Sentences with phrase «neural tube birth defects»

Taken before and during pregnancy, it reduces the risk of neural tube birth defects.
You'll also need extra folic acid to protect against neural tube birth defects, as well as more iron to help red blood cells carry oxygen to your baby.
More folate is needed in pregnancy for reducing neural tube birth defect risk.
The benefits of folic acid on neural tube birth defects and of calcium and vitamin D on osteoporosis are widely recognized.
Pregnant women, who need an adequate amount of folate to prevent neural tube birth defects in their unborn children, benefit from eating potatoes baked, rather than boiled.
Mining billionaire Andrew Forrest has appointed a leading figure in both the global grains industry and the fight to prevent neural tube birth defects to run his growing agricultural empire as he looks to boost ties with south - east Asia.
Folic acid is known to reduce risk of neural tube birth defects such as spina bifida.
Hrubec noted that an epidemiological study could determine whether people who have a high rate of exposure, such as healthcare workers or restaurant servers, have a more difficult time becoming pregnant or have a greater likelihood of having children with neural tube birth defects, but no such study has been conducted to date.
The research demonstrated a link between quats and neural tube birth defects in both mice and rats.
While a connection between opioid painkillers taken during pregnancy and the greater risk of neural tube birth defects was found, a cause - and - effect relationship was not identified.
Hrubec found that exposure to these chemicals resulted in neural tube birth defects — the same birth defect as spina bifida and anencephaly in humans.
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