Sentences with phrase «nervous system processes»

If so, your brain and nervous system processes information differently.
Our work in the lowly roundworm will shed light on how the nervous system processes information over multiple timescales with relevance for larger animals, including humans.
Kraus's lab research has concluded that musical training appears to enhance the way children's nervous systems process sounds in a busy environment, such as a classroom or a playground.
Trauma Treatment State of the Art: Understanding Phasic Nervous System Process February 5, 2010 by Steven Hoskinson, MA, MAT View Event

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As the activity of the sympathetic nervous system decreases, the parasympathetic nervous system kicks in, keeping cortisol levels, heart rate, muscle tension, digestive function, secretion and other processes back toward homeostasis.
Called the enteric nervous system, it is made up of 100 million neurons that live in the walls of the digestive system and is responsible for many of the reflexes and processes that make our bodies work.
Since no neurologist has, so far as I know, been able to derive even the simplest of sensations from the electrochemical processes of the nervous system, I must, in some way, posit that the physical is also the psychical.
The integration of certain atoms and complicated molecules into neurons in the course of phylogeny, and further on into nervous systems and brains, could produce psychic processes.
Volitional control can be established, through biofeedback learning, over processes long believed to be totally subject to the involuntary control of the autonomic nervous system.
Yet, for process thinkers, an important value, the virtue of creativity, is the zest for novelty and adventure — characteristics of life itself, particularly in the more complex forms, such as animals with central nervous systems.
It also appears that humanity is not able to control our thought processes to any great degree, and erratic thinking can have a great many different causes and effects... and the various biochemical actions / reactions of our central nervous systems are not exactly «set in stone», so when you have a situation like this one, it is only good sense to call for rationality in what we do and in what others do.
Mental activity can embrace and rely upon the particulars of biological processes and biochemical reactions in the nervous system, but our grasp of the workings of the lower processes does not by itself give us an understanding of the nature of consciousness.
Hexate is a known toxin that can lead to nervous system damage when consumed in large quantities, so no wonder consumption of processed soy has been related to thyroid dysfunction, increased infertility rates, hormonal disruption and even increased rates of breast cancer.
Due to its super-potent antioxidants, cacao has been shown to protect the nervous system, slow our aging process, reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and stoke, and reduce both blood pressure and insulin resistance levels.
In other words, it looks like there's something in the human central nervous system that an educated chili head might call an Endo - Capsaicin Receptor system (a system designed to sense and process capsaicin that, when activated, can have significant effects on the central nervous system at large) and that when this system is frequently activated by the digestion of capsaicin, we see all kinds of health benefits.
MSG is approximately 78 percent free glutamic acid, the same neurotransmitter that your brain, nervous system, eyes, pancreas, and other organs use to initiate certain processes in your body.
Votto's nervous system is a supercomputer that processes balls and strikes.01 seconds quicker than the typical player's, and it makes him an absolute joy to watch.
Thermogenesis is the process by which fat is burned by the body's central nervous system in order to maintain the temperature of the body.
«This process may therefore play a key role in neural development and central nervous system function in adults, as well as in chronic brain disorders and various acute brain injuries.»
They had overwrought nervous systems and all this input was just too much for them to process.
The third and final hand in hand that comes with Apraxia is Sensory processing (sometimes called «sensory integration» or SI) is a term that refers to the way the nervous system receives messages from the senses and turns them into appropriate motor and behavioral responses.
Children with sensory processing disorder are constantly in search of ways to regulate their nervous systems and organize input coming from the environment.
In the above article the words: cellular, hormones, brain and nervous system appear by the second paragraph with absolutely no references to explain how these biological terms or processes relate to birth or birth trauma.
Thus, it is not surprising that breastfeeding has been consistently associated with improved central nervous system development, as indicated by improved visual acuity in relationship to formula - fed infants.4 Second, both biological properties and differences in maternal - infant interactions during the feeding process can lead to improved motor and intellectual development outcomes.5, 6 Third, breastfeeding appears to be protective against the onset of childhood obesity, 7 a condition that has enormous psychosocial consequences for children.
«We've previously understood very little about how these bacteria move through and into our organs, tissues, and central nervous system, but our work sheds light on these processes and could form the basis for novel therapeutics that target the bacterium's ability to invade.»
Neurobiology is the study of cells of the nervous system and the organization of these cells into functional circuits that process information and mediate behavior.
By comparing how fast the neural circuits in the retina perform image - processing operations with how many instructions per second it takes a computer to accomplish similar work, I believe it is possible to at least coarsely estimate the information - processing power of nervous tissue — and by extrapolation, that of the entire human nervous system.
To look at the most elementary representation of that process, and since learning and memory are extremely conserved in phylogeny, you need to know what's good and what's bad, what's dangerous and what's safe, what's edible and what's toxic, so you need to learn how to discriminate between alternatives and to remember that decision; and that is such a conserved process that almost all animals with nervous systems can learn and remember.
Something is going on in the central nervous system — some process of sensitization and heightened response.»
It is indeed ironic, as Fields describes, that we have long ignored the glial functions of thought processes, thinking of them as merely support for the nervous system, in a manner similar to the ancient Greeks thinking the brain was simply an organ for cooling the blood.
Amusia thus stems from impaired neural processing from the very first steps of sound processing in the auditory nervous system.
Egelhaaf adds that he will be using the new sensor system to study visual information processing in the nervous system of flies.
In tests of pain processing by the central nervous system, physically active older adults have lower pain perception and are better able to block responses to painful stimuli, according to the new research by Kelly M. Naugle, PhD, and colleagues of Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis.
The approach, based on Nobel - Prize winning techniques, could illuminate the illness, in which muscles and tendons progressively turn into bone, and addresses the similar destructive process that afflicts a growing number of veterans who have suffered blast injuries — including traumatic amputations or injuries to the brain and nervous system.
«The mechanisms underlying JFK's pain were likely complex involving a combination of peripheral factors such as narrowing of the L5 - S1 disc space and dysfunction in central nervous system pain processing, or what we are coming to refer to as «centralized pain»,» Hassett says.
The key issue seems to be when the peripheral nervous system joins up with the cerebral cortex, the region of the brain responsible for higher thought processes such as memory, attention, thought, awareness and language.
I'm interested in all the ways nervous systems can influence the natural and sexual selection process that shapes animal bodies and brains.
24 to 25 weeks: Peripheral nervous system connects with the cortex, the brain region responsible for higher thought processes.
Trimble discusses research findings that show our brain's emotionally driven limbic system is deeply connected with other areas of the nervous system, such as the sensory cortex, which helps us process our surroundings.
Using what are called brain — machine interfaces (BMIs)-- essentially cyborg connections between prosthetic devices and the nervous system — researchers for the first time were able to show that the process of learning to use a BMI - controlled device can trigger significant neurological recovery in patients with chronic spinal cord injuries.
Sophisticated neuroimaging machines and brain - computer interfaces detect the electrical activity of neurons, enabling us to decode and even alter the nervous system signals that accompany mental processes.
In the simulation, the researchers replicated this process by randomly varying the strengths of the various connections that made up the robots» nervous systems.
We can also make central nervous system cells, as the blood to neural conversion technology we developed creates neural stem cells during the process of conversion.»
Further, the process of breathing involves many systems in the body, from the central and peripheral nervous systems to the respiratory and digestive systems.
Low temperatures activate the brown - fat thermogenesis process via the sympathetic nervous system: Nerve ends in brown fat tissue release the neurotransmitter norepinephrine, and that triggers a shift in metabolism within the brown fat cells, which are densely packed with tiny biological energy reactors called mitochondria.
This learning process is so deeply rooted in our nervous system, that we can not even communicate to another person precisely how the resulting skill should be executed.
The lab is interested in understanding the mechanisms setting the spatial orientation of some selected polarity processes, taking place during the formation of the nervous system.
Recent research being presented at the meeting suggests that the sympathetic nervous system and dysfunction in a variety of autonomic processes could be to blame for orthostatic intolerance.
The embryonic Drosophila central nervous system similar to the human spinal cord is a paradigm for understanding the cellular processes and genetic pathways regulating the formation and maintenance of a diverse population of nerve cells.
The identification of functions of individual GABAA receptor subtypes is likely to enhance the understanding of fine - tuning of processes underlying central nervous system function.
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