Sentences with phrase «neglectful behavior»

HSP mothers reported less neglectful behavior, related to decreased preoccupation with problems and improved access to medical care at one agency studied.
The children come to believe that their parents» abusive or neglectful behavior is a reflection of their worth as human beings.
PA is only applicable when the target parent is innocent and has not exhibited abusive or neglectful behavior; or any behavior that might warrant the child's vilification.
If you live in a share complex, such as student housing or a senior citizen complex, you might want to consider a higher contents coverage plan that protects against other's neglectful behavior.
Neglectful behaviors included leaving the child alone and unsupervised and not providing adequate care (food, doctor visits, emotional support).
Only two differences emerged: HSP mothers were less likely to use corporal or verbal punishment or engage in neglectful behaviors.
The evaluation of HFNY found many significant links between program involvement and reductions of abusive or neglectful behaviors, though few were observed at both one and two years.
In contrast, Hawaii Healthy Start showed no overall effects in terms of parent - reported abusive or neglectful behaviors, even though the program was initially designed to prevent child abuse and neglect.

Not exact matches

Being «neglectful, indifferent, contemptuous, asexual, demeaning, insulting» is not loving behavior and is often as — and sometimes more — damaging as physical abuse (and there are some who argue that infidelity is abuse).
Kids who end up as juvenile delinquents often come from homes that are neglectful emotionally, The Atlantic observes in its discussion on group homes for kids and teens with severe psychopathic behaviors.
Or will we continue to repeat the same neglectful and abusive behaviors?
That is to say, behaviors that are not severe enough to be considered abusive or neglectful by legal definitions may nonetheless have detrimental effects on children's development.10 In this way, improving parenting practices may be an important way to prevent child maltreatment.
«Authoritarian» parenting, characterized by high control and low warmth, is associated with a lack of social competence and self - esteem, aggressiveness, and poor academic achievement; «permissive» parenting, characterized by high warmth and low control, is associated with impulsive, aggressive behavior, and substance use problems; and «disengaged» (sometimes called «neglectful») parenting, in which both warmth and control are low, is associated with impulsivity, behavioral and emotional problems, school dropout, substance use, and delinquency.10, 11
Troublesome behaviors may persist long after the abusive or neglectful environment has changed or the child has been in foster care placement.
Although this is the first prospective longitudinal study to investigate this mediational hypothesis in a systematic manner, our findings are consistent with previous findings indicating that disruption of interpersonal relationships is a predominant risk factor for suicide10, 13,49 and that interpersonal conflict or separation during adulthood partially mediated an association between neglectful overprotective parenting and subsequent suicide attempts.23 The present findings are also consistent with research indicating that stressful life events mediated the association between childhood adversities and suicidal behavior during adolescence or early adulthood, 8 that suicide is multidetermined, 2 and that youths who experience numerous adversities during childhood and adolescence are at a particularly elevated risk for suicide.18, 22,49
Flattened diurnal patterns might be seen only in children living in highly neglectful or chaotic environments and not necessarily in children at risk based on sibling antisocial behavior.
Given that early - onset antisocial behavior is associated with (1) subtle neurological impairment, (2) harsh, punitive, and neglectful parenting, and (3) family contexts characterized by substance abuse and criminal behavior,2 - 5 it is important to note that this program has affected these aspects of maternal, child, and family functioning at earlier phases in the child's development.6 - 11 Moreover, genetic vulnerability to impulsivity and aggression is expressed much more frequently when vulnerable rhesus monkeys experience aberrant rearing21 (also Allyson J. Bennett, PhD, K. Peter Lesch, Armin Heils, et al, unpublished data, 1998), adding to the plausibility of the findings reported here.
In a neglectful and abusive situation, however, a child can develop ineffective attachment behaviors and an attachment - bonding process, therefore, is never formed.
Neglectful parenting in particular has been linked to delinquent behavior (Maccoby and Martin 1983; Steinberg et al. 2006; Steinberg et al. 1994).
Attachment disorganization has been suggested to be caused by frightening and extremely insensitive or neglectful caregiving.5 Studies on non-maltreated samples have demonstrated that anomalous parenting, involving (often only brief episodes of) parental dissociative behavior, rough handling, or withdrawn behavior, is related to the development of attachment disorganization (see Madigan, Bakermans - Kranenburg et al., 6 for a meta - analytic review).
In order to examine the relationship between exposure to parental loyalty conflict behaviors and parental bonding, we examined mean differences in BSQ scores by PBI quadrants (optimal parenting, affectionate constraint, affectionless control, neglectful parenting).
Post hoc test Bonferroni revealed that, compared to individuals who reported optimal parenting, affectionate constraint, and neglectful parenting, individuals who experienced affectionless control reported significantly higher recall of exposure to paternal loyalty conflict behaviors.
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