Sentences with phrase «nesting phase of pregnancy»

Definitely could not have been easy on you during the nesting phase of pregnancy.
I've officially reached the nesting phase of my pregnancy and spent hours this week collecting neglected toys to donate.
I know how tempting it is to get everything set up while you're going through the nesting phase of your pregnancy, but if you want to save money, slow down.

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They aren't lying when they tell you to take advantage of that «nesting» phase all pregnant women go through towards the end of their pregnancy!
Pregnant mice received the natural glucocorticoid corticosterone at different times during pregnancy via their drinking water, either from days 11 to 16, days 14 - 19, or not at all; pregnancy in mice lasts 21 days and the days on which corticosterone was given corresponds to different developmental phases of the placenta.
A deficiency in a vitamin or mineral won't make a tremendous, immediate impact on an adult in most cases, but during the intensive developmental phases of pregnancy, a nutrient deficiency can have lasting consequences for baby.
So, postpartum adrenal crashes and fatigue are very common, and that's another warning sign of a body that is been not well managed and not well nurtured during the pregnancy period, allowing the body to deplete itself of progesterone reserves and so going into acute adrenal fatigue stages in advanced phases after the baby is born.
When we read Amber Allen's piece about embracing vulnerability in pregnancy, we couldn't help but think how it applied to every phase of life.
It's common during this phase of pregnancy, so don't be surprised if your rings are fitting a little snugly — or not at all.
With too short of a luteal phase, the fertilized egg may not be able to make it down the fallopian tubes into the uterus to implant before your period comes making pregnancy much more difficult.
I'm trying to dress like this phase of pregnancy is glorious, but y ’ all... I'm not always feeling it.
Now that I'm 15 weeks and in that awkward phase of pregnancy where you don't really have a bump but you look like you might have eaten a few too many donuts, I prefer clothes that are a little less - snug than usual, and this little red blazer dress is the perfect find.
A few weeks back during the awkward «are you pregnant or just eating a lot of donuts» phase of pregnancy I threw on my jumpsuit and didn't love how it looked on me.
However, I simply can't ignore my belly and you will be taken with me through the phases of pregnancy, but always as being Charlotte who still loves shopping with high - street brands and designers, is not a fan of maternity clothes in particular, and who is still going to wear heels (until my body says no).
I am in a weird clothing place, I haven't bought clothing in a long time with the exception of some nursing friendly bras and tops (boring) and one pair of jeans so I didn't have to continue to wear pregnancy jeans... I didn't want to buy any clothing because my body is changing but I did buy these jeans from old navy for this awkward in - between phase.
Theron wears no makeup and her stomach is the size of a Volkswagen, but she can't hide her appeal, even as the movie takes you all the phases of pregnancy and childbirth — the misery, the pain, the vomiting, the catheters, the endless dirty diapers, the all - night crying and pooping from the nursery.
Like the woman, also the man lives the pregnancy and the childbirth such as a phase of psychological restructuration and he confronts himself with his personal and family history.56 But, unlike the woman, the man does not experience an emotional exchange with the child during the pregnancy or after the childbirth and he establish the relation in the two months after the childbirth.57, 58 They experience important changes and they have more difficulty to begin a good affective relationship with the child than the mothers that establish it after the childbirth.
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