative outcomes including fewer employment opportunities and depressed wages.
They become more concerned about potential negative outcomes than finding a solution.
For example, conservatives emphasis cleanliness and purity more than liberals, and while conservatives are more focused on preventing negative outcomes, liberals are more focused on causing positive outcomes.
Given that having sex for avoidance goals is associated with more negative outcomes for both partners, is it better to not have sex at all than to have sex for avoidance goals?
A hallmark feature of addictions is the recurrent pursuit of short - term immediate gratification despite longer term negative outcomes.
Children of unmarried parents are more likely to experience negative outcomes for health and wellbeing, in part because of low father involvement.
When teaching jobs remain open at the start of the year, research shows negative outcomes for students.
Not getting enough sleep has been associated with many negative outcomes such as poor physical, cognitive, and emotional development as well as relationships with parents.
With several possible negative outcomes of traffic tickets, it's easy to see why it pays to hire a traffic ticket lawyer.
And higher levels of parental stress raise the risk of negative outcomes among children.
Adolescent substance abuse results in significant negative outcomes for youths, their families, communities, and society.
The relationship is cumulative, as greater numbers of stressful life events in early life results in a greater risk of negative outcomes later in life [2, 5].
However, negative outcomes don't mean that your teen will automatically have trouble developing social skills.
It is not that my company isn't sympathetic to the day it is just that missing a call could have very negative outcomes.
Now, let's get back to what I said in the beginning: divorce is a tragedy, and has numerous negative outcomes.
In voting, this can be the norm, while people who invest or play games based on biased or unrealistic thinking suffer negative outcomes and thus have incentive to change their ways.
And it is not altogether clear that children having some concern about their performance in school and having some sense that there are limits to their competence should necessarily be considered negative outcomes.
One could make the case that many of the best - performing publicly - traded companies make billions of dollars for themselves and their investors by creating negative outcomes.
By running your background check now and reviewing it with one of our experienced immigration attorneys, you can get out ahead of many potential problems and prevent certain negative outcomes.
There are many cases where the lack of a reliable archive led to negative outcomes due to preservation practices and they aren't limited to regulated financial services companies.
However, it doesn't address important issues like the positive or negative outcomes related to hookups.
When all you can see or predict has a likely or potentially negative outcome or an outcome that will continue toward an already downhill turn of events.
But even when negative outcomes seem linked to colic, it's not clear why.
In humans, the pessimistic bias refers to our well - known tendency to perceive threats or anticipate negative outcomes more frequently when we are feeling anxious or depressed.
So any probability of positive vs. negative outcome greater than 20 %, or maybe even 10 %, looks to be a winner.
During these challenges, we sometimes find ourselves unable to minimize negative outcomes and generate new solutions.
As seen below children that have had adverse childhood experiences are far more likely to exhibit negative outcomes later in life.
A crucial decision such as a retirement withdrawal rate would require greater consideration of lower probability negative outcomes than a decision on a 1 % stock position.
The prevalence of this was higher (76 %) among children with one or less negative outcomes, and much lower (51 %) among those with four or more.
Adding to this, you take things personally with a negative twist, projecting negative outcomes.
Healthy social and emotional learning goes beyond the prevention of specific negative outcomes.
The skeptical trait and all of its positive and negative outcomes affects you, your law firm, and the profession as a whole.
While child adaptive behaviour was lower in ASD children, adaptive functioning did not impact negative outcomes in mothers.
Finally, if you're lucky enough to raise some money, you may experience one very unexpected negative outcome.
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