Sentences with phrase «neuroimaging studies»

Neuroimaging studies involve using advanced technology to take pictures of the brain and study how it works. Full definition
A review of neuroimaging studies of young relatives of individuals with schizophrenia: a developmental perspective from schizotaxia to schizophrenia.
In one recent neuroimaging study by Hidehiko Takahashi of the National Institute of Radiological Sciences in Japan, volunteers who imagined themselves winning a prize or trouncing an opponent showed less activation in brain regions associated with introspection and self - conscious thought than people induced to feel negative emotions such as embarrassment.
A human neuroimaging study using diffusion tensor imaging revealed that the anterior insula is interconnected to regions in the temporal and occipital lobe, opercular and orbitofrontal cortex, triangular and opercular parts of the inferior frontal gyrus.
As a number of neuroimaging studies show, the early onset of permanent blindness alters the response of the neurons of the visual cortex and causes a cortical compensatory re-organization in the occipital lobe.
For support for neuroimaging studies of language - learning disabilities: $ 350,000 (over three years) to the New York University Medical Center, New York City.
A large body of previous neuroimaging studies on bilinguals suggests that this choice is completed by language control network, commonly regarded as part of the domain - general executive control.
The tools developed are being enhanced and extended with the goal of developing a flexible software package that provides an automated approach for neuroimaging studies by Alzheimer's dementia researchers at the Good Samaritan Medical Center in Phoenix.
McAuley is working with Soo - Eun Chang, assistant professor of psychiatry at the University of Michigan, who is a stuttering expert and has been conducting neuroimaging studies in children who stutter on the MSU campus since 2009.
Akin to physical pain, experiences of social rejection and exclusion may signal a significant threat to individuals» survival [65], and there is evidence from animal lesion and human neuroimaging studies suggesting that physical and social pain overlap in their underlying neural circuitry and computational processes [66 — 67].
In this study, we built on previous neuroimaging studies of mathematical cognition and examined whether the same cognitive processes are engaged by two strategies used in algebraic problem solving.
A recent neuroimaging study found that fans experienced greater pleasure when watching a rival team fail, as opposed to non-rivals.
Schulze added, «It is my hope that these findings will give an impetus to future neuroimaging studies evaluating different treatment options in BPD, such as psycho - or pharmacotherapy.»
Neuroimaging studies with healthy volunteers indicate that the FPC is associated with allocating and maintaining attention on emotional stimuli (Koechlin et al., 1999; Burgess et al., 2007; Tsujimoto et al., 2011).
Neuroimaging studies suggest that frontolimbic regions of the brain, structures that regulate emotions, play an important role in the biology of aggressive behavior.
A recent neuroimaging study provides preliminary support for the notion that mindfulness is different from attention - and cognition - driven pain and emotion regulation strategies by showing that mindfulness practitioners have different neuronal responses to painful stimuli than controls, involving greater activation in the insula (anterior to posterior) and thalamus and decreased activation in PFC (Grant et al. 2011, but see Brown and Jones 2010).
Relatively few neuroimaging studies have explored the role of puberty in human brain development (Blakemore et al., 2010; Crone and Dahl, 2012; Galvan et al., 2012), though it was noted long ago that measurements of peak gray matter volume coincide with the onset of puberty (Giedd et al., 1999; Blakemore, 2012).
However, this intriguing neuroimaging study of transsexuals before and after their female - to - male gender reassignment suggests that even adult men and women differ in brain structure within regions involved in language and speech.
«Many of these sins you could think of as virtues taken to the extreme,» says Adam Safron, a research consultant at Northwestern University whose neuroimaging studies focus on sexual behavior.
This is in part due to small sample sizes of neuroimaging studies resulting in limited
Prior neuroimaging studies revealed a number of structures that link depression to deficits in cognitive control (Compton et al. 2008; Fales et al. 2008; Hardin et al. 2007; Harvey et al. 2005; Holmes and Pizzagalli 2008a, b; Matthews et al. 2008).
«While neuroimaging studies can tell us a great deal about the brain's response to complex events, it's only by studying patients with brain injury that we can see if a brain region is actually needed to perform a given task,» said Dr Clark.
Cortical thickness Defined in neuroimaging studies as the shortest distance between the white matter surface and pial gray matter surface.
Even more important, this seminal work opens the road for comparative neuroimaging studies in which humans and other animals perform similar tasks using similar methodologies, and the results can be analyzed using similar strategies.
The researchers examined 44 healthy subjects, all between 25 and 70 years old and all participants of a past neuroimaging study run by the Cambridge Medical Research Council's Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit.
I am also co-Director of the Clinical Core of the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Study along with related projects.
This work also calls into question neuroimaging studies that do not control for or report the time of day when scanning took place.
He also cited neuroimaging studies showing that prolonged periods of reduced audio stimulation can lead to faster rates of atrophy, changing the brain's structure Additionally, social isolation caused by hearing loss may contribute to further brain decline, Lin said.
«Neuroimaging study sheds light on mechanisms of cognitive fatigue in MS.» ScienceDaily.
Thanks to neuroimaging studies like this, it may one day be possible to stimulate the development of these faulty brain connections, or to predict how people with autism respond to treatment.»
Conducted at the University of Iowa, this is the first neuroimaging study to use a cutting - edge technique — functional near - infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS)-- to enable researchers to track real time changes in brain activity as participants made these two types of stone tools.
An Event - related Neuroimaging Study Distinguishing Form and Content in Sentence Processing.
The neuro - anatomical substrates of major depressive disorder (MDD) are still not well understood, despite many neuroimaging studies over the past few decades.
The advent of large - scale neuroimaging studies has shown that neural measures can be strongly predictive of individual differences in fluid intelligence (e.g. Kievit et al., 2014; Ritchie et al., 2015).
BACKGROUND Previous neuroimaging studies indicate abnormalities in cortico - limbic circuitry in mood disorder.
In a multimodal neuroimaging study, the lab is using functional MRI (fMRI) and magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) to identify early functional and neurochemical changes in the brains of patients with major depression who are taking the antidepressant citalopram.
In awarding the Norman Geschwind Prize, the AAN also cited Turkeltaub's substantial contributions to cognitive and behavioral neurology, including his invention and continuing development of a method that eliminates «false positives» that have recently distorted neuroimaging studies.
Interpret the results of neuroimaging studies such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT), and Positron Emission Tomography (PET) scans.
Pediatric neuroimaging studies, up to now exclusively cross sectional, identify linear decreases in cortical gray matter and increases in white matter across ages 4 to 20.
Additional neuroimaging studies of the amygdala, hippocampus, and the rest of the limbic system, along with measurement of dopamine and other brain chemical transmitters during the learning process, reveal that students» comfort level has critical impact on information transmission and storage in the brain.
Responding to Judy Willis's article «The Gully in the Brain Glitch Theory» in the same issue, the authors argue that their own neuroimaging studies and those of other researchers show that deficits in the brain regions influencing phonological ability are the key to reading problems.
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