Sentences with phrase «negotiations over the debates»

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There was little debate over the financial plan, although some members voiced concern over what they considered to be «rushed» negotiations in the days leading up to the budget.
Van Bramer, who chairs the Council's cultural affairs committee, where the debate over library funding has largely been heard, reminded of the Council's budget priorities as final negotiations take place between the 51 - member legislative body and the administration of Mayor Bill de Blasio.
Espaillat was hesitant to say the negotiations over the rent regulation legislation should be tied to the ongoing debate for a tax cap.
The saga over the debates came to a head when Cuomo's campaign agreed to two debates, with emails showing little negotiation over the terms of those forums.
There, negotiations are expected to include debates over whether nations like China and Saudi Arabia, which have enjoyed a special status in prior negotiations, should shoulder more of the burden to cut their emissions, which the IPCC report shows are rising steadily.
Nowhere has the debate over the power and perquisites of schools» building engineers been more heated than in New York City, where the board of education is now engaged in contract negotiations with Local 891 of the International Union of Operating Engineers.
From Keystone Crossroads The dust has settled on the 2016 - 17 Pennsylvania budget, and, as usual, debates over education funding and policy dominated much of the negotiations.
As budget negotiations heat up, so does the debate over the balance between investments in the long - term future and short - term necessities.
They are also difficult because the multilateral climate body — the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change — includes over 190 countries; these countries are grouped into various blocs with criss - crossing agendas and priorities; long - standing north - south resentments continue to rile the debate; and negotiations are governed by a consensus rule of procedure (bloody consensus!
Indeed, the feeling among parties outside the negotiations was largely that the general shape of the deal is known and therefore the time for debates is over and the time for serious climate action has arrived.
The Chicago Tribune reports the city council was embroiled in a fierce debate over the settlement negotiations that followed the families» wrongful death lawsuits because of concern it would open the city up to liability for a range of wrongful acts committed by employees in their free time.
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