Sentences with phrase «nesting snow geese»

Trophic matches and mismatches: Can polar bears reduce the abundance of nesting snow geese in western Hudson Bay?

Not exact matches

Williams said that this was an interesting year for the researchers as weather conditions caused a late thaw, which made it harder for the birds that arrived earlier — the snow geese and the cackling geese — to nest effectively.
Because the brant is smaller than the other two birds that nest in the area — snow geese and cackling geese — it is at a disadvantage when competing for habitat and food.
Because of these delays, the brant arrive about 1 - 2 weeks after lesser snow geese and cackling geese causing them to miss out on prime nesting real estate.
She's co-authored a recent paper — «The early bear gets the goose: climate change, polar bears and lesser snow geese in western Hudson Bay» — showing that bears in that region are foraging increasingly on shore, eating grasses and particularly relishing (apparently) snow geese and their eggs [UPDATE: Ms. Gormezano described grass (and kelp) foraging in my Science Times story but that's not in the paper; her co-author properly rejected the use of the word «relished»].
But now they find themselves onshore just as vast flocks of snow geese are nesting, providing an abundant supply of eggs and birds.
Large numbers of snow geese, varying each year from 15,000 to more than 300,000 birds, feed on the Arctic Refuge coastal tundra for three to four weeks each fall, on their way from nesting grounds on Banks Island in Canada to wintering grounds primarily in California's Central Valley.
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