Sentences with phrase «neither bad intent»

«The first point is there's more circumstantial evidence of bad intent here,» Waymo's attorney said.
Agreed there has been a lot of killing in the name of religions, but the gullible are always led astray easily by the non-religious with bad intent.
Oh, «no bad intent».
Some people have bad intent.
This explains why we observed more harsh judgments even in neutral conditions where there was neither bad intent nor outcome,» says Patil.
As has happened before on the Apple App Store and Google Play storefronts, this looks like a case of inconsistent moderation letting folks with bad intent get through the gates.
Contract evil does not necessarily arise out of bad intent or a genuine attempt to defraud.
It eats up customers of bad intent and ignores customers of good intent.
You can check the balance sheet for YouTube and Facebook to confirm that — there isn't as much money in customers of bad intent as there is in customers of good intent.
Companies that cater to customers of bad intent are never going to make as much profit as companies that cater to customers with good, positive intent.
«People of bad intent choose a rival.
It would change the Kindle from a device of good intent to a device of bad intent.
Amazon is losing out on all these customers of bad intent that would have helped it lower its profits.
So join me «people of bad intent» and head to your local bookstore --
There's perhaps even money to be made by tricking readers who want free books and feel they have the divine right to get everything free — let some other company make money from these readers of bad intent.
It's the gift you get when you cater to customers of bad intent.
Hi @Mindwin, I didn't mean to suggest any bad intent of the OP, but I believe the last paragraph is an important caveat to the rest of the answer.
Please remember that if you did not have bad intents, you probably ought not to feel guilty.
She was a great example of a young dog raised without any impulse control whatsoever — sweet, without bad intent (thank goodness!)
«In all of these cases... the lawyers didn't necessarily have bad intent...,» she adds.
Punitive damages require jurors to read the minds of corporate defendants, looking for bad intent or reckless disregard.
Causal attributions (i.e., locus, stability, globality) and responsibility attributions (i.e., bad intent, selfish motivation, blame) were assessed in the spouses of 27 depressed psychiatric inpatients and 30 nondepressed dyads to test predictions derived from Hooley's (1987) «symptom - controllability» model of marital distress.

Not exact matches

Disney shareholders lost their case but the final ruling set a new bar for directors when approving these kinds of exit packages: «If a director acts with conscious disregard — in other words, a looking away — rather than a deliberate intent to violate his duties, he can still be held liable for acting in bad faith,» plaintiffs» attorney Steven G. Schullman told the New York Times back in 2006.
In spite of the logical need to modernize the 23 - year old agreement, we may end up with no deal or worse — the very real prospect of President Trump posing for the cameras to show off his signed executive order declaring America's intent to withdraw from NAFTA.
It's simple: If the bad guys can get an employee to give up his or heruser credentials or download some malware, they can likely waltz right past the technological controls looking for all intents and purposes as if they belong there.
Amid the bad news, Bombardier ended its nearly 18 - month sales drought for the CSeries with a letter of intent with Air Canada for the purchase of 45 CSeries 300 planes, with an option to buy up to 30 more.
Indeed, Trump has been campaigning on the popular promise to bring back jobs to the U.S. To do so, he has stated his intent to pull out of NAFTA, or what he calls «the worst trade deal maybe ever signed anywhere.»
On the web, where engines index URLs by the billions, (the good, the bad and the ugly), signals of trust, merit, and intent of source will be crucial to any search result, including a personalized search result.
Guns are tools that fulfill the intent of their users, good or bad.
Not a lot of detail is provided about what specific types of bad stuff will be targeted, aside from the usual suspects, but the examples shown indicate the algorithms are getting much more sophisticated at identifying intent and meaning of verbiage.
Can we afford this exercise in good intent with bad outcome here in the United States?
That's too bad, I have found in studying their interpretations Jesus» become more clearer on intent and style.
I couldn't have a worse representative than you unless my intent was to scare people away from religion permanently.
I think the moderates are the worst kind of accommodationist, simply because they pass off the literalists as «few», the «odd crazy»... when it is these few and odd crazy ones that have the money and the intent to change policies to «make the prophecy» come true.
You are idiots for calling him on the carpet, instead you should be getting the federal government out of the poverty fighting business, The war on poverty is over 44 years old and for all intents and purposes all it did was create an out of control bureaucracy that needs to be taken apart and labeled a bad idea for future generations.
I keep getting told that the pastor isn't manipulative «with malicious intent» so I shouldn't be so alarmed that it's happening and he's «not a bad person»... Is it just me or does that sound like bull shit?
Sorry you feel dissed, that was not necessarily my intent, but this is how I feel, and I'll lay out the reasons why I feel the western monotheistic religions are bad if you wish.
Anyone with a Y chromosome who approaches those places is displaying bad taste at best and nefarious intent at worst.
Preserving the author's integrity is not a bad guideline, if the spirit rather than the letter of the intent is followed.
there was NO FBI or CSI the man can NOT be proven to have murderous intent if the man survives for another day or so... you are again very bad at investigating and connecting the dots
Yeah... you keep twisting my words, or worse yet make up entire quotes and put quotation marks around them to illustrate how YOU want to portray my meaning or intent... and I will keep telling you that you are full of shit.
Let us return back to the original intent of this mosque, as I understand it: it was a way to show «normalize» main - stream Americans with Muslims, possibly to show Americans that not all Muslims where like those that committed 9/11... it was likely to create a peaceful presence of your average, «good» Muslim to provide a contrast where the worst of them would always be remembered.
We can all eat how we wish and its not my intent to say plants are bad of course they are not but I have difficulty with anybody on any subject proclaiming they have it all figured out and this is definitely the way to do something especially when their is plenty of evidence to the contrary.
This Cavs team was so bad they seemed intent on wrecking the age - old theorem that they are the favorites in the East as long as they have LeBron.
When something bad happens outside the crease, refs look at the replay and try to judge intent, and you get a lot of questionable calls.
Though a draw is not a bad result, we must not go into the game with the sole intent of a draw cos that may encourage the Spurs to bombard us... this is a winnable game if we get our tactics right
Basically, when something bad happens OUTSIDE the crease, then the refs look at intent and try to judge who's at fault.
It would be harsh to punish Stephen Hunt given no one can say for sure what his intent was, but it would be even worse to turn a blind eye.
Inevitably, Tony Pulis will attempt to rectify somebody's season come the closing months of the campaign, but it is pleasing from a neutral perspective that Premier League owners seem intent on bucking the trend of sacking their manager after a handful of bad results.
He is also not brave enough to go through any number of players for a high ball, he wont even go through his own, he's bad at reading the flight of the ball and has no intent on making sure of it, when Ospina plays you have to rely on a certain amount of luck.
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