Sentences with phrase «nerve damage occurred»

They may also perform tests to determine if any nerve damage occurred.
Had the same nerve damage occurred in the hospital, would the family still be subjected to the same harsh treatment?
Instead, the researchers discovered a different protein, p75, that binds to the axon's myelin when nerve damage occurs in these animals.
Sometimes this nerve damage occurs due to long - term diabetes (diabetic gastroparesis).
To be effective, surgery must be performed soon after the injury before extensive nerve damage occurs.
These delayed cases may show no respiratory or intestinal signs before delayed nerve damage occurs.

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It is most often of genetic nature, but may also occur because of eye, nerve, or brain damage, or due to exposure to certain chemicals.
It occurs when fluid pressure inside the eyes rises, irreversibly damaging the optic nerve that carries visual information from the retina to the brain.
The condition occurs when the facial nerve is damaged by swelling or pressure, but the exact cause of Bell's palsy is unknown.
Unlike peripheral nerves, which re-sprout axons when they are damaged, mature spinal neurons do not regrow axons in the part of the body where the injury has occurred — such as when the spinal cord is cut or crushed — which results in paralysis below the injury.
These cells have the ability to cross the blood - brain barrier and travel directly into the nervous system to improve blood flow to the brain and repair some of the nerve damage which has occurred as a result of your degenerative disease or neurological injury.
«We think any damage is occurring in these nerve fibers and receptors or cells associated with the senses,» Doty said.
Through a five - year National Eye Institute R01 grant totaling more than $ 2.6 million, they will investigate several aspects of how EDN induces neurodegeneration and cell death and how these mechanisms might be targeted therapeutically for early disease prevention, before nerve damage and cell death has occurred.
Summary: The goal of this project is to discover changes in the eye that occur before the nerve damage that causes glaucoma.
Vision loss from glaucoma occurs when axons in the optic nerve become damaged and can no longer carry visual information to the brain.
Glaucoma occurs when fluid pressure increases in the eye, damaging the optic nerve.
Brachial plexopathy occurs when there is damage to the brachial plexus - the bundle of nerve which exit your spinal cord at the base of the neck, between the C5 and T1 vertebrae.
Problems occur when these bacteria levels get mixed, or nerve or muscle damage allows colon bacteria into the small intestine.
Suprascapular neuropathy usually occurs as a result of traction damage to the suprascapular nerve causing an aching or burning pain at the back and or side of the shoulder joint.
An acute compartment syndrome can be a medical emergency as muscle and nerve damage can occur.
A small fiber neuropathy occurs when damage to the peripheral nerves predominantly or entirely affects the small myelinated (Aδ) fibers or unmyelinated C fibers.
As long as your blood sugar remains below 140 mg / dL (8 mmol / L), the point at which damage to nerves can occur, you can consume 6 grams, 10 grams or 25 grams of carbs per meal on a low - carb diet.
Immediate medical attention should be sought for a sever acute compartment syndrome as long term damage to nerves and muscles can occur.
The complications that have occurred since 1976 when the first THR was done at Ohio State include dislocations, fractures of the femur, infections, loosening of the implants and nerve damage.
Diabetic neuropathy occurs when uncontrolled sugar levels in the blood damage the nerves in the body.
The longer the pressure in the eye is elevated, the more damage occurs to the structures in the eye responsible for vision (especially the retina and optic nerve), eventually resulting in permanent blindness.
In theory, local nerve damage can occur during the surgery leading to urinary and / or fecal incontinence.
This occurs because the nerves that control the anus are very near the anal sacs and may be damaged during surgery.
When complications do occur, the most common are separation of the two parts of the artificial joint, infection at the implant site, loosening of the implant and damage to the sciatic nerve.
Occasionally, damage to the spinal cord and nerve roots may occur, resulting in a condition called myeloradiculopathy.
This compression damages the nerves transmitting information to the limbs and thus paresis (weakness) or paralysis can occur.
Additionally, regrowth of an improperly removed claw, bone spurs, and nerve damage can occur.
Most cases of heavy metal toxicity in birds are treatable if they are diagnosed early enough before permanent nerve damage has occurred.
Neuropathic — Also known as nerve pain or neuropathy, neuropathic back pain occurs when receptors in the spinal column continue to send pain signals to the brain even though there is no ongoing tissue damage.
Paralysis can occur when a person's spinal cord tissue is damaged and nerve sensation is lost to entire sections of the body.
Paralysis can occur as a result of any type of injury that causes damage to the nerve fibers that transmit impulses from the brain out to the limbs and the organs of the body.
Paralysis occurs when the nerves are severely damaged.
Damage to internal organs may occur, as well as blood vessel or nerve problems.
According to Seattle Children's Hospital: «brachial plexus palsy is a condition that occurs when the nerves of the brachial plexus are damaged.
These injuries can occur anywhere on a person's body, but injuries to the face are usually the most severe and require additional medical assessment to see if there is any nerve damage.
CES requires prompt medical treatment in order to alleviate pressure from the nerves and ensure permanent damage does not occur.
When these nerves are damaged, weakness and permanent paralysis can occur.
Traumatic Brain Injury TBI, or traumatic brain injury, is an extremely complex and damaging auto injury occurring more commonly in side impact crashes.TBI can cause temporary or permanent impairment of brain functions, fractures to the skull, bruising of the brain (hematoma), and damage to nerves.
Spinal cord injury occurs when there is trauma that causes damage to cells within the spinal cord or severs the nerves that relay signals from the body to the brain.
Biker's arm is a common motorcycle accident injury, and it occurs when the nerves in a motorcycle rider's arm are damaged from a fall off of the bike.
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