Sentences with phrase «neuronal circuits in the brain»

Normal larvae have a neuronal circuit in their brains that let them get over this.
Microfabricated silicon needle - electrode devices were expected to be an innovation that would be able to record and analyze the electrical activities of the microscale neuronal circuits in the brain.
The results of their work, the researchers say, may advance scientific understanding of how genes linked to the risk of human bipolar disorder change neuronal circuits in the brain, and may offer an animal model for testing new treatments.

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Among the questions researchers are asking: Does the process of innovating activate neuronal circuits in a particular part of the brain, the way that language, say, primarily activates circuits in parts of the brain's left hemisphere?
The potential for mind - boosting drugs and technologies has increased stunningly over the past decade as neuroscientists have unlocked the secrets of neuronal circuits, neurotransmitters, and specific molecular events triggering brain functions in three interconnected cognitive domains — attention, memory, and creativity.
«This is a step in understanding how the neuronal mechanisms of memory and early sensory experiences form brain circuits in the early developmental stage, not only in birds, but also in humans and other species.»
These findings could be a step in grasping how the brain circuit is shaped during this early stage development and how these neuronal circuits contribute to higher cognitive function in adulthood.
The experiment, Dulac adds, implies that the neuronal circuits for «male» behavior exist in the brains of female mice and that the animals» VNO, by sensing pheromones, controls which sexual behavior repertoire is expressed.
It is interesting that music and language use neuronal circuits that evolved to discern sounds in our environment, but I believe it is the brain's natural inclination to recognise complex patterns that makes music so compelling for us.
Jon Storm - Mathisen, Professor of Anatomy at the University of Oslo, and chairman of the Kavli Neuroscience Prize Committee, said: «Major questions in modern brain science are how the complex neuronal circuits of the brain and spinal cord are assembled during development and how they function in the adult.
Stimulation using microwires presents a novel opportunity to improve selective and natural activation of neuronal circuits in the human brain.
-- To better understand how and why these specialized sub networks are created, researchers at the Max Planck Florida Institute for Neuroscience (MPFI) have combined electrophysiological and optical approaches to manipulate and monitor neuronal activity at single - cell resolution in intact, functional brain circuits.
With this tool, neuroscientists can use light to trigger or suppress neuronal firing and precisely manipulate animal behavior, allowing them to map circuits underlying normal brain functions and study their dysfunction in mood and movement disorders.
In contrast, the Drosophila sex pheromone cVA is detected by both sexes and elicits dimorphic behavior by routing the signal via different third order neuronal circuits deep in the brains of males and females [19In contrast, the Drosophila sex pheromone cVA is detected by both sexes and elicits dimorphic behavior by routing the signal via different third order neuronal circuits deep in the brains of males and females [19in the brains of males and females [19].
Those identified already have been implicated in a variety of functions, including development of the brain's language circuits, neuronal development, signaling, wiring, and synaptic plasticity.
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