Sentences with phrase «neuronal loss»

The phrase "neuronal loss" refers to the death or damage of neurons, which are specialized cells in the nervous system responsible for transmitting information. When neurons are lost, it can lead to difficulties in the functioning of the brain and can contribute to conditions such as memory loss, cognitive decline, and neurological diseases. Full definition
In the brain, his FFI mice develop neuronal loss in the thalamus and his CJD mice experience spongiosis in the hippocampus and the cerebellum, reflecting the damage seen in the brains of human patients.
Detection of neuronal loss using T1rho MRI assessment of 1H2O spin dynamics in the aphakia mouse.
Although genetically modified mice have been used widely to model neurodegenerative diseases, they lack the typical neurodegeneration or overt neuronal loss seen in human brains, says corresponding author Xiao - Jiang Li, MD, PhD, distinguished professor of human genetics at Emory University School of Medicine.
This creates hope that a drug to boost production of these proteins could be developed to restore the ability to remember in patients with neuronal loss.
ALS is characterized by degeneration of motor neurons, while FTD is characterized by progressive neuronal loss mostly in the frontal and / or temporal lobes of the brain.
The brains of aging humans are prone to neurodegenerative disorders and we are unable to counteract neuronal loss by regenerating lost cells.
PIB is not only a powerful tool for studying the efficacy of these drugs; it is also a way to ensure that patients on the road to Alzheimer's start getting treated early enough to minimize irreparable neuronal loss.
PET scans which use fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) as a tracer can be used for neuronal loss, and are useful when a reliable short - term prediction of cognitive decline is needed.
Patients with Parkinson's disease experience gradual neuronal loss, leading to cognitive and motor impairments that damage their ability to walk and cause debilitating, often fatal, falls.
«Alzheimer's disease: Neuronal loss actually very limited: Study challenges current scientific consensus.»
Even though it may correct existing neuronal losses, cell replacement is not by itself a cure for HD as it can not stop the progression of the neurodegeneration in the patient's brain.
As we have seen, both active vaccination with AFFiRiS» AFFITOPE AFF 1 / PD01A vaccine and passive vaccination with Prothena's AS - targeting mAbs (one of which presumably was humanized to develop PRX002) were effective in rescuing neuronal loss, synaptic degeneration, neuroinflammation, and cognitive and behavioral deficits in two mouse models of synucleinopathies of aging.
We resorted to a widely used C. elegans model of Parkinson's disease, where we can measure the correlation between lifespan determined by aging and neuronal loss because the condition is not fatal.
Progressive ganglion cell degeneration precedes neuronal loss in a mouse model of glaucoma Buckingham, B.P., Inman, D.M., Lambert, W., Oglesby, E., Calkins, D.J., Steele, M.R., Vetter, M.L., Marsh - Armstrong, N. & Horner, P.J. (2008) Journal of Neuroscience, 28:2735 - 2744.
The mice develop neurobrillary pathology already at an age of 2,5 to 3 months, and show progressive gross brain atrophy and significant neuronal loss in hippocampal structures.
The autopsy also revealed mild atrophy of the basal ganglia and cerebellum, possible myocarditis (which has also been associated with Lyme disease), extensive neuronal loss, and other markers specifically associated with striatonigral degeneration (SND).
This way, more specific therapeutics can be tailored to activate the correct proteins to counter the effects of neuronal loss.
Now a research team, led by Dr Diego Gomez - Nicola from the Centre for Biological Sciences at the University of Southampton, has detected increased neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus that partially counteracts neuronal loss.
Current PD treatments are symptomatic, wear off over time and do not protect against DA neuronal loss.
In the healthy mice, the stem cells migrated throughout the brain, but in the mice with neuronal loss, the cells congregated in the hippocampus, the area of the injury.
Parkinson disease (PD) and other neurodegenerative disorders also show increased matrix metalloproteinase activity that contribute to neuronal loss.
When compared to control mice (ctr), P301L transgenic mice (tg) presented a lower body weight, reduced survival rate, hyperphosphorylated tau, spine injury, and neuronal loss in both cerebral cortex and hippocampus at 15 months of age.
We just published our first preprint in bioRxiv: Age - dependence and aging - dependence: The case of neuronal loss and lifespan in a C. elegans model of Parkinson's disease.
have been used to model Huntington's, but it is believed the pigs will better model the neuronal loss seen in the brains of human patients.
Since the TMEM106B genetic variant on brain aging was also apparent in patients with Alzheimer's disease, Rhinn explained that «one interpretation is that TMEM106B is a critical element of a resilience network in the frontal cortex that limits the extent of neuronal loss and gliosis.»
When administered intraperitoneally to PDGF - AS mice, this conjugate reduced AS neuropathology, neuronal loss, astrogliosis, and behavioral deficits in the water maze.
Although synaptic pruning is key to healthy early brain development, synaptic degradation in the adult brain may be a precursor of aging and neurodegenerative disease that results in neuronal loss.
We were unable to demonstrate the presence of amyloid plaques, dystrophic neurites, neuronal loss, macro - or micro-gliosis, aberrant cell cycle re-entry, oxidative stress, tau hyperphosphorylation, or upregulations of proinflammatory cytokines or stress signaling molecules in the retina.
Future studies will clarify if lipofuscin itself causes disease and whether progranulin directly contributes to lipofuscin accumulation and neuronal loss.
Over the last decade researchers have realized that persistent inflammation in the brain, although not the cause of PD, may increase the rate of neuronal loss.
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