Sentences with phrase «negligent parties through»

Since 2004 we have helped our injured clients recover millions in damages from negligent parties through personal injury claims.

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Through a personal injury claim against a negligent party, you may be able to recover for the following past and future losses:
You may be able to recover additional compensation from a negligent third party through a personal injury claim.
A successful wrongful death claim will prove that another party caused your loved one to die through negligent actions or inaction.
We pursue insurance companies and negligent parties to achieve the best possible solution, either through trial or settlement.
If you were injured by a negligent third party at work, you could be entitled to additional benefits, above what you can receive through workers» compensation alone.
Compensation, also referred to as damages, is a dollar amount paid to an injured person by the negligent party responsible for the injury, usually through the responsible party's insurance company.
Our firm successfully guides clients through these complex employment matters, and we also defend clients against claims asserted by third parties (regarding negligent hiring, supervision and retention, etc.) and employees (discrimination, harassment and breach of contract, etc.).
If the at - fault party was grossly negligent — such as through drunk driving or texting while driving — punitive damages might apply.
The insurance company will likely seek reimbursement for your costs and that reimbursement may be through a medical claim or settlement with the negligent party.
Through careful investigation and research into the cause of the accident, we will ensure that your claim is well documented and clearly shows who the negligent party was, allowing you to obtain the compensation you deserve.
They will guide you through the legal and financial puzzle, so that you recover with justice from the physical and financial inconvenience suffered at the hands of the negligent, guilty party.
Injured employees may have a claim for damages through workers» compensation or by filing a personal injury lawsuit against the negligent parties.
These are cases in which another party was responsible for the injury through a negligent or reckless act.
Necessary compensation usually, but not always, comes from ICBC through third party liability insurance coverage held by the negligent driver.
If you entered into an arbitration agreement with the negligent party, our lawyers can represent you through the arbitration process or possibly have the agreement thrown out and pursue your claim through the courts.
If you have suffered an eye injury or blindness because of another party's negligent or reckless actions, you may be entitled to compensation through a personal injury claim.
Although we are more than happy to settle cases prior to filing a lawsuit or taking a client's case to trial if the negligent party or their insurer is willing to pay full compensation for our client's injuries and financial losses, we are not afraid to file a lawsuit and take a case all the way through a jury trial to recover full compensation for our clients.
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