Sentences with phrase «negative sign»

Paying attention to your infant's sleep patterns and being aware of negative signs will allow you to determine what is normal and what should concern you.
Prices are down roughly 4.6 % and are showing a few negative signs.
The positive / negative signs indicate positive or negative differences in the probability of supporting.
Once they gang up, negative signs start appearing in the calculations, making them impossible to solve.
If she asks you to pay for everything on the first date, this is a major negative sign.
I can't stand to see that negative sign lol!
The most important indicator of good health is an absence of negative signs and symptoms.
Once you're aware of the following six negative signs on your credit report, you can take steps to fix them to improve your chance of getting a loan or other credit opportunities.
If you notice bright red blood, you feel excessive pain or any other negative signs, you should stop.
Positive and negative signs indicate winds of opposite direction.
The Carbon Brief does a great job of aggregating these responses, which reveal both positive and negative signs for future discourse on carbon dioxide removal («CDR»)-- i.e. removing and sequestering excess carbon from the atmosphere and oceans.
For instance, the possibility of negative signs in a mathematical model created by physicist Paul Dirac predicted the existence of antimatter — and the astonishing stuff turned out truly to exist.
Both Jewish and Christian literatures have much to say about positive as well as negative signs of the approaching end.
By the end of 2000, many of those who had invested all their money in the high - tech sector welcomed in the New Year with negative signs beside their performance numbers for the year.
(You'll start seeing negative signs and symptoms after eating greater quantities of carbs than if you were more sedentary).
What's more, the tech benchmark remained stable amid the sell - off and that leadership provides a glimmer of hope amid the dominantly negative signs.
However, you still need to be cautious and observe for negative signs such as worsening or developing of rashes, itchiness, and hives.
The most significant negative signs and symptoms when comparing pregnant versus non-pregnant women.
I can see various scenarios where a glucometer approves a certain food but someone is stil displaying negative signs and symptoms.
The TWT can also reduce negative signs and symptoms, while increasing energy, reducing body fat, and improving overall health and fitness.
Other negative signs include stocks making new highs on low volume, a stock repeatedly reversing off highs and / or closing near intraday lows, or when a stock begins breaking logical areas of support like key moving averages and uptrend lines.
The main negative sign is that many media outlets are still conflating CDR as «geoengineering» alongside Albedo Modification («AM»)-- despite the fact that the NAS report specifically fought against this this confusion:
BCH / USD failed to hold the USD 1,300 and 1,250 support levels, which is a strong negative sign in the short term.
In practical terms, dollar - weighted returns are computed as internal rate of returns (IRRs) from investment projects in which initial market values and contributions from investors (e.g., stock issues) enter with negative signs, and distributions to investors (e.g., dividends, stock repurchases) and final market values enter with positive signs.
The pair is currently trading below the USD 8,500 resistance with a few negative signs.
The best foods to eat are those that keep you healthy and free of negative signs and symptoms such as poor energy, sleepiness after meals, and stress issues.
Before you apply, however, you should examine both your personal and business credit reports for negative signs and inaccuracies.
Imports have a negative sign in the equation, which might at first suggest that the more a country imports the lower its GDP, but he reminds us that we subtract imports only to avoid double - counting the stuff imported, which already was counted either in consumption or investment.
If interest rates rise, the «substitution effect» has a negative sign on consumption: the opportunity cost of consumption in period one has risen, this encourages us to save more and consume less.
In the past, a weaker BTC / ETH exchange rate has been a negative sign for bitcoin.
Often, when a company cuts its dividend, it is a negative sign since it could indicate that a company is running low on cash.
Phoenix homeowners might consider this relatively low forecast a negative sign, but it's actually a positive.
Understand that but this is a bad sign sending a negative signs to attract negativity in which any nation in war with America will accuse it of being non religious or devil worshipers to raise hatred against it as if it is a Holy War to fight it.
Characteristic of Gnosticism, as of Dr. Altizer, is the sense of a radical split within the divinity; and also characteristic of both is the faith that the radical split is overcome by acknowledging the ultimate unreality of one side of the split — in Gnosticism, the evil, worldly side will eventually become nothing; in Dr. Altizer's thought, the transcendent side has assumed the negative sign and either will become, or has become, nothing.
That's because the density at a given point depends only on the mathematical square of the orbital, whereas the orbital can also have a positive or negative sign.
Head of the Italian Agency for Civil Protection Guido Bertolaso told the National Geological Society last week in Pisa, Italy: «I see as a negative sign the affirmation of the prophets of doom, instead of those who chose earth science as a reason for living.»
And the most important way to know if you've gone over the top is if you get any negative signs or symptoms.
This is not a negative sign, it is simply an indication that the amount of colloidal silver used should henceforth be slightly reduced.
Never take it as a negative sign — on the contrary — these are the results measures that show you the way forward.
The other type of negative signs to end a relationship is when one person becomes obsessive about the other in a threatening sense.
For this group as a whole, the estimated impact of the voucher offer on college enrollment within three years of expected graduation has a negative sign but is imprecisely estimated.
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