Sentences with phrase «negligent neighbors»

We've written previously about the dangers of old gas lines, as well as the dangers of gas leaks caused by negligent neighbors.
It protects you from negligent neighbors, NJ gas explosions, and risks you can't control.
Your negligent neighbors who send water from their bathtub down through your ceiling could also be covered, and their liability coverage should kick in as well.
Broken pipes, negligent neighbors, even water from fighting a fire all can generally be covered by your policy.
Because you have no idea what your negligent neighbors are doing behind closed doors.
It protects you from negligent neighbors, NJ gas explosions, and risks you can't control.
Broken pipes, negligent neighbors, even water from fighting a fire all can generally be covered by your policy.
Could the negligent neighbor's liability coverage on his renters insurance in Centreville respond to this loss?
One negligent neighbor is all it takes to destroy your life.
It seemed to be coming from the unoccupied house under renovation by the negligent neighbor in question, but no one was sure until the fire chief showed up.
Renters insurance in Boise will cover most water damage, such as from a broken pipe or a negligent neighbor.

Not exact matches

Texas renters insurance protects you from the negligent apartment neighbor and more.
Your neighbors have worked as hard as you have to get where they are, and they deserve for you to make them whole should a negligent event cause them injury.
The common usage of the word flood includes things like broken pipes and negligent upstairs neighbors.
Neighbors have called it a case of arson, but it sounds a great deal more like negligence because the Modesto apartment fire wasn't intentionally set, it resulted from the negligent act of drying clothes over a kitchen stove.
By having the renters insurance coverage, you are protected against negligent acts by someone else, including your neighbors.
If a tree collapses and destroys a neighbor's home or personal property, the renter might be found negligent if they hadn't notified the property owner.
Apartment fires are more common than they should be in Texas, and neighbors can often be negligent no matter where you live.
Pennsylvania Renters Insurance can protect you from neighbors who make negligent decisions, such as not putting out their smoking materials completely.
Your neighbors have every reason to believe that you were negligent.
If it results from the neighbor being negligent and letting his bathtub overflow, you'd want to start with his liability coverage in most situations, but there could be coverage for that as well on your policy.
Instead of you carrying renters insurance to cover potential negligent damage to the apartment and your neighbors, you pay a small monthly fee, due and payable as additional rent.
However, if you believe your neighbors were in fact negligent in caring for their property, you may want to file a policy report about the incident right away.
Texas renters insurance protects you from the negligent apartment neighbor and more.
However, if you can prove your neighbor was negligent in caring for the dead or dying tree, it could easily become their insurance company's problem.
It will cover all negligent damage to a neighbor's property.»
But, if it's clearly a dead or rotting tree, you could claim that your neighbor was negligent and should have removed it.
If you live in an apartment unit then you need to give extra caution to the selection process as you need to protect yourself against the negligent acts of your Crescenta Valleys neighbors as well.
Apartment fires are more common than they should be in Texas, and neighbors can often be negligent no matter where you live.
Your neighbors have worked as hard as you have to get where they are, and they deserve for you to make them whole should a negligent event cause them injury.
If a tree collapses and destroys a neighbor's home or personal property, the renter might be found negligent if they hadn't notified the property owner.
You buy renters insurance because you have nutty, negligent, noncompliant neighbors.
Your neighbors have every reason to believe that you were negligent.
If it results from the neighbor being negligent and letting his bathtub overflow, you'd want to start with his liability coverage in most situations, but there could be coverage for that as well on your policy.
Was the neighbor negligent?
Texas renters insurance keeps you protected when your neighbors are negligent.
Pennsylvania Renters Insurance can protect you from neighbors who make negligent decisions, such as not putting out their smoking materials completely.
«Jury Finds Housing Authority Negligent in Murder of Elderly Woman after Tenant Background Check Misses Criminal Past of Neighbor»
The Buyer brought a lawsuit against the Developer, claiming that the Developer misrepresented the Neighbor's disruptive behavior and alleged negligent misrepresentation, consumer fraud allegations, and negligent infliction of emotional distress.
Even if a construction contractor you hired is the one who caused your tree to fall, you may still be held liable, as long as your neighbor can prove that your negligent direction led to the tree's demise.
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