Sentences with phrase «neutral position between»

Keep your head in a neutral position between your upper arms.
In the long run it is possible that Europe will seek a more neutral position between the United States and this new Asian power.

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While we would agree that current stock valuation levels in the US are somewhere between the upper end of fair value and expensive, we maintain a neutral weight position.
Some funds are market neutral, dividing their exposure equally between long and short positions in an attempt to earn a modest return that is not tied to the market's fortunes.
While the Justice made clear his own preference for pro-life public policies, he argued that in itself democracy is neutral as between competing positions on issues such as abortion and euthanasia.
We are told that Islam nation is a Neutral Nation between two extremes far right and far left «Judaism» «Christianity» so how about you learn about Quran and bring all to the Neutral position.
The NGF molecule has a marked predominance of positively charged amino acids and has a net positive charge at neutral pH. In addition the folded polypeptide chain is stabilized by three covalent sulfur - sulfur bridges between units of the amino acid cysteine at different positions along the chain.
Sit down on a chair keeping your spine in a neutral position and placing a medicine ball or a pillow between your knees.
Proper form requires a hip drive to rapidly swing the Steel Bell from between your legs as you seek to assume a completely neutral standing position.
Keep the head in a neutral position, and slowly lower down between the hands before pushing back to the starting position.
Thus it appears that the peak moment arm length is displayed between 60 degrees of pronation and a neutral forearm position.
Similarly, Jagessar (thesis) reported no difference in pectoralis major muscle activity between a neutral and retracted scapular position, and between arched, neutral and flat lower back positioning.
This means we find that happy medium between the two extremes of our pelvic motion where we have a gentle lumbar curve that gives a slight lift to our tailbone allowing our multifidi muscles to engage, allowing our transversus abdominus muscle to pull against solid interlocked vertebrae, and allowing our pelvic floor muscles to pull against a solid tail bone to contract when needed and come back to a neutral resting position when not being called upon.
Once different construction of response categories are taken into account, the two polls do not differ significantly if those in the neutral position split evenly between pro- and anti-charter when encouraged to do so, as is the case in the PDK poll.
Those holding the neutral position declined from 44 percent to 36 percent between 2009 and 2010, likely reflecting the heightened attention to charter schools in national debates over education reform (see Figure 2).
A fourth Neutral position for the transfer case shifter serves as a transitional position between 4H and 4L.
The double clutch transmission is operated by means of a newly designed electronic selector lever which always returns to its original position after changing between driving mode D, neutral position N and reverse mode.
White their neutral weighting is 60/40 between stocks / bonds, the managers adjust the balance between equity and debt based on which universe is most attractively positioned.
The correct interpretation is that the global mean temperature (GMT), for the last 130 years, from 1880 to 2010, has oscillated like a pendulum between the upper and lower GMT boundary lines, with the global warming trend line as the neutral position of the pendulum, as shown in the following graph.
Now a narrow island painted festive red is positioned between two runs of wooden shaker units painted a balancing neutral oyster.
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