Sentences with phrase «nerve signaling»

This product kills fleas by blocking nerve signals in their bodies.
Vitamin B1 is essential for the transmission of nerve signals to the muscles and thus it takes care of our mobility.
In addition to strengthening bones, calcium helps with nerve signal transmission, maintaining healthy blood pressure, and muscle contraction and relaxation.
B1 is necessary for the transmission of specific nerve signals between the brain and spinal cord and helps to convert glucose into energy.
The retina is the part of the eye that converts optical images into nerve signals, which are then transmitted to the brain where vision is interpreted.
By identifying a source of early sensory nerve signals, the current study could lead to new ways to diagnose autism and other cognitive deficits that emerge early in development.
Researchers then used advanced microscopy to visualize activity in their brains, comparing nerve signaling activity in those exposed to anesthesia to those who were not.
The device detects and translates nerve signals sent by the brain to the vocal cords when we merely think about speaking a sound.
In visually impaired mice, the transplant allowed for the restoration of normal vision, as demonstrated by tests of visual nerve signals and a swimming maze test.
Meanwhile, victims of nerve damage must cope with the loss of bodily functions and try to ignore persistent nerve signals they can't turn off.
The hair cells act like miniature microphones, capturing sound vibrations from fluid in the ear and translating the movement into nerve signals.
This real - life Luke Skywalker is one of the first recipients of the i - Limb, which transmits nerve signals from his arm into instructions for five independent motors that flex and straighten the fingers.
Professor Graybiel's work also supports the idea that learning new tasks involves a «use it or lose it» process of selecting and reinforcing particular nerve signalling pathways at the expense of others, in order to arrive at the most rewarding behavior.
«We are now focusing on nerve signaling, «says Breseden, «and efforts to «disconnect» the molecular mechanism that locksmemory - making in the reverse.»
Watch how the method developed by Elizabeth Hillman and her colleagues, known as SCAPE microscopy, lets researchers see how nerve signals cause a fruit fly larva to move around.
Epidurals block nerve signals from both the sensory and motor nerves, which provides effective pain relief but immobilizes the lower part of the recipient's body.»
When one wafts into our nostrils, these receptors send nerve signals to sensory way stations called glomeruli, which pass them along to the brain for interpretation — «Oh, a rose!»
Your nerves are covered in a layer of fat called myelin that helps transmit nerve signals at top speed.
Myelin disorders can affect nerve signal transmission in the brain and spinal cord, leading to cognitive, motor and sensory problems.
The molecules assemble into a machine that provides an on / off switch for nerve signalling.
They investigated how nerve signals are suppressed inside the so - called entorhinal cortex.
Researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine have succeeded in transforming skin cells directly into oligodendrocyte precursor cells, the cells that wrap nerve cells in the insulating myelin sheaths that help nerve signals propagate.
Over time, the resulting bouts of inflammation permanently damage the myelin sheath and the nerve fibers it protects, disrupting nerve signals traveling to and from the brain.
New research on epilepsy patients suggests that stimulating a particular stretch of the brain's white matter — tissue that transfers nerve signals around the brain — improves performance on memory tests.
New research on epilepsy patients suggests that stimulating a particular stretch of the brain's white matter — tissue that transfers nerve signals around the brain — improves performance on memory...
If neural activity corresponding to one body part could adapt and move another body part — in this case, whiskers — then perhaps it would be possible to reroute nerve signals on a larger scale, around an injured spine or into a prosthetic limb.
In Cajal's time, the dominant belief was that the brain and nervous system formed a «reticulum,» a web of fibers that conducted nerve signals continuously, through a network of connections that linked it all together.
However, coaxing these cells to grow and form connections capable of relaying nerve signals has been elusive.
Until recently, it was unclear how the physical pressure of a light touch gets transduced from a mechanical force to an electrical nerve signal in Merkel discs.
This is due to the degeneration of the spinal pathways that carry nerve signals from the brain to the different parts of the body and vice versa, resulting in loss of mobility and sensitivity underneath the injured area.
OP pesticides, which are derived from nerve gas, interfere with nerve signal transmission.
Levels could be a hundred times higher in the synapses, where nerve signalling is taking place, he says.
The myelin sheath is vital for conveying nerve signals.
Nerve signals control the communication between the billions of cells in an organism and enable them to work together in neural networks.
Nerve signals shoot up your spine, then radiate all over your brain: Ouch!
«Fat cells that amplify nerve signals in response to cold also affect blood sugar metabolism, researchers report.»
In the middle ear, pressure oscillations in the air are transferred via the tympanic membrane (eardrum) and one or three small bones (ossicles) to fluid movements in the inner ear, where the conversion of sound waves to nerve signals takes place.
They studied the hearing of lungfish and salamanders by measuring auditory nerve signals and neural signals in the brainstem as a function of sound stimulation at different frequencies and at different levels.
6 The Department of Defense funds research into creating neuroprosthetics — fully functional artificial limbs that respond to normal nerve signals — for military amputees.
Their search included studies on population based estimates of chronic pain — defined as lasting more than 3 months — chronic widespread pain, fibromyalgia (a rheumatic condition characterized by muscular or musculoskeletal pain), and chronic neuropathic pain (pain caused by nerve signalling problems).
The faulty nerve signaling that underlies the disease is thought to stem from the body's own immune system attacking and degrading the axons» myelin sheaths.
The illustration shows two nerve signals passing through each other completely unhindered.
«The biochemical processes responsible for converting light to electrical nerve signals depend on temperature,» says Eric Warrant, a vision expert at the University of Lund in Sweden, who helped conduct the on - deck experiments.
Surprisingly, multiple nerve signals converged at once before the mouse made a turn, suggesting that the animals weighed all available cues before making a decision.
Incoming sounds produce chemical nerve signals that can excite a neuron to fire a new signal or inhibit it from firing.
One way the body may do this is by holding back certain nerve signals — for instance, by putting less myelin on the relevant axons.
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