Sentences with word «neurotic»

The word "neurotic" refers to a person who is excessively anxious, worried, or fearful about many things in their daily life. Full definition
Your toddler's brain certainly isn't as neurotic as mine, but it probably is just as active.
Some might say that a frightened child could well become neurotic in such circumstances.
If you have mature, adult taste in movies you may find yourself most entertained not by people with almost superhuman powers (think Ethan Hunt in «Mission Impossible,» not by psychos and ax murderers (think Freddy Krueger in «Nightmare on Elm Street») but with neurotic people who by their awkwardness and indecision make for a kind of suspense that's different from that of a blockbuster or spy story.
They are both more laborious and more neurotic managers of the self than Nietzsche ever was or could be.
Their story isn't one of redemption, but a salvage operation, whereby the slightly less neurotic person tosses a lifeline to the one who is going under — in other words, a love story, Anderson - style.
i've been known to check Stella for breathing multiple times at night in neurotic dog - not - breathing paranoia so OBVIOUSLY this is a must for me.
I did consider them normal, thinking that we all have a bit of neurotic tendency toward something at some level.
It is rather, to help free him from neurotic anxiety in order that he may meet the normal anxiety constructively.
Although I'm hoping to be slightly less neurotic as a second - time - mum, we are in a house this time, so being able to quickly see if the baby is stirring will save us running up and down the stairs a million times each evening (although I'm sure I will anyway).
Is there hope for neurotic people through the healing power of love?
If young people knew themselves better, they would be less pushed by neurotic needs in their choices of «roommates for life.»
Jesse Eisenberg plays neurotic New Yorker Bobby, travelling to Tinseltown to work for his super-agent uncle, Phil (Steve Carell).
To the degree that one is burdened with neurotic guilt stemming from an authoritarian conscience, one is incapable of experiencing rational guilt.
She pointed out that Freud had drawn his theory of penis envy entirely from neurotic women and that he had ignored the fact that many men suffer from womb envy.
This isn't the «vision» I had of my life during my 20's — the decade when you're supposed to be a little neurotic as you chase down your «visions» and dreams.
Regions where voters have more neurotic personality traits were more likely to vote for Donald Trump in the United States or for the Brexit campaign...
What is essential is not freedom from neurotic conflicts, but a core of inner strength «upon or against which the pupil may begin to build his own firm attitudes.»
Tomoko Takahashi's best known work is the huge, sprawling installation which filled part of the Saatchi Gallery in the New Neurotic Realism show last year.
Yes I can be a bit neurotic about things.
guilt - laden neurotic conflicts about sex and anger, pleasure and assertiveness.
When not tending to their storefronts, any one of your desert denizens can accompany you on your many misadventures, from the most neurotic of ice cream peddlers to a toy merchant crippled with daddy issues.
(13) Neurotic patterns of relating are desperate attempts to prevent oneself from being overwhelmed by this most painful of feelings.
Well, at least it is for alarmist, hand - wringing, nervous - stomach, neurotic mothers like me.
Essentially, more highly neurotic couples who engaged in more frequent sex experienced levels of satisfaction similar to levels of satisfaction reported by couples lower in neuroticism.3
Savoca's knack for capturing nuances of women's everyday life is brilliantly displayed as talk - show television becomes a metaphor for the hectic life of parent and professional and an indicted source of the barriers between motherhood and masculinity which make career moms neurotic messes.
The fear of loving another or of being loved by another in anxiety for loss of self is a common neurotic symptom.
They're not noisy dogs unless they've been made neurotic by poor handling, excessive confinement, etc..
During the 1940s, Dix altered his long - established screen image, allowing himself to play neurotics and psychopaths.
When: July 17th Why: Emma Strong is one of the most charming and entertaining actresses working today, but after the disaster of «Magic in the Moonlight,» does anyone really want to watch another Woody Allen film where she plays the beautiful young woman who helps an older, slightly neurotic man snap out of his midlife funk?
As curator Jens Hoffman suggests, «Evans» willingness to expose interior, often neurotic thoughts makes his work feel honest.
I'm not neurotic about our eating, just informed and conscientious.
criticized the Italian courts» failure to consider: (a) the risk that the child's separation from his mother might leave him with neurotic problems or an illness, (b) the father's failure to visit his son in Latvia since 2006 or (c) whether the father's home was suitable for a young child.
Twenty centuries witness to the effectiveness of such worship in changing men's lives for the better, in bringing release from guilt and freedom from fear, in giving direction and purpose to their striving, and in lifting them out of neurotic self - concern into healthful and creative relationships to their fellows.
Such monkeys became so neurotic that they smashed their infant's face into the floor and rubbed it back and forth.
As a software developer and being somewhat neurotic about orderliness, it is worth pointing out that the analogy between the US Code and a software program simply breaks down when you consider some of the edge cases.
It's the rare Allen comedy where he doesn't insert an Allen - like neurotic character, and the script finds inventive ways to be funny and thoughtful.
Maybe it's because I'm slightly neurotic ^ ^» Anyway, for the past few weekends I've been trying to perfect my recipe for bakery - style muffins.
So - called neurotic persons seek to resolve conflicts between two sides of their needs (e.g., dependency and autonomy) by ignoring one side and exaggerating the other.
Harris explains the practice of meditation and mindfulness as a means to provide «space between impulse and action, so you're not a slave to whatever neurotic obsession pops into your head.»
With an overly oppressive atmosphere and a choppy script, the film is as almost neurotic as its leads.
And these dogs can develop neurotic behaviors if they aren't managed and led properly.
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