Sentences with phrase «nervous system form»

During the first thirteen weeks of your baby's development, his major organs and nervous system form.
Also the central nervous system forms in the third week of pregnancy.
As soon as the nervous system forming in the embryo begins to function as a whole — and not before — the cell colony begins to turn into a genuinely individual animal.
And many people found interesting the hypothesis we put forth, which now seems to have even more experimental support: that the nervous system forms by a kind of default mechanism.
«In particular, we want to understand how the nervous system forms.

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But a Canadian expansion of the Internet's unseen «nervous system» in the form of Internet Exchange Points (IXPs) aims to reduce that cost.
This is not to say that indetermination as such requires the nervous system, but that its true form, its higher degrees, do require such a system.
There are numerous forms of leprosy, but the common form which most are familiar with is a disease that causes damage to the body's nervous system.
Originating in opposition to atomistic behavioral psychology, Wolfgang Koehler's theory introduced the category of form (Gestalt) to enlighten the understanding of the transverse functions in the nervous system.
Yet, for process thinkers, an important value, the virtue of creativity, is the zest for novelty and adventure — characteristics of life itself, particularly in the more complex forms, such as animals with central nervous systems.
Between eighteen and thirty days of fetal development a nervous system can be recognized with the closure of the neural tube forming the spinal cord and the brain.
Numerous forms of mental illness, for example, result from organic disorders in the nervous system.
Research shows that from the lowest to the highest level of the organic world there is a persistent and clearly defined thrust of animal forms towards species with more sensitive and elaborate nervous systems.
Infants are still growing, not yet fully formed, and early experiences and responses are incorporated into their developing bodies and nervous systems.
Nervous system is not the only one that develops during this week of pregnancy — muscular tissue starts forming too, and this is why your baby starts being sensitive to external irritants.
Also you need to pay attention to your Laifstamil., Within fifteen days from the three germ layers, will get sixteen Yktoderm, Andodm Mesodm and determine the development of the child's body, Similarly, in two to three weeks, making the baby's nervous system is formed Yktoderm Dwlp and remaining Yktoderm Integumantri from external systems such as skin, hair and nails are formed.
The development of the internal organs is going on, all parts of the body are growing, the head is still bigger than the other parts of the body (at this period it is normal), the nervous system is forming, and within 2 - 3 weeks the baby will be two times bigger than now.
Although these spots themselves are harmless, if some of the spots are bigger than a 50 cent coin, then it could be due to Neurofibromatosis (NF), which is a genetic disorder of the nervous system that causes abnormal cell growth of nerve tissues or benign tumours to form on the nerves anywhere in the body at any time.
The outermost layer forms the brain, nervous system and skin.
He has the most severe form of multiple sclerosis, known as primary progressive MS, a worsening disease that destroys the central nervous system.
«We've previously understood very little about how these bacteria move through and into our organs, tissues, and central nervous system, but our work sheds light on these processes and could form the basis for novel therapeutics that target the bacterium's ability to invade.»
In May, researchers in Sydney, Australia, suggested that the main part of the insect nervous system works in a similar way to a mammal's midbrain, and might provide the capacity for the most basic form of consciousness, subjective experience.
These cells developed normally, and within two weeks had formed neural rosettes, clusters of cells that form the central nervous system.
13 In vertebrate embryos, neural crest cells (NCCs) form along the dorsal side, or crest, of the neural tube (the proto - central nervous system).
The fact that the NPY - deficient mice were no more sensitive than controls to more forceful forms of touch and painful stimuli, or even to chemicals that evoke itchiness, suggests light touch uses its own pathway in the nervous system to evoke scratching.
Lanzenberger: «These results suggest that the gender identity is reflected in the structure of brain networks which form under the modulating influence of sex hormones in the course of the development of the nervous system
With the Human Brain Project, researchers will use supercomputers to reproduce how brains form — basically, growing them in an virtual vat — then seeing how they respond to input signals from simulated senses and nervous system.
The toxic form of the element is methylmercury, which is toxic to the nervous system and can move up the food chain as higher organisms accumulate the methylmercury present in their prey.
Nerve cells, for example, form long extensions that are attracted to signals from other cells in order to produce the network that forms the nervous system; similarly, scavenger cells recognise the scent of harmful germs in order that they can pursue and destroy them.
In vertebrates, the axons of many neurons are sheathed in myelin, which is formed by either of two types of glial cells: Schwann cells ensheathing peripheral neurons and oligodendrocytes insulating those of the central nervous system.
A team of researchers at the IRCM led by Frédéric Charron, PhD, in collaboration with bioengineers at McGill University, uncovered a new kind of synergy in the development of the nervous system, which explains an important mechanism required for neural circuits to form properly.
Axons, the long projections of neural cells which form the nerves of our peripheral nervous system, are like electrical cables: they have thick electrical insulation so that they can quickly relay stimuli from the body and signals from the brain to a toe, for example.
During development, axons must follow specific paths in the nervous system in order to properly form neural circuits and allow neurons to communicate with one another.
The nervous systems in each arm also include loops in the neurons (recurrent connections, in the jargon) that may give the arm a simple form of short - term memory, although it is not known what this system does for the octopus.
Neuroscientists have long believed that scar tissue formed by glial cells — the cells that surround neurons in the central nervous system — impedes damaged nerve cells from regrowing after a brain or spinal cord injury.
The genes in question are all involved in the production of myelin, which forms the fatty insulation around nerve cell axons that enables efficient communication in the central nervous system.
Alexander Pletnev and colleagues at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases in Bethesda, Maryland, and the nearby Walter Reed Army Institute of Research have taken two genes from West Nile virus that encode proteins that form the outer envelope of the virus, and spliced them into the dengue virus type 4, which does not attack the central nervous system.
Neuroblastoma forms in the peripheral nervous system and is one of the most common forms of solid cancer in young children.
Various forms of omega - 3 fatty acids play critical roles in the development of eyes, the brain, and the nervous system.
«It shows that remarkable forms of plasticity can be pervasive anywhere, even in the simplest nervous systems
MS is a degenerative disorder that attacks the brain and nervous system, and the drug has been shown to reduce the number and severity of relapses in patients with a «relapsing - remitting» form of the disease.
A UW — Madison research group has converted skin cells from people and monkeys into a cell that can form a wide variety of nervous - system cells — without passing through the do - it - all stage called the induced pluripotent stem cell, or iPSC.
But it was only in the late 19th century that Spanish neuroanatomist Santiago Ramón y Cajal convincingly showed that such cells — rather than an interconnected net of tissue — formed the basis of the nervous system.
It is formed by oligodendrocytes in the central nervous system and Schwann cells in the peripheral nervous system.
In the peripheral nervous system, myelin forms when «membrane tongues» extend from Schwann cells to spirally wrap around an adjacent axon.
For example, animals such as worms or flies have simple enough nervous systems that they could be mapped in their entirety relatively quickly, to form testable hypotheses about complete cortical circuits.
It is enclosed in the spine and connects nearly all parts of the body to the brain, with which it forms the central nervous system.
Engineered neuroplasticity is a new form of rehabilitation that uses engineered devices to restore lost or injured connections in the brain, spinal cord and other areas of the nervous system.
Their crisscrossing paths and collective efforts have nonetheless led to a clear - eyed understanding of how neurons — the brain's cellular building blocks — form and function and how ion - conducting channels control the flow of electrical signals through the nervous system.
When T. gondii infects an intermediate host such as rodents or humans, it infiltrates the central nervous system and forms slow - growing cysts inside neurons where it can persist for the life of the host [4].
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