Sentences with phrase «negative social rewards»

But trolls show higher motivation to achieve negative social rewards, like creating social mayhem and disruption.
In addition, these internet trolls are likely to be motivated by negative social rewards, meaning they are reinforced by creating a disruptive social environment.
But if they don't receive that negative social reward, then their motivation to engage in this behaviour will likely diminish.

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Positive emotionality is a combination of scores for well - being (reward sensitivity), social potency, achievement (motivation), and social closeness; negative emotionality is a combination of scores for stress reaction, alienation, and aggression; and constraint is a combination of scores for self - control, harm avoidance, and traditionalism.
Negative social potency is measured using the Social Rewards Questionnaire, in which participants indicate their agreement with statements such as «I enjoy making someone angry» and «I enjoy embarrassing others&rsocial potency is measured using the Social Rewards Questionnaire, in which participants indicate their agreement with statements such as «I enjoy making someone angry» and «I enjoy embarrassing others&rSocial Rewards Questionnaire, in which participants indicate their agreement with statements such as «I enjoy making someone angry» and «I enjoy embarrassing others».
We also hypothesized that CU traits would show a pattern of «inverted» social reward, in which adolescents with high levels of these traits report more enjoyment of negative social potency and less enjoyment of prosocial interactions, in line with our previous findings from adults with high levels of psychopathic traits [12,13].
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