Sentences with phrase «neighboring houses etc.»

If there are more than that number the colony will discourage newcomers and some of the current members may look for other food sources, neighboring houses etc. that have food to offer.

Not exact matches

My kids have a tendency to be overly dramatic about everything and every reaction is a throw myself to the floor or howl to the moon - regardless of what it is about - bedtime, coming home from neighbors house, having to face consequences of behavior, etc..
paid to a survey company to verify all property lines, to make sure there all structures (including fences, sheds, pool, guest house, etc., for both the purchasing property and all neighboring units) are within property limits; not always required in some states.
I know there is a few people out there that don't want strangers to visit their home, or showing their ID's, but you can get it done in proper manner way, such as set up a date & time that you will have more people in your house for a home visit, like your brothers, sisters, friends, neighbors, etc..
If the «dribbles» are more than dribbles, or if the antibiotic doesn't stop the problem, consider any factors that may be making your bunny feel insecure (new pet, house guests, change in location of cage, etc.), any of which can cause a bunny to mark her cage more enthusiastically (similar to someone having a dispute with a neighbor about the location of a fence setting up a flag at the property boundary marker).
One theory as to why avian flu hasn't spread as much from chickens to humans in West Africa is that Nigeria and neighbors are warmer and there's more space, so people don't have to keep their chickens in their houses — meaning they breathe less chicken feces and dander, etc..
You can supplement your marketing with mailings and phone calls, but nothing beats good old fashion door knocking where you can see the house, talk to the neighbors, get a sense of the borrower's grasp of the situation, etc..
He has the experience of measuring, counting the eggs, etc. counting the cookies, placing them in the handled bag, driving his tricycle to the neighbor's» houses and interacting with them.
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