Sentences with phrase «negative psychological effects»

Are there negative psychological effects to stopping nursing suddenly at 16 months?
8 also voiced negative psychological effects such as difficulties with food preoccupation, hostility, and poor concentration.
8 also voiced negative psychological effects such as difficulties with food preoccupation, hostility, and poor concentration.
«Being a sugar baby, even for a short time, can have lasting negative psychological effects,» says Barry.
Specialists with the University of Missouri Extension explain that children in middle childhood may experience negative psychological effects during and after a divorce, such as nightmares or grief for the loss of a parent.
Even the more superficial restrictions resulting from the ban - such as preventing inmates receiving underwear - have a negative psychological effect.
The food groups not only cause hormonal imbalances, but also have negative psychological effects that are equally as damaging.
Citronella dog collars have been gaining in popularity ever since studies were released showing the negative psychological effects of electric shock collars on dogs.
«It does have a negative psychological effect
Sean trained under Pia Mellody at The Meadows, in Wickenburg, Arizona, where he became certified in Post Induction Therapy ™; an experiential therapy, used to decrease the negative psychological effects of past life events.
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