Sentences with phrase «nervous system breakdown»

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In animal studies, too much fibrin in the central nervous system has been associated with breakdown of the myelin sheath that surrounds the nerves and allows them to conduct electrical signals properly.
Others theorize that a baby's immature nervous system and inability to handle the constant sensory stimulation that surrounds her cause a breakdown by the end of the day, when colic most often occurs.
Montani suspects that the breakdown of neurons could be caused by reduced synthesis of lipids in the myelinating cells of the nervous system, among other factors.
Multiple sclerosis causes progressive damage to the nervous system and the breakdown of myelin.
If you're working out as hard as you possibly can, say at a boot - camp - style event, it's possible to send your nervous system into a breakdown, which is not only discouraging but physically draining.
If not enough carbohydrate is consumed to maintain blood glucose levels for the brain, nervous system, and developing red blood cells the breakdown of glycogen for glucose results in a loss of water, which many interpret as weight loss.
Second, cryotherapy may calm the sympathetic (fight or flight) nervous system and slow nerve conduction as well as increase parasympathetic response.Third, cryotherapy may mitigate the release of inflammatory mediators and creatinine kinase, a product of muscle breakdown.
This is because vitamin C helps protect cell health and prevent breakdown, while the minerals in the fruit help maintain the nervous system.
It has been suggested that GTE exerts these effects through its action on the sympathetic nervous system, more specifically on the breakdown of the catecholamine noradrenaline.
My breakdown was really a breakthrough for me as I learnt to feel my feelings and slowly but surely healed my nervous system and improved my health.
I was about to have a nervous breakdown when I was told that my big suitcase had disappeared from the system completely.
This defect impairs the breakdown of complex molecules resulting in abnormal accumulation of this macromolecules in the cells of the peripheral and central nervous system.
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