Sentences with phrase «negative social experiences»

Children with a history of negative social experiences, such as maltreatment or insecurity attachment, have a tendency to be hyper vigilant for signs of threats.
If replicated by future studies, these preliminary findings suggest that the MAOA - L would confer a vulnerability to negative social experiences, including early trauma, and a specific proclivity toward reactive aggression, i.e. that type of aggression triggered by exaggerated levels of negative emotion, such as anger and anxiety.
«On the other hand,» Vollenweider adds, «the reduction of psychological pain and fear can facilitate the therapist - patient relationship and therefore the psychotherapeutic treatment of formative negative social experiences
«This experiment shows that after a negative social experience the oxytocin triggers anxiety and fear in a new stressful situation,» Radulovic said.

Not exact matches

Teens from low - income families are more likely to report negative digital experiences such as cyber bullying, and social media experiences that spill over to create problems at school and with peers.
That can be great if they had a good experience, but difficult if it wasn't positive because you can't delete negative comments from someone else's social media feed.
Of the respondents who shared negative experiences, 45 percent used social media and 35 percent shared via online review sites.
A bad — or even just disappointing — experience can turn a Millennial into a vocal critic who will spread the negative word through social media, reviews, and blogs.
The authors» apparent dismissal of this possibility is puzzling, and it prevents them from raising questions about social and cultural factors that may contribute to the negative experience of pastors.
If my own experience is anything to go by, by bringing him up a Catholic I may be condemning him to fights in the playground, bullying in the classroom, being endlessly baited at parties / lectures / social gatherings [always by self - professed open - minded liberals] and to seeing his faith lied about and depicted in wholly negative terms by every possible media outlet.
They point to other destructive aspects of television that have been stressed by television researchers and theorists; the privatization of experience at the expense of family and social interaction and rela - tionships; (33) the promotion of fear as the appropriate attitude to life: (34) television's cultural levelling effects which blur local, regional, and national differences and impose a distorted and primarily free - enterprise, competitive and capitalistic picture of events and their significance; (35) television's suppression of social dialogue; (36) its distorted and exploitative presentation of certain social groups: (37) the increasing alienation felt by most viewers in relation to this central means of social communication; (38) and its negative effects on the development of the full range of human potential.
Foreign Bodies (FB) found in food by the consumer can not only create an unexpected and negative consumer experience, it can have a huge impact for the manufacturer, especially with today's accessible and widespread social media channels.
These findings are all consistent with the growing body of literature on the impact of adverse childhood experiences on neurological, cognitive, emotional and social development, as well as physical health.38 Although some studies have found no relation between physical punishment and negative outcomes, 35 and others have found the relation to be moderated by other factors, 12 no study has found physical punishment to have a long - term positive effect, and most studies have found negative effects.17
«Having personal experience with the criminal justice system and now working with at - risk youth to develop consequential thinking skills, this population is extremely vulnerable to the negative influences and trauma of incarceration, resulting in re-offending and potentially prolonged mental and social instability,» explained M.A.D.E Transitional Services Executive Director Toney Earl, Jr..
Although they voiced more negative opinions about unionization than their nonscientist colleagues did, their actual experiences «teaching and advising [unionized] students... were no different than in the humanities or social sciences.
Would some people who are less social experience negative results if forced to be more social, in a senior living facility, for example?
Cate Taylor, assistant professor of sociology and gender studies at IU Bloomington, designed and carried out an experiment that subjected both men and women to the negative social conditions that many women report experiencing in male - dominated occupations.
Caregivers» experienced better health outcomes when they were older, caring for a spouse, had higher income, better social support, sense of control, and caregiving had less of a negative impact on their everyday lives.
The emotional language of the tweets was measured in two ways: the use of common terms associated with anger, anxiety, and «positive and negative social relationships» and groups of words reflecting certain attitudes and experiences, including hostility and aggression, boredom and fatigue, optimism, and happy memories.
«Given the transactional nature of the regulation of interrelated biological systems, and our findings of associations between flatter DCS (lower morning peak in cortisol and / or higher even cortisol levels) and multiple health outcomes, it seems plausible that reciprocal and cascading interactions among clock gene mechanisms, sleep, cortisol, inflammation, fatigue, appetite, behavior, and social and psychological experiences jointly contribute to the observed associations between flatter DCS and multiple types of negative health outcomes.»
• Don't be misled by the name - the social community has been created to turn negative dating experiences into positive ones.
Burris combines reviews of academic studies, as well as personal anecdotes from her own experience as an educator, to argue that ability tracking has a negative effect on the educational achievement of «low track» students while also undermining social cohesion.
It need not be a negative experience, but rather one of reaching a reality that will help them move on to acquire skills to accommodate and handle their needs, social and otherwise.
Moreover, what teachers see as wrong or negative can be the very best possible experience that a student needs for emotional and social growth.
The study found that teens had four main ways of using social media — and although they acknowledged negative emotions from each, most described their experiences as generally positive.
Hard experiences of conflict, war and trauma have inevitable and negative impact on social, economic and political life of individuals and communities, with long term effects on their function and development, creating number of dysfunctional individuals and traumatized societies, and trauma transfer on generations.
Parents generally arrived at their chosen school through a largely linear process that began with the ruling out of large segments of the broader educational market of schools (e.g. ruling out all traditional public schools based on prior negative experiences, ruling out the private sector due to financial constraints) followed by the identification of a particular school through the parent's social network of family, friends and work colleagues.
In my experience, this is a pretty common pattern: A person who works for a well - funded, anti-public education organization, whose full - time job it is to seek out social media articles and blog posts on specific topics (i.e., charter schools, teacher tenure, teacher evaluation systems) and then respond with forceful and negative responses, engages in a back - and - forth about a particular topic or issue.
There has been an abundance of articles in recent years which make it fairly clear that many participants in the Social Security system — especially those who have started contributing recently, and going forward from that — will experience negative rates of return.
It often doesn't work out like this with many users having a negative experience with social trading.
Social media, for instance, is a powerful tool for consumers to discuss product experiences, both positive and negative
Social identity theorists, however, point out that for ingroup favouritism to occur a social identity «must be psychologically salient», and that negative dimensions may be experienced as a «less fitting basis for self - definition&rSocial identity theorists, however, point out that for ingroup favouritism to occur a social identity «must be psychologically salient», and that negative dimensions may be experienced as a «less fitting basis for self - definition&rsocial identity «must be psychologically salient», and that negative dimensions may be experienced as a «less fitting basis for self - definition».
It's vital to understand that, as one study found, negative social signals and experiences predict psychological behavior more strongly than positive ones.
The goal of Collaborative Practice is to maximize the settlement options to both parties, to increase the abilities of families to communicate in a post-separation relationship, and to minimize, if not eliminate, the negative economic, social and emotional consequences to families that are experiencing separation or divorce.
Social agencies are seeing increasing numbers of people who are representing themselves require both enhanced resources and research to identify how to support SRLs, who consistently describe stress - related illnesses and other negative social consequences of their experSocial agencies are seeing increasing numbers of people who are representing themselves require both enhanced resources and research to identify how to support SRLs, who consistently describe stress - related illnesses and other negative social consequences of their expersocial consequences of their experience.
Though he sees the next two quarters as being weaker for the social media company from a user and engagement perspective, Mahaney likened the negative consumer sentiment to what Netflix experienced after it raised its prices.
Highlights Implemented new Twitter content campaign for 50 percent increase in followers Proficient in basic HTML and CSS Knowledge of SEO field Excellent with Adobe Photoshop Proficient with Final Cut Pro Experience Digital Marketing Manager 5/1/2014 — 5/1/2016 Diggs Outreach and Consulting — New Burg, ND Spearheaded redevelopment projects related to social media presence, negative ratings and brand reception.
Hotmail and Yahoo! email address suffixes can have one of these effects based on the content of the resume / social media profile: If you have a contemporary - formatted resume with progressive language and experience, having a hotmail or yahoo email address can enhance the impression that you are experienced, been current with technology for over a decade and see how technology enhances productivity — or at least not bring about any negative impressions.
Or even share the negative experience with others via social media, in effect becoming a detractor of your organization's brand?
Just one poor experience can land itself on social media and paint the establishment in a negative light, but you can count on me to follow through on upper management's instructions while continually motivating my cooks to meet their full potential.In regards to building relationships, I demonstrated this while working at the Marriott Hotel in downtown Atlanta.
Young people can overcome a negative perception about their age and experience with effective use of websites and social media.
Kids experiencing abuse may act out in negative ways or become withdrawn, both of which limit their social development as well.
The process of non-voluntary immigration, transitioning and acculturating to a new country may have a negative impact on the mental health of immigrants.1 — 3 Postmigration factors (eg, stress, lack of social capital, social isolation and loss of social network) as well as acculturation problems and experiences of discrimination in the host country affect the mental health of the parents and the children.4 5 Moreover, immigrant parents face challenges concerning their role and responsibilities as parents while adjusting to the host country, all of which tend to create stress in parenting.1 3 6 The mental health problems of parents have been reported to be a risk factor for children's behavioural problems and may negatively affect the parent — child attachment and their relationship.7 8 Studies have also shown that parents with mental health problems have a low perceived sense of competence in parenting and may lack the ability to employ positive parenting practises.9 10
• Dr David Chae, a social epidemiologist from the University of Maryland's school of public health, whose research suggests that multiple levels of racism, including interpersonal experiences of racial discrimination and the internalisation of negative racial bias, may work together to accelerate ageing among African - American men, and
Experience of parenthood stress is closely associated with a paucity of social relations and support networks, and situations in which fathers feel concourse with their children to exert a negative effect in important spheres of their lives; here fathers may experience parenthood as an element apart from their own identity and as a factor restrictive of their freedom (AbidExperience of parenthood stress is closely associated with a paucity of social relations and support networks, and situations in which fathers feel concourse with their children to exert a negative effect in important spheres of their lives; here fathers may experience parenthood as an element apart from their own identity and as a factor restrictive of their freedom (Abidexperience parenthood as an element apart from their own identity and as a factor restrictive of their freedom (Abidin, 1995).
Long - term use of nicotine has been linked with self - medicating efforts to cope with negative emotional, neurobiological, and social effects of adverse childhood experiences.
The views and perceptions of families will be gained by interviewing 12 intervention group parents representing different cultural and social backgrounds and different experiences (positive and negative) after the programme to gather information on most and least valued aspects of programme, rating of the facilitators, and ways of improving the programme.
Individuals exposed to adverse childhood experiences tend to be less equipped to take on a parenting role when they are adults and, in the context of adverse circumstances and the absence of some form of social support and / or intervention, they are more likely to adopt inappropriate parenting behaviours and perpetuate a cycle of negative and adverse parenting across generations.
Anti-smoking socialisation effects were measured on the parent survey in the following categories: (1) parental self efficacy regarding smoking prevention; (2) parental self disclosure of smoking history and experience with addiction; (3) parental explication of negative consequences for initiation of smoking; (4) parental reinforcement of child's abstinence; (5) effort by parent to counter pro-smoking influence from media; (6) effort by parent to counter pro-smoking influence from peers; (7) parental monitoring of smoking initiation by children and friends; (8) parental effort to reduce child's exposure to tobacco smoke in the home; (9) parental action to establish social contracts against smoking with children.
The SASC - R includes the following three subscales: fear of negative evaluation from peers, social avoidance and distress specific to new situations or unfamiliar peers, and social avoidance and distress experienced more generally in the company of peers.
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