Sentences with phrase «nerves reach the skin»

At one end, the nerves reach the skin cells where they gather sensory information, and at the other end is the cell body, which contains the nucleus and the neuron's genetic information.

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Previous research by the same research group showed that the nerve endings reach the dermal - epidermal junction and release the virus that infects the skin and can cause lesions.
Touch receptors in your skin sense the insect and activate an electrical current that passes along nerves until it reaches your brain, which registers the fly's presence and instigates a response.
«I'm reaching back there,» he says, «and I'm thinking this feels like muscle, this feels like skin, this is a cord that might be a nerve or a blood vessel.»
Depending on which area of the body the red light is used, this can easily affect all skin layers, reaching into blood vessels, lymph pathways, nerves, and hair follicles.
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