Sentences with phrase «negative role models»

However, the negative role models may be more potent than the positive ones.
when there is just so much conflict at home and the children see that the parents do not get along well then that puts just so many things in their mind.there is just no end to it.they could go in the wrong direction because these conflicts are not letting them have a peaceful family time, they are not receiving the parental warmth that every child needs so very much and they have negative role models at home.all this can really get to a child.
Even negative role models can inspire us, they reveal to us the downfall of using such strategies and highlight the importance of finding positive role models.
Children who have no intellectual interests become negative role models for one another.
In fact, negative role models and a destructive value system is heavily marketed to our children.
We created this not - for - profit educational project as an alternative to the mass media filled with violence and negative role models.
They are searching for who they are, and usually looking in the wrong places; often, they aspire to be like popular athletes, entertainers, reality TV stars and other influences, and many of them are negative role models.
It offers positive and negative role models for this virtue through its portraits of Socrates, Thrasymachus, and their friends, and in the action of the dialogue offers exemplary insight into how such virtue might be best acquired by an individual or a state.
A Kentucky high school teacher took negative role modeling further, getting convicted for trespassing on the U.S. government's Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation at Fort Benning, Georgia, and then fired for missing class while serving her 90 - day jail sentence.
I wanted to take Poor Richard, a disembodied character that speaks from a position of wisdom and authority, and turn him into a negative role model engaged in shameful, disgusting behavior.»
She is a negative role model, you realize this is the type of thought you never want to have.

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Surely, Rabbi Soloveichik knows that traditional Jewish commentators sometimes invoke scriptural characters as negative, not positive, role models.
A parent who is unfailingly kind and courteous, well mannered, who doesn't show negative behavior like smoking or excessive drinking, road rage and poorly controlled anger, will be a positive role model for a child.
The paper identifies three main aspects of that masculine culture: stereotypes of the fields that are incompatible with how many women perceive themselves, negative stereotypes about women's abilities and a dearth of role models.
One of my role models, Marianne Williamson, always talks about waking up in the morning and washing the dirt and negative energy off ourselves from the day before and really creating clear space for yourself for the day ahead.
As the mom of three teenage girls, I want to protect them from all the negative self talk about bodies, but it needs to start with the grown ups, since we are the role models.
Various women are portrayed as «trophies» for men, or they are simply background «eye candy,» providing very negative female role models.
Even if the e-Learning market is still considered a «niche» segment within different HR macro segments it is subjected, in both a positive and negative manner, to the influences of sales trends related to smart devices and the increasing spread of the Internet access globally.Other opportunities come from Smartphone devices, considered valuable assets that help improve work productivity, and the concept of Mobile Learning, and ultimately «BYOD» (Bring your own device) a slower trend, but one that will be ongoing for some time.A Breakthrough... without borders!The SaaS Business Model is increasingly present in educational reform, and technology plays a significant role in presenting a key opportunity for education suppliers globally.
Helping Kids Spotlight Heroes Tired of seeing negative behavior and poor role models filling the media spotlight, news producer Jeanne Meyers founded the MY HERO Project, which encourages youngsters as well as adults to recognize the heroes in their lives and learn about others» heroes.
If we don't have positive role models and a constructive value system for them, they will adopt negative models and the destructive system.
The «dark passage» is the journey of gay representation from negative stereotype to positive role model.
A natural redhead himself, Knights has experienced personally the negative perceptions that come with being ginger, and, having no red - haired male public role models to persuade him otherwise, he grew up feeling ashamed of his red roots.
Named for the founder of the Gray Panthers, the awards were designed to correct the «negative stereotype people have of aging — to reverse those images and show some real role models... people past 60 who are active, creative and vital.»
The most credible of the contrarians, Richard Lindzen, has relied primarily on arguments that the feedback from water vapour, which plays a central role in climate models, might actually be zero or even negative.
The consequence is that this bias artificially suppresses the low cloud optical depth feedback in models by almost a factor of four and thus its potential role as a negative feedback.
She was lauded by voters for, among other things, withstanding «tremendous pressure and negative feedback, yet represented the profession admirably,» as well as for being «an inspirational lawyer and a role model for young female lawyers.»
Is it not inevitable that despite your best parenting skills, your child may end up innocently contributing to negative behaviour / language because they want to be up to speed with all the «cool social media sites» and seen to have an opinion similar to their role models?
While father absence was not statistically significant for this sample, the author found that 70 % of negative parental role models were fathers.
Another study that delved into determining what causative factors might bear on adolescents» well - adjustedness found that «conduct disorder was associated with maternal absence, low mother - adolescent contact, changes in the participant's living arrangements, and negative parental role models.
While father absence was not statistically significant for this sample... 70 % of negative parental role models were fathers.»
Fact:» [C] onduct disorder was associated with maternal absence, low mother - adolescent contact, changes in the participants» living arrangements, and negative parental role models.
Negative health role modeling, indicated by the presence of household smokers, was associated with less health - promoting behavior, as well as greater externalizing and academic problems.
In this section we discuss the role of positive self - esteem as a protective factor in the context of stressors, the developmental role of negative self - esteem in mental and social problems, and the role of self - esteem in models of health behavior.
Fact:» [T] the absence of a male role model following divorce is much less significant than the economic, emotional, and psychosocial consequences of family disruption in explaining the negative effects of divorce on children.»
In other communities, fathers felt their role was to protect their children from negative influences and to model positive behavior.
Based on the interpersonal psychotherapy model of depression and informed by the importance of regular social rhythms in bipolar disorder, 36 interpersonal and social rhythm therapy explores pathways to relapse, including disruptions to social and circadian patterns, non-adherence to medication, and stressful life events.37 The model suggests that positive and negative life events can adversely affect circadian rhythms, posing a risk of recurrence.36 It tackles these issues by establishing regular routines, exploring interpersonal conflict and addressing issues around social roles, 37 and it seems to have promise in managing bipolar disorder.
Based on Fredrickson's Broaden - and - Build Theory of Positive Emotion, we explored the role of school affect (i.e., positive affect in school and negative affect in school) in connecting gratitude, prosocial behavior, and school satisfaction among a sample of 324 (176 males) elementary school students in grades 4 to 6 by using structural equation modeling.
Doubling, modeling, and role - training are crucial in learning how to get unstuck from repeated negative behavioral patterns.
Maybe you are afraid of committing to a relationship because you've had negative experiences in the past, bad parental role models, or believe that a good relationship only happens if you «find your soulmate.»
If your role models did not treat one another with love and respect, it will help you bring those negative patterns into awareness and slowly let go of any negative types of behaviors so you don't have to keep reliving them now.
Consistently with the role of avoidance in the cognitive model of worry, we sought testing a mediation pattern where negative beliefs about emotions were connected to maladaptive ERS through experiential avoidance.
Thus, adolescent - to - parent violence is the result of multiple, interactive risk (e.g., family violence, abuse, hostile parenting, negative peers, violence in media, gender - based socialization for violence) and protective factors (e.g., positive parenting, prosocial peers, positive role models)(Hong et al. 2012).
Three separate models were fitted to our data: one for each category of support provision behavior (i.e., emotional, instrumental, and negative support behaviors displayed by the spouse in the support provider's role).
Such factors have been found to play an important role in family adaptation, significantly predicting maternal outcomes within the double ABCX model [28] and accounting for unique proportions of variance in negative family outcomes [24, 78].
These results were consistent with the hypotheses that negative mother — child relationships could spill over to the other relationships of the mothers, and that positive and supportive relationships of the mother could constitute positive role models for the child.
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