Sentences with phrase «networking parties»

Over 2,000 professionals are expected to attend the conference, making it a perfect networking event with three official networking parties.
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Think of social media as a big networking party.
This conference, which consisted of all the natural elements of a stacked conference, included networking parties and opportunities for their attendees this year.
Come as your future self networking party, dancing, and banquet dinner - believe in the possibility of your amazing future!
There will be three official networking parties that thousands are expected to attend.
Alongside the conference itself, Casual Connect USA 2018 will also host three major networking parties.
I'm stopping by from the GYB networking party and came across your recipe... which looks AH - MA - ZING!
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In addition to lectures and workshops, the conference will also provide multiple ways to network — including through the company's Pitch & Match system and high - profile networking parties.
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Our BPI Networking Party draws over 200 area therapists.
In addition to hearing educational insights from experts on game audio and many other topics in other tracks, attendees will also have plenty of things to see, from networking parties and new connections to exhibitor booths and the best in independent game design.
The White Nights Conference is an international cross-platform business conference for game industry professionals, featuring plenty of networking parties and attended by thousands.
Landau: I've been invited to numerous international networking parties and soirees, and the mere mention of ASW is often the key to an otherwise closed door.
I had the opportunity to experience one of Keith's networking parties firsthand, and the anchor guest that night was the legendary author Gore Vidal.
From regional networking parties and preeminent tradeshows to the annual HD Awards celebration and Platinum Circle Awards Gala, HD brings together a who's who of the industry at events where people want to be.
At 10 p.m., a «black networking party» will be held as part of caucus weekend, Hilton Albany ballroom, 40 Lodge St., Albany.
A Local Area Network Party unites gamers in communities around the world and could be a fun, different date idea for two people who enjoy video games.
RSVP HERE DATE: Tuesday, December 15 TIME: 6:30 pm — 9:30 p.m. PST LOCATION: Impact Hub Oakland (minutes from the 19th BART station) HOST: Books & Continue reading Holiday Networking Party 12/15/15 in Oakland — Books & Booze and Book Promotion Forum →
At Casual Connect USA 2018, attendees can enjoy three networking parties positioned close to the venue as well as free unlimited use of Casual Connect's exclusive Pitch & Match meeting system.
Of course, it wouldn't be a proper Casual Connect conference without networking parties and opportunities for building partnerships.
The agenda includes two atmospheric networking parties: the welcome pre-party on the day preceding the event and an all night party after the first day.
Attendees will benefit from the conference's 15 learning tracks and workshops, mentorship opportunities, and three major attendees - only networking parties as well as a free, unlimited - use meeting system helping attendees find potential partners and colleagues based on skills and interests.
No wonder really when the programme includes world - class technical bootcamps, networking drinks, superb industry talks, star panels, networking drinks, incredible games showcases (such as the IGF — Independent Games Festival), award shows, mindblowing live demos, pop - up shops and dozens of industry networking parties — did I mention those?
As a volunteer for Swedish Games Awards 2018 you'll aid us and our exhibitors with logistics at the SGA network party, and the SGA Expo / Gala.
The conference will host two major networking parties and is also offering three different tours — such as a sightseeing tour of Kyiv and a tour to the Chernobyl zone.
I'm so glad I stopped by from the GYB networking party and found this!
In addition to Casual Connect's tracks and workshops, the conference will host two high - profile networking parties — something the conference is particularly well - known for.
Therapists and graduate students of all orientations are invited to use our free Networking List, Community Calendar, Find a Local Therapist service, and to attend our BPI Networking Party.
Now, clearly, not all of us will be able to get Gore Vidal and the Whiffenpoofs at our networking party, but I'm guessing that Keith didn't have them at his first party either.
Between the after show festivities, dinners, exhibitor events and networking parties it can be hard to decide what to do.
First off, tonight is the second Tuesday of the month, a perfect time for Hank Dearden and the Capital Cabal's Second Tuesdays New Media & «Dot Com» Networking Party.
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