Sentences with phrase «net space increase»

«If you know the exhibition venue of Messe Düsseldorf you will know the exhibition used to be in halls 1 to 7 but this year we are going to halls 9 to 17, which enables us to have a net space increase (to approx 67,000 sqm) to cover the growing demand over the last two years of the exhibition.

Not exact matches

Even with parkland and recreational amenities replacing some asphalt lots, there will be a net increase of about 1,000 parking spaces on campus.
Still, the increase in the other departments was enough to net 13 more cubic feet of cabin space.
Earth's energy balance In response to a positive radiative forcing F (see Appendix A), such as characterizes the present - day anthropogenic perturbation (Forsteret al., 2007), the planet must increase its net energy loss to space in order to re-establish energy balance (with net energy loss being the difference between the outgoing long - wave (LW) radiation and net incoming shortwave (SW) radiation at the top - of - atmosphere (TOA)-RRB-.
In general, so long as there is some solar heating beneath some level, there must be a net LW + convective heat flux upward at that level to balance it in equilibrium; convection tends to require some nonzero temperature decline with height, and a net upward LW flux requires either that the temperature declines with height on the scale of photon paths (from emission to absorption), or else requires at least a partial «veiw» of space, which can be blocked by increasing optical thickness above that level.
When there aren't any gaps in space with zero optical thickness (there is approximately a gap above TOA) and temperature varies continously over space (at sufficient spatial resolution, this is generally true everywhere within the climate system), increasing optical thickness eventually saturates the fluxes going in opposite directions, at which point they become equal, so that the net flux is zero.
At higher levels CO2 becomes a net radiator of energy to space so that the slope of the lapse rate increases again.
Our observational studies (Gray and Schwartz, 2010 and 2011) of the variations of outward radiation (IR + albedo) energy flux to space (ISCCP data) vs. tropical and global precipitation increase (from NCEP reanalysis data) indicates that there is not a reduction of global net radiation (IR + Albedo) to space which is associated with increased global or tropical - regional rainfall.
The albedo enhancement over the cloud - rain areas tends to increase the net (IR + albedo) radiation energy to space more than the weak suppression of (IR + albedo) in the clear areas.
BC paid the revenues expected forward, so the recipients of the dividend would have the budget to make democratic decisions in the Market that would be net neutral, and the price increases are spaced every four quarters, with a twenty quarter «breather» for the rest of the world to catch up and the Market to mature, in the case of BC.
A slower growth rate of the net climate forcing may have contributed to the standstill of global temperature in the past decade, but it can not explain the standstill, because it is known that the planet has been out of energy balance, more energy coming in from the sun than energy being radiated to space.10 The planetary energy imbalance is due largely to the increase of climate forcings in prior decades and the great thermal inertia of the ocean.
The human CO2 emissions disappear into space, because it is impossible that the sum of two net contributions to the atmosphere leads to less increase than one of them.
Solar cycles, aerosols, cloud cover and greenhouse gas concentrations each play a roll, and in general, increasing CO2, methane, and N2O in the troposphere will serve to reduce the net flow of energy from oceans to space.
Statistically, we should see a net increase in the flow of energy to space.
An aside: one of the reasons that clouds modulate temperature so effectively is not just the albedo increase which bounces downwelling short wave radiation back into space, but because they radiate IR back to the surface thus reducing the net rate of thermal radiative loss.»
It is bizarre to suggest that a significant net slowdown of heat loss in the face of the compensating negative forcings of increased convection and the increased outward radiative flow caused by a greater surface to space differential could be induced by mankind's tiny contribution to the CO2 in the atmosphere.
An aside: one of the reasons that clouds modulate temperature so effectively is not just the albedo increase which bounces dowelling short wave radiation back into space, but because they radiate IR back to the surface thus reducing the net rate of thermal radiative loss.
It is possible that the main reason why the time - integral of solar variability is of more importance to global temperature change in the medium to long term than short - term solar - energy variability is that, over time, half of any net increase in heat will accumulate in the oceans (the rest will radiate out to space), and the oceans, being a little warmer, will maintain the atmosphere at a warmer temperature than it might otherwise have exhibited.
When DLR is applied the increase in energy loss from SST (int) speeds up the flow and offsets the increase in energy gain in SST (skin) which slows down the flow for a zero net effect on the rate of flow from the mixed layer to the subskin and thence out to space.
An increase in average DLR, all other things being equal, must cause an equal increase in the sum of radiative and convective heat loss so that the net heat flow from the ocean to the atmosphere and space remains constant.
The shape of the CO2 band is such that, once saturated near the center over sufficiently small distances, increases in CO2 don't have much affect on the net radiative energy transfer from one layer of air to the other so long as CO2 is the only absorbing and emitting agent — but increases in CO2 will reduce the LW cooling of the surface to space, the net LW cooling from the surface to the air, the net LW cooling of the atmosphere to space (except in the stratosphere), and in general, it will tend to reduce the net LW cooling from a warmer to cooler layer when at least one of those layers contains some other absorbing / emitting substance (surface, water vapor, clouds) or is space)
Increasing your friendship level will net you all kinds of cool rewards like extra bells, leaf tickets, new items to craft, market box slots, and more space to hold items on your person.
This lower net absorption may be tied to the office trends of rising flex space and increasing numbers of remote employees.
Demand for commercial space and net absorption has increased, although general leasing activity slowed moderately during the third quarter of 2011.
A net increase of 12 million jobs from the low point five years ago has boosted demand for office, retail, warehouse, and industrial spaces.
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