Sentences with phrase «nerve sheathes»

However, because the autoimmunity is not attacking nerve sheathes specifically, the patient can not be diagnosed despite MS - like symptoms.
For instance, autoimmunity to nerve cells may produce symptoms similar to multiple sclerosis (MS), which is an autoimmune reaction to nerve sheathes.

Not exact matches

The center of the cord is gray matter — essentially an extension of the brain, like a tail — that is sheathed in fibrous white matter, with long, thin nerve fibers called axons shooting out at intervals to wire every part of the body.
During the 1980s a Soviet bioweapons lab altered a pneumonia - causing bacterium so that in addition to causing respiratory illness, it could also prompt an immune response to myelin, the sheathing on the nerves.
«We looked at the optic nerve and saw normal myelination,» Mukherjee said, referring to the fatty white sheathing wrapped around axons, the nerve fibers that allow information transmission over distances to proceed efficiently and rapidly.
In both types of MS, immune system cells attack and strip away myelin, the fatty protective sheathing that insulates nerve cells.
Leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF): Altered LIF levels have been used to spur neural cells into greater activity that can better restore lost myelin sheathing on nerves.
MS is an inflammatory disease in which the protective myelin sheathing that coats nerve fibers in the brain and spinal cord is damaged and ultimately stripped away — a process known as demyelination.
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