Sentences with phrase «neurotic thoughts»

As curator Jens Hoffman suggests, «Evans» willingness to expose interior, often neurotic thoughts makes his work feel honest.
Research suggests that neurotic thought patterns and day - dreaming are similar; both can be categorized under the umbrella of self - generated thought, or cognition that represents information without an obvious link to the current environment.
Perkins also stipulates that not all neurotic thought is conducive to creative breakthroughs.
But while day - dreaming is often positive or neutral, neurotic thinking is always negatively hued.

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Christians, on the other hand, who seem to think the own everything and can tell everyone what to do, need to be treated like any other aggressive neurotic children — firmly denied each and every anti-social desire they have no matter how much they whine or throw a temper tantrum.
And «I'm a neurotic skeptic who thinks she's a Christian most of the time, but hates so much of what Christianity stands for, yet loves the teachings of Jesus, but struggles to actually follow them» tends to frighten people a bit.
Each woman, as patient, thinks these symptoms are unique and are her own fault: she is «neurotic
How would any country in the mid east react if I and 30 Christians hoped in planes and took out 3000 people... (I am not Christian and would likely not ride in a plane with that many neurotic people, but for arguments sake... personally I think religion is the fastest road to hell, but that's another debate)... the answer is simple... Jihad... how do I make such a simple 1 word answer... Ayatollah in Iran... he has a Jihad panic button... Osama Bin Laden... he has one too... that dude in Iran that no one knows or cares how to pronounce... has 2... one for the world and one for Israel... and pretty much anyone with keys to a mosque.
Although psychology, for example, may show that many human relations which are thought genuine are actually neurotic projections from the past and hence I - It, it can not question the fundamental reality of the I - Thou relation nor establish any external, «objectively» valid criteria as to which relations are I - Thou and which I - It.
Do we really think that just because someone has been meditating for five years, or doing 10 years of yoga practice, that they will be any less neurotic than the next person?
They avoided neurotic conflict by a certain emotional self - restriction: they did not want to talk or think too much but felt more comfortable in action, in sports or work.
That's sort of the point when I got all neurotic and thought to myself, oh wait a minute, I hope my cheesecake bars are decent enough to sell on this table of amazingness!
Parents who blame the tongue tie primarily for the child's feeding or speech problems are no longer thought to be either neurotic or fooling themselves.
But that hasn't necessarily been good for the kids whose parents hover over their every thought and action: According to recent studies, college students who have helicopter parents were more likely to be neurotic and dependent, and kids who keep hearing how special they are are likely to turn into narcissists.
Again, my friends think I am neurotic... but with hotdogs I always cut the hotdog length-wise first and then slice it.
At times funny, at times raw, sometimes thought - provoking and always indulging in multiple neurotic behaviors, Good Goog looks for inspiration in the every day.
Like, you think there's actually a chance my kid will remember breastfeeding (a natural, peaceful, comforting experience) as some sexual act that will inevitably turn them into a neurotic or socially subversive weirdo?
So, those who are a little bit more neurotic may be predisposed to negative thinking, over-estimating the negative outcomes of certain events or maybe engaging in critical self - talk.
I'm not talking about this particular quote or these examples to demonstrate that I'm neurotic Although, you might think that now.
And so I don't think we have to be neurotic on calories, but one of the big things that I do find with patients is because most patients come to me with 50 % of their diet being crap to begin with --
It's something you do every day without thinking about it or frantically counting and weighing all day some kind of neurotic lunatic.
As one neurotic overthinker to another I think you look dang fantastic.
You might want to exercise some restraint — constant attention can tread the line into being annoying and neurotic — but the important thing is you think about their voice, their messages, how their idiosyncrasies drive you mad with desire.
Researchers already think they can predict how neurotic we are from our Foursquare check - ins.
Neurotic ism 16 Extra version 93 Openness To Experience 31 Agreeableness 77 Conscientiousness 81 I do not feel nervous in social situations, and have a good impression of what others think of me, however I feel strong cravings and urges that I have difficulty resisting.
Slow of movement and seemingly of thought, Hardy channels Brando as Terry Malloy in On the Waterfront here, not least when he adopts an abandoned pitbull pup and befriends neurotic waitress Nadia, played by an underused Noomi Rapace.
As Mary is played by Bullock, she's supposed to be neurotic, but in a way that makes us think, oh, sure she's got some issues but she's so darn likeable.
I don't think this was ever meant to be anything other than a lighthearted comedic character study of a sweetly neurotic rising t.v. producer.
Recalling the wincingly funny neurotic rabbit holes of Albert Brooks» best work, not to mention White's own previous heartfelt gems about well - meaning fumblers («Year of the Dog,» HBO's «Enlightened»), this bitingly amusing, ultimately emotional story of a dad barely managing an envy - driven midlife crisis — as he shepherds his son on a tour of colleges — has the potential to strike a demographic chord broader than you'd think a white guy's problems would.
She has a neurotic session with her psychiatrist in which she spells out exactly what she thinks she should do while looking for advice.
I did consider them normal, thinking that we all have a bit of neurotic tendency toward something at some level.
I've faltered a bit, from time to time; Kathryn would love to know with whom, and when, but my uncle spoke so graphically to her, years ago, that he managed to instill even future shame — that's the way I think of the service he inadvertently did for me — so that she still can't bring herself to ask outright what the story is with some hulking street kid who has no girlfriend and no friends, who is aging companionably, in the lower Florida Keys, with her bizarre, neurotic brother.
Besides the usual reasons - yes, it REALLY IS that stressed out, neurotic and empty - I thought there must be some way I could create more value for clients, more quickly, cheaply and hassle - free.
In the thirties and forties it was generally assumed that women without husbands and children were neurotic and unfulfilled, even though they themselves may have thought they were having a fine life.
I think modern politics is inherently neurotic and overreactive, which might have always been true of politics.
Originally defined as a neurotic condition peculiar to women and thought to be caused by a dysfunction of the uterus.
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